Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (481) Ai Jiang's recovery and return to the battlefield...


‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~ 咣~ 咣, duo~ duo, gada~ gada"

Asuna, who also closed his eyes, mastered the current healing magic effect and speed by directly acting on the magic power of the two giant rock dragons.

Feeling satisfied, he nodded slightly, and then after getting the reply from the two big guys, he increased the supply of magic power in his hands! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

(I can feel it~ The magic control of the young master is indeed a lot of exquisiteness. If the magic flow rate is like this and then restored, I am afraid it will be completed in a short while! x2)

[Although we were too useless before, wait for the next battle to redouble our efforts! Otherwise, I'm sorry to go to the logistics side to repair the young master for us! 】

【understand! Hmm~hmm! Look, old buddy, who are our dragoons dragging over again! 】

[Ou~Ou? This is a bit interesting! 】

‘Boom~ boom, boom~ boom, boom~ boom~ boom’

In the same situation where Asuna once again accelerated the purity and supply of magic power, the two rock dragons that benefited a lot were chatting directly with each other in this way.

But at this point in time that should be said to be particularly boring, some dark shadows of carrying something appeared in a hurry from other passages, and it suddenly attracted the attention of the two big guys.

After seeing each other's situation clearly, it should be possible that Asuna knew that after the previous battle on the Ai-chan battlefield, there was no possible recovery personnel.

Several teams of Rock Dragoons who had been sent out privately in the middle of the journey were taking the initiative to take the role of recovery mission personnel. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

And they carry a large number of sparsely beaten dragons in another battlefield, but they can still find the main rock dragon. Among them, there are also the rock dragons that have been carrying Aijiang out of danger and merged with the recovery team. internal.

So when these two rock dragons saw it so horrible, another high-ranking commander, Ai Jiang, was also seriously injured, so he felt all the blame or how he was responsible for the follow-up...


"Hey~ old buddy~ give us the little lord first!"

"Oh my God! This is the kind of battle that can cause such devastating damage!"


"Oh~oh! Let's do emergency treatment first!"


‘Sw~tah, tahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~

(This magical feeling! Is Ai-chan also recovered with it? But~ the terrible damage caused by such a peculiar body from the inside out! Obviously not like the internal injury left by the battle with the enemy!)

"It seems like...I can feel the side effects left over after my power has completely exploded!"

It was also after hearing that something was thrown on the ground in the ‘ding-ding~dangdang’ outside, and a wailing sound like an eager call to the surrounding rock soldiers to rescue someone.

Several rock warriors who didn't feel good about it came to the rock flying dragon one after another, and carefully helped and transported Aichan, panting in a special crisis situation. Chase the book

And after seeing the tragic situation on Ai-chan, which was almost impossible to look directly at, the rock warriors who responded couldn't help but talk to each other like this and even started to heal.

Naturally, everything is in my ears, and as a result of using a small part of magic power to connect Ai-chan's body magic circuit, Asuna also initially received some not-so-good feedback.

But even so~ it won't take the life of Ai-chan's dependents for a while, after all, there are many people around who can use the life-saving magic to save her.

Therefore, Asuna, who knew that she could not be distracted and eccentric, accelerated the two rock dragons that were about to be finished, and continued to accomplish what she should do...

‘Gha~gah~gah, wah~wah’

[Hmm~hmm! This feels like the feeling of rebirth after the phoenix nirvana! 】

[Speaking of being treated only once, is it necessary to have some brilliance? And do you know what the real phoenix nirvana is? 】

[I don’t know~ Nonsense! Then let's go first! After all, the way to keep the body reduced is a kind of feeling quite aggrieved in a sense! 】

[OK! Let's return to the battlefield now! 】

"Please! After all, only the rock dragon we boarding is still commanding the entire battlefield. You should be able to play good new tactics as soon as you join!"

"Huh~hu~hu, papa~papa"

Also after confirming that in order not to burst the body of the boarding giant rock dragon, the two giant rock dragons, which were about 10-20 times smaller than before, were completely restored.

Asuna, after so many warnings, let them fly directly out of the body along the path that transported all the wounded before to participate in the current undead giant dragonman annihilation battle!

"In that case~ the next two will start with slightly injured people! This way, it is possible to quickly recover a lot of combat ability!"

"Boom~boom~boom, buzz~boom~boom, gada~ gada, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, gada, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo)

Naturally, after confirming that her recovery magic was indeed good, Asuna immediately invested in the other two and even added double recovery magic to all units.

After all, the current time situation is urgent, so she must work harder...

"Huh~hu~hu, papa~papa"

【Oh my God! This situation is! ! ! x2】

‘咻~咻~咻, 咚哐~咚哐, bang~ bang~ bang, bang~ bang~ bang, bang~ bang~ bang"

In the same way, these two rock dragons just passed through the winding boarding rock dragon organ and then flew out from the luminous exit for an instant.

The countless magical attacks on the face suddenly exploded a lot beside him, and the outside seemed to be a **** in the sky, and I was afraid that they would fight each other.

Almost everywhere, you can see a large amount of debris that smashes rotting flesh and rocks, filling the entire sky like rain.

In such a situation, I have always said that after such troublesome weather ceases, it will be difficult for Kirito and the others who want to raid and besieged the bone building. I am afraid it will be difficult for a while!

After all, the air units of the two sides bombed the crossfire range, which has spread to the entire sky range of the entire bone building, even if it did not actually reach the target location.

But like this, the rain of decayed flesh and detritus is almost ring after ring, just like the rainy weather, it is completely in an infinite loop that will never end if the air battle is not over!

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