Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Inscription technique borrowed from Christmas Eve and Christmas (474)

And that is, after seeing this home court that is very in line with the characteristics of the undead, and the sense of sight, as if the fire in her heart suddenly rushed up, she hurriedly ordered the rock dragon.

Knowing that Asuna was also a bewildered rock dragon for a while, he reminded it to reply immediately.

After all, it also has the ability to be vigilant when the commander is in a spirited manner. This is also a matter of its purpose to ensure that its master is always sensible at all times! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"What are you talking about? No~no...I'm not calm enough, so I would yell at you again in this situation! Thank you! Rock dragon! If not reminded in time~ I'm afraid I can get it again. Problem!"

[It’s okay, this is my duty, but what should I do next? After all, the enemy's defense is still very careful! 】

Naturally, Asuna, who could not vent her anger at first, seemed to remember something when she was so angry, and calmed her mind and body as much as possible.

Also after fully recovering, Asuna deeply apologized to him. After all, if he continues to develop like just now, I am afraid that her old problems will be the same as her, leaving her with a lot of mental state. .

"In fact, he is even more suspicious in this way. If you don't believe me, think about it carefully~ In retrospect, did you find any singularities in the plural attacks just now?"

[This~this...what my lord means is~ the more they work hard like this, the more they cover up what they want to cover up? 】

And that is, after hearing what Asuna said, it seemed that the giant rock dragon recalled something, so he questioned him in this way.

"Ah~Ah! Although I'm not quite sure yet, I think there should be a way to let the other party come out by themselves! So ~ I have to use other magic scrolls to help!"

[Ha~Ha~Ha, no matter what choice my lord makes, as long as it is not meaningless, we will follow around! 】

"Thank you! So~ let's get started!"

"Huh~hu~hu, huh~huh"

【Fixed point air burst】

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣’

After confirming to stabilize his state of mind, and also slightly feeling the tricky actions of many enemies before, he re-concretized the next magic scroll in this way, and suddenly opened the scroll as if it floated in mid-air.

With a white magic halo wrapped around the giant rock dragon outside Asuna, a large amount of concentrated magic power in the next second seems to disappear by their side as if disappearing...

‘Di~di~di, zi~zi~zi’

(What's going on? Why is there such a reminder of double life-saving ability like a loud voice? But I didn't sense any strangeness around it?)


[I understand that nature is also speeding up the thorough investigation through magic calculations, don't be too nervous, after all, that will only make you panic and make the wrong choice! 】

"But~but!!! It~ it! It's coming!!!"

"Om~Om~Om, 喤~喤~喤, 嘣哐~嘣哐" Xiaotao Chinese

"Ah ah ah ah ~ ~ Gada Gada giaa ~ aaa ...... xN"


‘Boom~ boom~ boom, boom~ boom~ boom, hoo~ hoo~ hoo’

But it didn't take long for Asuna's magic power to disappear. The ‘dangerous perception’ reminder, like a high-level alarm, kept beating in the minds of the undead giant dragons as if they had exploded.

And this time invisible and invisible and unable to sense the ability to have magical power, it can be said that the undead dragons of the person involved were scared to look around and panic, calling Gruut.

Naturally, Gruut, who was constantly calculating and speculating while comforting it, felt that he couldn't understand what magic Asuna used?

In order to achieve this situation where pressure can be applied invisibly, for a while, he will be sweating a lot and quickly roll the keyboard to respond...

But while it was still saying what it was, in the next second, the undead giant dragons around or even farther away, there were spatial abnormalities like high distortion effects.

However, when its height is distorted to the final state, countless direct bursts or twists are affected by the effects of the space position, and suddenly a large number of undead dragoons who have established a "combined formation magic defense sword skill" in the smoke screen, each emit different degrees The wailing sound.

Then it was made into many pieces of flesh and broken bones, and fell directly to the ground. Naturally, this seemingly indistinguishable high-level also spread to the body of the undead giant dragon.

It was also attacked to a certain degree, and now there were several through-cuts on the limbs or body, struggling in mid-air like so much pain...

(That's it~ is it space magic? But such a large-scale space magic attack, although it belongs to the advanced and above strategic magic, why the effect will be reduced so much...)

"Is it possible~ the magic power is not pure enough? No~ no, judging from the final feedback of the magic power loop of the attacked unit, the quality of the magic power is still very good, and there is no attenuation at all..."

"Or it is ...... Oh ~ Oh ~ Oh, I understand your problem, and it is no wonder there is no first time to use it, if we do so in turn also easy to handle a lot!"

"Wow~wow~wow, dick~di~di"

Naturally, after seeing his subordinates through magic feedback, they were all attacked by such unexpected magical attacks!

Gruut, who was slightly puzzled, suddenly understood why Asuna had to hide for so long before using such effective magic as if he had got a good hypothesis.

So I just showed a slight smile and started to quickly control the magic screen in front of to give another headache to the deadly undead giant dragon people to give new orders...

(My body...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I didn't expect the enemy to be able to twist the magic of the space like this, if this kind of thing comes again several times, we won't be really dead!)

"Damn...Is it really the time for an absolute desperate predicament?"


"Ha~ ah? What do you mean? Do you want to do this next? I really don't understand what their superiors think like this! But there is no way, after all, who told us that the brains of our subordinates are not good! I can't understand it at all. What do you want! But now I can only spare it!"

"Huh~hu~hu, papa~papa"

Naturally, the undead dragon people who were overly negatively impressed by Asuna on the front line are still talking to themselves while holding the wound with their big hands.

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