Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (428) Very lucky medium-sized dragon dragon rider...

So while pinning her hopes on them, she is also doing everything she should do...

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom!"

(Cut~Cut...These things are really annoying! Not only have a solid defense that can resist us to a certain degree, but the artillery fire ability is still leveraged, and we don't dare to hard-wire it at will! This is why they keep the enemy. The main reason they are holding us down! x3)

【How to do? Do you want to hit the fire directly one by one? 】

[No~That way, before chasing that dragonman, the magic power will be wasted. It is better to find opportunities to use our stronger acceleration ability than them, and try to escape from their attack range for a while! 】

[Well, let’s do that! Hmm~hmm? ? ? This high magic power reacts quickly so familiar! Do you also have any impressions? 】

[That said... It's really familiar... x2]

Naturally, the rock dragons in Zone A are trying their best to defeat or discuss how to get rid of these annoying medium-sized undead flying units.

It suddenly approached the magic reaction at a high speed from a distance, making them all squinted their eyes to confirm each other.

【I remembered! It is a special throwing device that accelerates the track! Why would my lord use such a less-used method to deliver something to the enemy's escape route? I don’t understand at all...x3]

After all, this kind of phenomenon made him particularly concerned as if they were familiar there too, until the magical power was almost visible to the naked eye.

Just like a azure meteor, the projectiles existed. Since they were bombarded in the direction of the escaped undead giant dragon people without any deviation, they suddenly thought of the differences in their wide-eyed eyes...

"Boom~boom~boom, wata~ wata"

"Oh oh~ oh oh oh... to die~ to die! xN"

‘Huh~huh~huh! "

The same is also true for the three giant rock dragons located in Area A, while they are still responding to the enemy’s remaining containment medium-sized flying units. These dropped personnel who have just entered Area A are as if they were turned upside down one by one. A lot of dizziness.

After all, such a violent impact was not originally used to directly cast a life-bearing target, so the situation of stumbling and bumping into the flying dragon's mouth would be a very painful period of time.

To be honest, even the medium-sized rock dragon, who was completely under the pressure of this huge centrifugal force, kept its mouth tightly closed as if it could not stand it.

For fear that if you open it up carelessly, the rock warriors in his mouth will be thrown into a super-acceleration situation very ruthlessly.

And just because of their small bodies, I am afraid that it will not take long after they come out, it will be like a meteorite that has been over-burned to reduce its volume, and there is no **** that is completely crushed...

Therefore, the situation of constantly rolling in the air and rolling clockwise has already caused them to be too dizzy and completely unable to find North...

‘咻~咻~咻, 嘭哐~嘭哐’

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh...what? Is the enemy's long-range attack?" 000 Literature

"Huh~hu~hu, huh~huh"

At the same time when they were completely unable to control themselves, it was a coincidence that they directly hit the back of the undead dragon who was still sneaking into the magical interference black mist, constantly speeding up the escape.

However, because the violent acceleration effect was too violent, it was evenly welded to the position where the opponent could not touch the shoulder blades on his back.

Moreover, the damage caused was still very arrogant behind it, directly smashing a large hole with a depth of several tens of meters, allowing the medium-sized flying dragons to break into the enemy's body without knowing it.

It also made this big guy unknown, so he kept trying to scratch these damaged areas, and even made him look around like a huge body, trying to figure out where the source of the attack suddenly appeared...

‘Boom~ boom~ boom, batter~ batter, batter, batter, buzzer’

"Oh~h~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Go straight into the target body, right?"

"Captain! Cough~cough~cough... As you said, I'm afraid this is the body of the enemy undead dragon who is going to flee! What should we do now? xN"


‘Boom~Boom~Boom, wow~wow’

There was also a violent impact, and the rock warriors in the mouth of the flying dragon that had been smashed to the head, after they forcibly opened the mouth of the flying dragon one by one, they just rolled out of it and hit it a little sticky Meaty texture on the surface.

Naturally, after he almost shook his head and barely recovered his vision after using it, and after slowly confirming their approximate locations, they would reconfirm each other in such an excited manner.

"Don't expect too much, let's dig out the flying dragon that kept us in first! After all, we still have the strongest attack firepower right now or these big guys!"

"Understand! xN"

"Pattern~Pattern, patter~Pattern"

And after confirming the general situation of his location, and being trapped in the carrion and temporarily unconscious over the medium-sized rock flying dragon, the rock knight immediately dispelled their excessive excitement, and then directed them to dig the dragon together...


"With the intelligence of the interceptors sent out was fed back to the young master! Now all units are in a surviving condition, but ~ only all the flying dragons are in a fainting situation, I am afraid they are The situation is not very good!"

"Is that so? So are they falling to the ground or where? After all, they can immediately report back the situation, and if they survive collectively and are only in a coma, I am afraid that they have already landed somewhere, right?"

Also on the other side of Aichan, who was still focusing on fighting the undead dragons in Zone C, immediately received the intermittent intelligence from Zone A that belonged to the medium dragoons.

Naturally, he understood the Aichan in their current situation, and then checked the rock warriors on the side with sweat so much.

After all, the dragons have passed out, so it should be where they crashed into the situation. If they are still on the acceleration trajectory, they will not be able to accurately give back in the first time! This is one of the few shortcomings in another battle...

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