Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (478) are all pretending to be ghosts

The undead dragon people who felt that their strategy had worked completely, showed a malicious smile like this, and then attacked the rock dragon at the same time.

He also took the initiative to slightly bias his attack direction, and destroyed his rival's other enemies under its attack. It was cruel and unscrupulous!

It can be seen that in order to force Gruut to take the initiative to protect it, even if he gave him a large amount of overnight shit, Gruut must forcibly swallow him with a smile for his own purposes.

Not to mention how suffocated and helpless, after all, if this undead dragon is not saved, then its strength and even its defense purpose will definitely not be completed!

So now that they are reluctantly constraining Kirito and their frontal encirclement and suppression power will be completely useless after a period of time, then the next second will be the isolated and helpless Jedi fight...


[Have you heard? How much trouble have you caused me, brat, do you understand enough? 】

In such a situation of being forced and helpless, I looked at the only remaining personnel carrying the'Summon Magic Array at all levels'. At a handful of points in time, Gruut could only gritted his teeth at the other end of the undead dragon. Make a conversation.

(Of course I know, how else could you take the initiative to subdue at this point in time?)

"Ah~ah! I understand! After all, I saw the enemy's suspected commander. Anyway, I have to find a way to cover the escape of my teammates, and then sacrifice my own existence. It is better to kill the opponent's commander directly and turn it into a piece of loose sand. Isn't it better?"

After hearing the other Gruut talk with himself about the situation as if with a tone of reproach, he rolled his eyes and said so very reasonable sophistry.

[But your so-called "cover" attack is a situation where you should be ruthlessly knocked down by the team that you should have been humbled? Do you know how many key protection targets you have hit? 】

(Of course I understand. Otherwise, how could it be possible to exchange this conversation about your desire to save me?)

"Is that so? Most of my compatriots don't care about the consumed items, and I don't remember those who have mission goals, so I thought those sacrificed compatriots were consumables! I'm really sorry, boss!"

Similarly, the undead dragon people who knew what they had done naturally continued to quibble with them so much.

After all, it can't take the initiative to admit that it did it deliberately, otherwise it is likely to let some smaller companions privately take away the'high-level summoning magic circle' from its body, and then throw it here to fend for itself. It's really a lot of trouble.

For this reason, he quietly set up magic traps that are effective for his own people around the ‘Advanced Summoning Magic Circle’ in his body.

So I was going to use this very life-saving hole card to continue to force a certain Gruut, who always counts others, to act in harmony with him!

(This guy always feels full of tricks, but... he monitors the magic feedback of their subordinates, but there is no abnormal feedback situation, which proves that this guy is not lying?)

"That's good! Kid! I order you to report back to me about your current tasks and main course of action!" Dream Chinese


(This is...Is it the most precise way of interrogating my soul through the magic circuit to directly use the imprisonment of the soul? But ~ don't forget the power of this authority! My lord!)

"Uh~hh... survive and cover all the compatriots, flee this place together, and return the main **** target to the main defensive target behind! Haha~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... what……"

And that is to say, after Gruut began to suspect that the undead dragon might be betrayed, he immediately used the direct inquiry method of its soul.

This thing made the undead giant dragon people reveal their true intentions originally in the soul consciousness. Of course, it understands this effect, in fact, it has already had countermeasures and precautions!

That's why I confessed my true meaning in this way, that is, my desire to survive, and at the same time, he also gave back to the other Gruut the other side's course of action that he originally planned to still implement.

Of course, this kind of torture is not an easy situation. For the undead giant dragon being tortured, it is just like a pair of big hands stuck in its throat and wants to kill it.

So after replying to the words that were neither completely true but not all false, and capable of deceiving this technique, it was panting desperately as if it was reluctant to breathe...

(Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh indeed there is no problem, but what's going on with this feeling of something wrong? well~well! as long as it doesn't have the heart to defect, then the way of coping on the soul imprisonment will naturally be no problem. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. No response……)

"In that case~ I can only believe it temporarily, and slowly and strictly interrogate it after everything is over!"

【listen! Your mission remains the same, but you should not attack the following personnel! One or more people must escape wherever possible, so that you can survive! 】

And that is, after taking advantage of this almost absolute enforcement ability, without forcing the undead giant dragon people to reveal another true intention.

It is still questioning the truth of what it is doing, but now there is no time for it to interrogate it slowly, after all, that side is still at war!

If it is forced to be unable to move because of this, all the units carrying the ‘Summon Magic Array at all levels’ fall into the enemy’s hands or are completely destroyed!

Then all it did was nothing but useless work... Naturally, after it became clear that the situation was still very urgent, it could only trust it for the time being and re-issue the task.

(Ha~Ha~Ha... have you barely cleared the level? Then I will find a way to get rid of your control completely!)

"Everything depends on the boss! I will go all out to make a **** road for my compatriots and myself!"

And that is, after finally obtaining Gurut’s continued credit, he continued to think about the situation in his heart and responded to his duplicity, and then once again concentrated on the battle in his hand...

‘Om~Om~Om, Bom~ Bom~ Bom, Bom~ Bom, Wow~ Wow!’

(Hmm~hmm? The enemy's attack strength suddenly returned to normal value again! And its main attack direction is on my side?)

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