Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (Four hundred and forty-four) 1 kind of time is really good

And after hearing such a familiar name, Yun squinted his eyes and slowly recalled what was on the way, so he looked to the side and was also surprised by Pelt, constantly staring with his front hoofs. Stop planing to neigh.

From this it can be seen that Gruut’s reputation still has a certain status. Pelt responded to Yun in such a way as if he really admired him, and shook his head and shook his head around Kirito and the two of them.

"Forget it~ Forget it, the problem is solved after all! But~ Kirito-chan, Ai-chan! You guys really want to go in with me, right?"

After sorting out the current information, Yun immediately stopped the previously meaningless topic, and then subconsciously looked at Kirito and the others.

After all~ Kirito and the others are able to reach here, so it is possible that it is not only right to come over and say hello to them, so it is the first time that they are asked to reconfirm the two of them.


"Otherwise dear, what do you think we are here for?"

And this look like caring for the mentally retarded made Yun a little embarrassed to be stared at. Although he also guessed the ending, some people always scratched their chin with big hands as if they felt comfortable and unreal.

"Ah~Ah! But there is no need to bring more personnel. The rest of the units just need to guard Asuna Chan's side. I think it should be enough! After all~ From the perspective of the Firuda that I just defeated, the next step is to take care of it. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Even if you bring them, you are just a victim!"

"That's it... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !"

"Eh~ Eh? Oh~ oh... um~ um!"


However, when Yun proposed to Kirito and the others not to carry the Rock Warriors who are too capable of keeping up with the difficulty of the follow-up, the knowing Kirito immediately went to the detailed content.

And this time the opportunity for two people to be alone created by Kirito suddenly came, and for a while, Ai Chan, who felt a lot of suddenness, was really stunned.

But when he saw that Kirito was about to leave in this way, he cast a glamorous expression on him, and after suddenly letting him realize that he was creating opportunities for him, he blushed and nodded lightly in response.

It can be seen~ It may be that there are people who have always loved Kirito along the way to accompany him. He feels that he owes Ai Jiang a little bit from it, so he reluctantly gave up his love and let Ai Jiang monopolize the time of the two people alone. .

This is enough to show how broad-minded he is, so that Ai Jiang can maximize the time in the future, and can take the initiative to create such a good time with the rest of the staff and the highest sincerity!

So if Kirito is unselfish, it is naturally impossible, this is also a small concession he made.

(So ​​nervous! Obviously we haven't been away for long, but it seems like a long time to reunite, it makes people feel a lot of inner deer! Is it possible~ Is this the biggest manifestation of Xiaojiesheng's newly married?)

‘Goo, hoo, hoo, hoo’

It was also after Ai Jiang slightly understood that Kirito had made a good concession, and some felt that such a few happiness came too suddenly, so he played with his jade finger like this, and then slowly twisted and squeezed towards the cloud. Lean over.

After all~ Suddenly blushing and heartbeat feel a little breathless. It is indeed a manifestation of the emotional excitement that she has not had for a while, so it makes her look very unnatural in such a tricky way...



"Uh~hhhhh! The body temperature has risen slightly, and the complexion is flushed too much, it may be necessary to get some medicine to treat it and restore it!"

"No~no! No! It's just a little emotional high! Hmm~hmm! After all~ I always feel like I haven't seen my dear for a long time, so I feel a little excited!"


Rehabilitation means that I am still struggling to a certain extent in Ai-chan's heart, or in a situation where I am slightly cranky.

Suddenly, Yun put his big hand on Ai Chan's forehead, and the appearance of almost his entire face close to Ai Chan, for a while, he was slightly frightened and made a strange sound of consternation.

However, after Yun's face was calm, he further measured his body temperature or checked his condition, so that he was still very honest and slowly denied feedback to Yun.

It can be seen~ his outspoken words with no reservations about Yun, for a while, he touched her little head like a nice smile.

Obviously~ It also understands what Aijiang means, so he silently responded to it in this way.

"It really hurts you! Love Jiang, after all, with such a partner who works everywhere, after all, it still makes you a little too lonely!"

"But~ but, if you didn't keep taking care of the small world outside for me, I'm afraid these things alone can make me messy a lot!"

"No~no! Not at all! After all, in the small world, I can get a lot more dear sisters. I don't know how many times, so in turn, I feel a little bit of a loss for other sisters!"

"It's just ~ every time my dear leaves, it will in turn make me wait every minute more difficult! That's why it caused the situation just like that! I always feel that I look so bad..."


It was also the situation of Jae-yun apologizing to him so, which in turn caused Ai-chan's strong rebuttal and even a little sorry for the inner pressure of other women.

After all, the time of the small world is very different from the outside world. Even if it is only for a day in the official world, you can get twice as much time alone with the cloud. On the contrary, every day when the cloud leaves, it makes people feel lonely several times inside. less.

Therefore, these pros and cons are almost the same, and they have also developed into a situation like reunion just after a long time. For a while, Ai Jiang feels more able to synchronize the time, and I am thankful that it is a lot more beautiful.

"Love sauce..."


"Okay~ Okay! The way of kindness and love is enough! After all, I have endured for a long time and haven't had the opportunity to be alone with Yun, so don't go too far!"


"Oh~hh~hh! Then we will go deep into it. Although I don't know how difficult it will be, I hope that in the end, the three of us can survive the difficulties together!"

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