Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (357) Signals for a change of strategy

Suddenly, she frowned and avoided attacks from other undead dragons that were restrained by her. In the same situation where the two teams joined forces, she also directly and completely knocked down two heavy flying units like this.

Let it fall directly below the sea of ​​clouds, and then quickly fall to the ground, I am afraid it will affect the following battle situation like an excessive headache...


(What sound is this? xN)

"It's the dragon! The dragon was beaten down!!!"

"Look at a fart and run away!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! xN"

In fact, it was exactly the same as Ai Jiang had anticipated at the beginning. With the fall of the two undead dragons, it smashed into the battlefield so that the opponent could see the most complacent and proud air force, and now it has become a waste and still wounded. Friendly and ruthless objects...

Similarly~ the two personnel who heard this strange sound of falling from a high altitude began to blindly avoid the devastating blow brought by these two big guys as much as possible...


(This vibrating organ... does not seem to come from a wide-range attack by an enemy air unit! On the contrary, it feels like a huge thing falling directly!)

"Is it possible~ Asuna Chan and the others killed a few undead dragons?"

"It's very possible! Kirito-chan! After all, it is so cumbersome and there are only two points. Most of the undead dragons are likely to be shot down!"

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

Naturally, Kirito and the others, who are also advancing through the thorns and thorns on the ground battlefield, can also feel such a strong vibration. Although it is not sure~ but it can almost make them feel a little relieved!

(If Asuna and the others can knock down both ends! Then we have to work harder too!)

"Liz-chan! How many positions have we traveled now!"

"Eh~ Eh? Location? Let me see~Ah! Hmm~Hmm! Probably about 400 meters from the other side's building, the other side's tunnel can help us reduce a lot of distance and time, why? Is it possible to be Kirito Does Jiang want to attack more ferociously?"

And that is, after perceiving the undead dragon landing on the battlefield directly above, producing extraordinary multiple effects, it also relieved Tongrao's tight nerves in a sense.

After all, he was also afraid of what happened, so he always led Lisbeth with high intensity to the direction of the end of Di Rong Road, even though there were many side roads.

However, when the opponent's forces came out so continuously, it also slightly found the position of the end of the true enemy's camp, so he asked Lisbeth in this way.

(Is it all that deep already?)

"Well~ well! Almost! Since it's so close, you can go up!"

"Eh~ Eh? Now? Isn't it troublesome to go up there? And what should I do with the surroundings?"

"Hmm~hmm! Don't be too aggressive! Kirito-chan! xN"

And when they heard Kirito's order, Lisbet and the others, who were almost choked, began to persuade them like this!

After all, the enemies below have not been cleaned up, and the subsequent reinforcements have not fully kept up. Such an approach will undoubtedly drive them to death. Naturally, Lisbet and the others will stop them as if they are worried.

(Obviously they didn’t understand what I wanted to do, right?)

"You guys! Is it possible that you haven't noticed yet? The enemy and Rao have continued to reinforce, then it means that the enemy and Rao's'summon magic circle' should be hidden here. If you don't leave as soon as possible and make the route into one! Flip it back and forth!"

Seeing that Lisbet didn't understand his true purpose, Kirito pointed to the surrounding entrances and exits with a slight sigh, and frowned at the top directly above!

(That is~ we quickly dig a route that goes up but doesn’t get through, then just climb up to guard the hole and take turns to rest, right? xN)

"That being said~ then why is it above? Isn't it better to be beside and below?"

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

After hearing Tong Rao's explanation, Lisbeth had a slight brow, then slightly squinted her eyes and pointed to the surroundings and underground to retort him, and the mother and daughter Aisha who also slightly agreed with her responded together. .

(It's really a group of guys whose heads can't turn around! But ~ this is also their flaws and shortcomings, which is naturally understandable!)

‘Hu~hu~hu, hu~hu~hu, bang~click~

"Then think about what would happen if you dig the other side and open up the other party's tunnel?"

"Uh~h... it only increases the direction of defense...xN"

"Very good! If we encounter a large-scale ground attack underground, and the resulting man-made earthquake does not strengthen the support point in time, what will happen to us?"

"Uh~h... will be buried alive, and it will take a lot of magic and physical energy to slowly climb up again... well~ we see! Compared to other directions~ it is possible to go up again. Digging an escape route in troublesome situations is naturally much better than other directions! xN"

But after Kirito moved quickly with two one-handed swords and killed the other undead sergeants who attacked him, he showed compassion for the mentally retarded and reminded him by analogy.

Although Lisbet and the others didn't understand it at first, under the guidance of Tongrao's words and clues, they realized how cute their thoughts were, and they even dared not question Kirito anymore.

(It seems~ they have fully understood it!)

"Then what are you waiting for! This is something that your lovely action-lovers should be good at! The three of you open up your way up, and I and the rock warriors around me will cover your actions!"

"Understood! x3"

"Boom~boom~boom, swoop~ swoop, wow~ wow~ wow"

After confirming that Lisbeth and the others have completely changed back to obedient and now they are moving toward the center of their ready-made circular formations, so desperately cutting the way, Tong talents are more focused on facing the surrounding enemies. ...

‘咻~咻~咻, Zi~ Zi~ Zi, 嗵~嗵~嗵, 嘭哐~嘭哐’

"Ah~ah giaa~aaa...xN"


(It’s really a group of troublesome things. When two of them were dead and one was entangled, they were attacking the enemy and us indiscriminately! This is a good time for the two teams that had just maintained a low loss situation in the early stage. Fleeing and flying away scattered like half destroyed!)

"Cut~Cut! The price is too high! It's not a few good opportunities, I'm afraid we can't even get it down!"

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