Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 35: The brilliance of the portal and the armored man who came suddenly

"I don't know how Yun was talking with that Lord Diss! Some small worries!"

Kirito, who left the back door of the tavern with everyone, was holding hands by Asuna, who was stuck to him, but he was still muttering and walking down the street. As a result, he felt the intense jealousy beside him, and turned his head to look at Asuna, who was already looking at him with complaining eyes.

"Could we not mention that annoying guy when we are alone?"

Asuna pulled Kirito in front of her and told him.

(How do you hate the cloud? Is it possible that something unpleasant happened to the two? Or are they eating me jealous? Are you afraid that I will lean toward the cloud side?)

"Asuna-chan! Your eyes are so terrible! It feels like you are going to eat me! Alright, alright! Let's not talk about it!"

Kirito stretched out his hands helplessly to assure Asuna, after all, he is now being held hostage by Asuna! If you upset her, you don’t know what you will be forced to do, such as the overlord’s bowing like before...

"That's right~ Well! That's almost the same~ Well! Although the **** guy sent us a task! But it's okay to let it go! Exactly! Let's see if there is any good stuff from the old man and Xiaomi Come on! It's time to change equipment!"

Seeing how Kirito was following her honestly, Asuna happily ran to the forge in the town with her fingers intertwined.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Slow down! Asuna-chan! If you run like this, you may fall!"

Kirito was violently dragged down and followed Asuna to gallop on the street, but they saw the familiar light blue halo when they passed the teleportation stone in the center of the town, as if someone teleported over!

(At this time? Someone uses the teleportation stone? It's not right! What should be the case!)

"Wait! Asuna-chan! There seems to be a situation! It stands to reason that our teleportation stone has not been used yet! Let's go there and see!"

Seeing this, Kirito frowned, and in turn pulled Asuna to a halt!

(Damn it! Why do you always feel that it is hard to be with Kirito-chan, when you are ready to cultivate your relationship alone! There will always be someone or something to disturb! It's really annoying!)

"Really? Okay! After all, this kind of emergency should be given priority!"

Asuna looked at the situation on the teleportation stone, bit her lip unwillingly, and then followed Kirito in that direction.

" this the portal? It feels exactly the same as that time! I don't know how they are? Did they come into this world?"

With the end of the light blue halo, a man with a big red cloak and a metal armor behind him slowly walked out of the teleportation stone, and he was still digging around, as if he was looking for something.

"Kadam~ Kadam"

The metal footsteps returned to the vicinity of the teleportation stone, and Kirito in the distance was very familiar with the sound, as if he had heard a similar sound somewhere.

(Very familiar...Is it an illusion? I don't know any players who like to use heavy armor!)

Kirito, who shook his head, still led Asuna to the armored man's direction.


Hearing the approaching footsteps of Kirito and the others, the armor man suddenly turned around and put his hand on the handle of a knife on his waist.


The armored man lowered his body very seriously and made a slashing gesture.

"who are you?"

Asuna swiftly grasped her body on the thin hilts between her left and right waists, and Kirito was also very serious and stretched out the hilts of the two one-handed swords on her back.

(Two weapons? Is it possible that these two girls can dual-wield? It's not right! This skill is the only one that I am familiar with in the world and the three of mine can do it! Is it possible that they are? The temperament is not like the Aisha at the time! Will they be their friends?)

"Will the two ladies be able to use dual wielding?"

Seeing this familiar posture armored man was obviously a little moved, he kept drawing his sword and asked Kirito and the others.

(Dual wielding? This word can't appear in the population outside of us? Is he a friend? Or is it someone who accidentally realized dual wielding by chance?)

"Asuna-chan! Behind me! Put away our posture first!"

Feeling the possibility, Kirito returned to his usual standing posture, and put Asuna behind him.

"But! Kirito-chan! How can he easily relax his vigilance because he is still an unknown person?"

Asuna looked at Kirito in front of him worriedly, and the armored man obviously changed after hearing Asuna's name.

"Kirito? Are you that Kirito?"

For some reason, the armor man was surprised to return to his normal standing posture, feeling full of curiosity or doubt under his helmet, looking up and down the current Kirito.

(Hmm~hmm? Know my name? Is it true that I am an acquaintance? But what is the situation with that unbelievable look? And...Don't look at my whole body so carefully! Where are you looking? what?)

"Aren't you rude to see me like this?"

When Kirito realized something, he subconsciously covered his important parts with his hands, looking as pitiful as a shy and beautiful girl who was stared at by xx.

(Okay! It's actually a xxx! I dare to look at my cute Kirito sauce like this! This **** is unforgivable!)

"You xxx! What are you doing? Did you look at girls like this? Believe it or not, I used a sword to dig out your **** eyeballs!"

When Asuna saw the situation of the armored man, she came to Kirito and held up the thin sword on her waist, and pointed the tip of the sword to the armored man's nose to warn him!

"No~no no! It's not...I don't...really...I just..."

The armor man was panicking this minute, and he was still majestic just now. This minute, he waved his hands desperately like being falsely accused of being a voyeur.

"Don't quibble! I think you should be caught and thrown into the cell! You must never come out to harm a girl! You clearly dress so well! But do these nasty things! Come! Get me arrested! stand up!"

The current Asuna is like Kirito's flower protector, being very rude to this armored man. And she also used the ‘troop instruction’ to dispatch the nearest corps of local soldiers to encircle the armored group. The armored man in this minute really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't be cleaned up.

"No! I can't believe that the Kirito I know and this Kirito are two different things! Believe me! I am really just a little confused! I just made the rude behavior just now! I know I was wrong!"

The armor man desperately raised his hands to express that he was and his words were in the eyes of this five locals and Asuna, they were the **** rejections after molesting the Liang family women, but he heard him What Kirito said, frowned, and stopped the arrest of Asuna and a soldier.

"Wait a minute! Let him finish! Asuna-chan! Come over to me first!"

This minute, Kirito was very powerful. His squeak shook a group of soldiers and Asuna. Seeing Kirito’s serious leadership temperament, Asuna had to shut up and walked behind him obediently. The soldiers also loosened the body of the armored man and stood by.

(This feeling! Yes, although there are some changes! It's actually Kirito! I didn't expect to meet...he? Or she?)

After looking at the familiar but unfamiliar male woman Kirito in front of the armor man, he held his elbow with one hand and put his cheek in the other and began to think about whether the Kirito in front of him was a male or a female...Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

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