Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (483) Nice aerial confrontation

It can be seen that this military strength is a direct army that is deliberately hidden for emergency needs. For a while, it can endanger the commander's Rock Dragon's high double life-saving ability reminder, so that it has to evade and stop advance in advance. Act like...

(Oh yeah? Did you release part of your hole cards so quickly? What an uncomfortable enemy! There is no sense of humor at all!)

[But~ this is more interesting! Everyone is ready...let it go! ! ! 】


[Leaves of the waves]

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣, 咻~咻~咻, hu~hu~hu, dah~ dah, bang-bang~bang-bang’

And that is when seeing the enemy swinging and then launching unpredictable artillery interception time on them.

I don’t know why there is so much blood surging in the heart of Commander Rock Dragon...

I am afraid that this is the same as the enemy is using all his best to respond to himself, and he is also doing his best to fight back against the undead giant dragonmen's subordinates.

At that time, it and all the surrounding rock dragoons evaded the complex evasion trajectory of enemy barrage bombardment, and they flew together in a variety of strange postures, so that fan-shaped earthy brown heat spewed from their respective rock flying dragons or their own mouths. Light.

It is a kind of special light that can directly touch everything, completely petrified for a time, and in the aftermath of its subsequent strong impact, it instantly turns into debris.

And such a joint multi-directional attack is probably just a possibility that Commander Rock Dragon thought of temporarily, although under pressure from the side effects of such a test of cooperation with his subordinates and subsequent failures!

It is still very good, as if it has been completed, it will give full play to its original ability. After all, every magic has the potential for subsequent redevelopment, so the current situation is only the first stage...

(Impossible! Those subordinates are all my specially strengthened special armed type! How can they be completely disintegrated by an inexplicable joint magic!)


【Destruction Impact】

‘Om~Om~Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om


"Boom~boom~boom, wata~ wata"

In the same way, the undead dragons are still trying to search in mid-air, and Nagrut said that the enemy can transport new high-powered personnel.

He immediately felt a very violent magical reaction from behind, and in the next second he turned his head in the field of vision is the terrifying scene of countless troops that he once complacent disintegrated in an instant like paper.

As a result, it has changed a lot for a while. After all, it is very confident about the anti-magic and physical abilities of those units.

But who would have expected this commander, the giant rock dragon, would come with such a blow, never used magic before, to smash most of its arrogant existence at once!

Naturally, he couldn't tolerate the undead dragons who were doing what he wanted, so he suddenly turned in mid-air once again, and then gathered a high concentration of hot azure magic power from his own mouth.

Then, according to the location of all the enemies that can be locked with ‘Magic Perception’, he once again used that unpredictable attack magic as if it were open branches and leaves.

It was also on the route where the Commander Rock Dragon and the others flew over, and most of its low- and medium-level units were directly shot down on the spot or even severely injured... New City

(This guy! Even the same kind of magic will resonate and change according to the user's mood and even emotions? This instant match is almost an absolute hit and penetration feature! I am afraid it is a bit tricky!)

[The teams are free to disperse and regroup, and then regroup the enemy based on the judgment of each corps leader! 】

【understand! xN】

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, hoo~hoo~hoo, papa~pada’

Naturally, after confirming the enemy's more accurate attack prediction by using his double life-saving ability and the actual combat experience he has seen once.

The Commander Rock Dragon, who used the magic barrier of good strength to resist the change of direction, rearranged the actions of his heavily-wounded subordinates in this way.

At the same time, it suddenly passed through the smoke screen after the attack, and desperately used ‘magic detection’ to explore where the undead dragon man is now...

(Damn...Sure enough, because of the rush to evade the attack, I suddenly lost its target, but~Where did it go now? I don’t have a clue...)


[Notice...Zi~Z...Notice! I received strong firepower from the enemy, and I could see that the enemy's target was me, and I asked the boss and the compatriots on the other side for emergency support! 】

[That's it~ Was it a surprise attack on our reinforcements? No wonder how swift it is! The remaining active teams come with me! 】

"Understand! xN"

‘Oh~hh~hh, hh~hh~hh, hhhh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The same commander, the Rock Dragon, was still thinking about where the Undead Dragons would go, and he immediately received an emergency communication from the personnel who had previously reinforced it.

It can be seen that the opportunity to make a huge change before was also the fact that the two rock dragons joined the battlefield. For a while, the commander's rock dragon seemed to smell a little stinky.

Quickly ordered most of the remaining rock dragoons who had escaped from the smoke screen to quickly reinforce them in the direction of the attacked friendly forces instead of temporarily reorganizing their formation in mid-air.

(’s too time to come! I actually bombarded me directly from behind while I was constantly strengthening the encirclement! If it weren’t for the double life-saving ability, I’m afraid I would have already turned into gravel! )

[Oh boring original compatriot! Give me a good calm down your mind, and then return to my waiting arms again! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 】

【Speed ​​Stone White Breath】

‘Om~Om~Om, hiss~his~his, tom~m~m, quada~gada’

The other side of the giant rock dragon, which is still being chased by the undead giants of the sudden, reluctantly evades the strange attack magic that is very difficult to predict accurately.

At the same time, barely evading and slightly more than enough, he immediately turned around in mid-air like this, facing the undead giant dragon who was chasing behind, a peculiar white light fanned it. The way swept.

(This kind of magical wavelength feeling! Is it possible that it is again!)

"Eh~ Eh! Block it for me! Miscellaneous fishes!"

"Ah ah ah ah ~ ~ Gada Gada giaa ~ aaa ......"

‘咻~咻~咻, 咚哐~咚哐, huh~huh"

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