Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (409) is getting more and more on the first floor of the battle...

Feeling that the pressure in her heart has increased a lot, the beast mother Aisha squeezed her jade fist so tightly that she broke out a lot of cold sweat.

But even if she knew that she had the strength of her daughter, she still didn't necessarily win this Varudo situation, she still mustered up the courage to visualize two giant battle axes with long handles.

Then dragged on the ground like this, followed by a fierce step and a good azure magic sword skill halo, just as unstoppable from the side charged towards the direction of Varudo!

(Mom actually stepped forward? Then I can't admit defeat! Especially the monster in front of me!)


【Joint Attack Sword Skill-Spiral Strangling Bombardment】

‘Om~Om~Om, huh~huh"

And that is to see the beast mother Aisha, who is behind her, raising the two long-handled tomahawks as if they were the same horse, just like this, keeping the continuous charge of mopping the ground.

Lisa, who felt she couldn't sit still, also showed that good claws, followed by with the same good magical charging sword skills.

With the help of the beast lady Aisha, who accelerates the air flow in front of her, moves forward through a storm of magical sword skills, as if they are transformed into azure and dark blue, and there is a straight turbulent air current, leaving a deep semi-circular arc on the ground .

It almost completely sealed the gap in the space here, and charged straight towards Varudo who hadn't made much movement!

(It’s a bit interesting! If there is no wrong induction! It is a kind of softening the two special harmonious magic powers together, and then forming a complex number and spin to evolve it from the most basic intermediate high-level power directly to a high-level superior, even It is said that there is no pure freezing and shock effect offensive like capping at all!)

"Of course there is no chance to escape! But I didn't have to escape from the beginning!"

【Brave Crit】

‘Boom~bang, buzz~buzz, buzz, buzz, boom, boom, dingding~dangdang, da~da~da’

And just like this, it can almost be judged that there is no way to avoid it, and it can even threaten his own life. Under a fierce offensive, Varudo is not too panic and afraid!

Conversely, it can be said that the inexplicable warrior is exhilarating, or it can be said that the blood is surging and can't stop trembling with joy! That's right~ Even if it knows that this attack is still going on, because the two mothers and daughters want to kill themselves with a single blow, they are in a terrifying situation that is thriving.

However, it was as if the martial idiot's attribute points were full, and after such a slam step, it was accompanied by a crimson magical sword skill halo.

In the process of charging, he continued to spin his body and the double hatchets in his hand, and suddenly hit with himself like a head-to-head!

The violent sound like a volcanic eruption has shaken the sky and the mountains have shaken everything here. I am afraid that if it is not for holding or grasping the surrounding ground, wall gaps, boulders, etc., then these battles Out of the rock warriors, no one can stand as firm as possible...

And the two light blobs, one red and one blue, which collided with each other, now as if they were at a stalemate, they kept touching and wiping out a large number of orange-red sparks outside the contact position.

Both of them did not have a trace of confusion or hesitation. Instead, they gave up all their strengths as if they wanted to kill the other party in their hearts, and decided to pay the victory and defeat under this blow to draw the next stop to complete this battle...

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‘Ding Ding~Dangdang, 哐~哐~哐’

The two light clusters as a whole are now slowly condensing and becoming smaller, and they are like two gyros, gradually widening back and forth and even allowing them to move with each other.

Come here to change the orbital way! Let the two continue to follow their respective peculiar motion trajectories, without a trace of deviation, about 368 consecutive rounds of blasting collisions!

And this kind of action is also because they are aware of the constant collision with each other! If it is just to maintain the former's seemingly powerful magical aura condition.

In fact, there is no way to effectively increase the qualitative effect of your own attacks, but a sense of sight that is too scattered and powerless!

Conversely, the more the magic power that protects the surroundings is concentrated, not only can the overall impact, penetration, and destruction attack strength be increased, but the consumption of magic power can be much reduced than the former!

In this situation, the amount of magic released by the two parties has increased to the point that neither party has experienced or even used it!

After all~ for these three armed factions, this may be the first time that they have used such a blessing method to reach the maximum limit of their own armed forces!

‘Boom~ Rumbling, Boom~ Boom, Ding~ Boom, Zi~ Zi~ Zi’

(It's so fierce... So what can we do in this kind of battle? It's as if I can't help at all...xN)

"Goo~ Lu"

Seeing the good scenery of the two sides fighting each other as if they were alone, the rock warriors who gathered at the door but were unable to act, swallowed in such awe-inspiring way and looked at each other's situation.

After all, although the magical brilliance of the two has been reduced to a visual thinness that only wraps three people in a circle, if it is through the visual feedback of ‘magic perception’.

I am afraid that this magical film as thick as a piece of paper at least contains a highly concentrated ‘self’s magic power’ that is almost comparable to the concentration of several strategic grade magic.

It also means ~ the battle between the two, their intervention is nothing more than a pointless act of seeking a dead end, which leads to them whispering and discussing with each other like a group of dragons without a leader...

(No! The current space is back to its original Then we can take the risk to follow the path of the young master and the others, and then secretly move forward or even quickly evade the passage, and we should be able to wake up the other side. Let the owner leave this dangerous zone! xN)

(Think carefully! Since our personnel arrived at this place, we have not seen the subordinates surrounding this high-level undead leader! Is it possible~ Is it really the same person? xN)

"Eh~ Eh, teams 1~5, move as far as possible along the sides to save the other host! Other personnel will supply the personnel according to the situation! Everyone will bring up the spirit of twelve points and complete the only task we can complete. !XN"

"Understood! Captain! xN"

‘Da~Da~Da, dong~dong~dong, dingding~dangdang, bang bang~ bang bang, gada~ gada’

And at this point in time when Varudo and the beast mother Aisha are allowed to fight, they are not reconciled to be a group of useless rock knights!

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