Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (368) The second one has the tricky ‘low-level...

"Yeah~Yeah! It's really a ghost of you! After all, I have some clues. I really can't find your location and trace in your situation, so I will try to reshape you Stone body, I didn’t expect that your hard work made me temporarily subdue this big thing! Master Chief!"

"Oh ~ ~ Oh Oh ...... you will not take my little master practical joker! Conscientious dedication just like I can help you do the things it ...... so please spare it ......"

  ‘Wow~Da, GaDa~KaDa, Da~Da~Da’

   And in a sudden burst out of Asuna, after finding this rock knight who had completely recovered but had just consumed a lot of magic power, she came to it and offered a helping hand.

Naturally, although he is still a little tired, the rock knight who can barely stand up and hold Asuna Yu's hand, just swayed and tremblingly stood up, and followed her slowly to the side for less than 300 meters. The glowing'low-level summoning magic circle' is next to it!

(Sure enough, as the squadron said, it is indeed another magic circle here, but ~ why is there a magic circle with the same complex defense in this place besides a myocardial wall? This is also a puzzle before. My place...)

   "Is it possible~ There is a mystery in this? Well~ Well! Captain, go and take advantage of the fact that the people here are affected by my fighting with the monster, and almost wipe out the situation. Go to the other side and ask people to come and defend!"

   "I'm afraid~ this magic circle will still consume a lot of our time, so I let it stop functioning first, and change the direction to make our replenishment point a little easier!"

   "Understood! Lord! You can be more careful!"


   It didn't take long for Asuna to observe this almost indistinguishable "low-level summoning magic circle" at such a close distance as Asuna, after a while, Asuna thought carefully.

   just signaled to the rock knight on the side that he wanted to stay to suspend its utility, and let it, which was still a little shaky but able to walk, go to ask the other team for help...

   "Then~ The next step is to solve your residual stuff first!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, huh~huh, bang~bang~bang’

"Ah ah ah ah ~ / ~ Gala Gala ...... xN"

   ‘Da~Da~Da, Wow~Wow!"

   And also after confirming that the Rock Knight has gone far, in such a short time point, this magic circle that has not been suppressed has produced a wave of miscellaneous soldiers and undead.

   So in order to better complete the task, Asuna can only hold the double rapier in her hand and suppress it at the fastest speed!


   (OK! The garbage is cleaned up, then give it priority to inject my magic power, interrupt the user's original command when it comes, and then slowly improve and explore!)

  ‘Om~Om~Om, Wow~Wow~Wow’

   also spent less than tens of seconds in Asuna, these ordinary soldiers with combat power just turned into ashes directly, or scattered all over the ground like scum!

However, no matter how they can be reborn, they are now turned into fly ash like a dead oil lamp, and the foul-smelling liquid has completely lost its original healing power. It is very likely ~ it is low-level and various factors such as the magic power assigned to them. Will it make such a situation, right?

   (Well~ well! Anyway~ as long as it is not reborn, it will help a lot. After all, another characteristic of undead creatures is that no matter what they become, they can use magic power as a substitute for consumption!)

   (Let it regain a new life and then come to entangle and consume the enemy's physical strength, energy, and magic! And now its direct silence is also a good advantage for me!)

   "In that case~ let me quiet you in this magical circle, what is the difference from the other one! Behind the scenes!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣, Zi~ Zi~ Zi'

   After confirming that the enemy's body parts were scattered around and completely lost the magic response, Asuna, who was a little relieved, injected her own magic power as planned and stopped its original function in time.

   Then he was so focused, using this magical power that stopped its action, and began to explore the various inscriptions and their combined defenses in a deeper level.

  ‘Da~Da~Da, 唰啦~唰啦’

   "Quick~Quick! Teams 1~3 go to the location of the young master to guard, teams 4~6 will guard all the other entrances in this location, and the rest of the personnel will perform inspections, assistance and defense tasks! xN"

   "Understand! Chief! xN"


   also when Asuna focused on dealing with the second ‘low-level summon magic circle’, he killed several other rock knights all the way from the other side.

   took a lot of new mass-produced rock warriors, and hurried to his side and the rest of the ventricle to carry out garrison, patrol, and assistance tasks.

   The enemy’s reinforcements outside the heart are still constantly pressing on them, but they are not suffering from insufficient numbers and suffering as before.

  Especially now that I can have a large number of recruits in rotation supply even relying on the terrain advantages to make a man and a man to open the situation.

   It can be said to maximize the defense strength of all the defenders, and there are a lot of advantages slightly, so that all the rest of the personnel can rest on the battlefield before entering the battlefield!

   (The situation can be said to be completely reversed. It is not as before too much to face the absolute difference in force, and the frequent attacks of the enemy without retreating, so we are more than enough!)

(But~ I still don’t understand...Why is the young master full of endless interest in the second magic circle? Obviously there is one, then can’t it be over if the other is destroyed? It saves time and effort. Are you happy?)

   "Uh~ uh... can you understand the young master's thoughts?"

   "To tell you the can't, after all, although one more magic circle will benefit us a little bit more, but the time lost is irreparable!"

   "Yes...but outside it is not that she can only act without distorting her own consciousness, otherwise it is us who will be punished!"


   And the defensive ability here has improved to a certain extent, after a large number of rock knights are free.

   They turned their heads one by one and looked in the direction of Asuna, who was still working hard, and then they discussed with each other about what she was doing now.

   After all, they all understand the general superficial principles, but there is still no way to understand what the strange thing Asuna discovered...

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