Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (561) Can’t confirm the excitement of the identity of both parties...


Similarly, even if Kirito and the others heard the sound of the cloud, they were a little bit worried about the situation in the enemy's territory, so they still kept watching the changes and were prepared just in case.

(Is there no response? It seems that something has happened outside!)

"Hoo~hoo~hoo, da~ da~ da"

"What's wrong? Brat! You look uncomfortable at first sight!"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! There may be an ambush outside, my companion did not respond to my voice! We have to use other methods to get out!"

"That's it~ It's up to you!"

Naturally, after confirming that it might be possible that Kirito and the others were in an accident outside, but were unable to contact them through private chat, Yun's expression immediately became more serious.

Then, after cooperating with his gestures that the "Shadow Warrior" could understand, the two men nodded and continued to crawl forward along the top of the tunnel and the lowest ground.

Seeing them such a serious little red dragon girl for a while, she really asked her questioningly.

And that is, when Yun was so subconsciously covering her small mouth with a big hand, he slowly inferred that the current situation is possible. After getting her understanding, the two talents followed Pioneer’s two "Shadow Warriors" and did the same. Well, get ready for the battle...

(The sound of footsteps stopped! Looks like it's coming! x2)

[Be careful and love the sauce! The other party is about to start doing things! 】

[Hmm~hmm! 】


After hearing the sound of the other party's footsteps suddenly disappeared, Kirito and the others, who were waiting outside, knew that the other party had noticed that they were in ambush.

Even if he didn't reveal his position in advance, the other party's ability to respond to circumstances did add to Kirito's skepticism.

After that, both of them added a lot of auxiliary magic and sword skills to their bodies, and they were ready to give them a head start as soon as they appeared!


"There is a magical reaction. Although it is very weak, it can be seen that someone is staying outside just like you said!"

"Sure enough? It's possible that after Kirito-chan and the others were caught, the other party was waiting for us in this position to get the bait!"

"After all, there is only one passage here. The other party did not come in hastily and confirmed this situation. At any rate, no one is more familiar with the other party's territory than them! Follow the original plan!"



At the same time, when the little red dragon girl reminded me more of the magical power, Yun also felt more and more that Kirito and the others might be caught.

Even if he knows that the two of them cooperate with Pelt's strength, it should not be so easy, but after all, I have been away for a long time, and it is inevitable that there will be some disputes in the previous time, and I can't notice the situation at all.

Therefore, the more difficult it is to determine the cloud of the enemy and ourselves, I can only use my combat experience to directly guide myself to follow-up actions...


And it is in such a situation where almost everything is ready, first of all, these two "Kagemusha" quickly jumped out of the situation from top to bottom, directly triggering the decentralized long-distance containment magic from the combination of Kirito and Ai-chan. Sword skills attacked.

At that moment, the destructive effect of continuous explosions, and the dust mist that was raised at an extremely fast speed, caused the preemptive Kirito and the others to directly lose their vision effect.

(No, these guys are a bit cunning. They can avoid our attacks while maintaining the high-speed movement of the two sides, while creating the most effective smoke screen for the follow-up personnel. It seems that they have hit the troublesome team!)

"Let's go! Pelt! We can't always stay in one place, we have to be swarmed and suppressed by the group!"

"Woo Hey~ Hey Hey!!!"

‘Pap~Pap~Pap, Pap~Pap~Pap’

Naturally, it is the Dao Tongren who are in the "Shadow Warrior", so they understand that the opponent is really difficult to deal with. For a long time, the Kirito who has already exposed their position can only rely on the condition of the two riders, Pelt, to give them The two little guys provide good displacement effects.

For a time, it was like a lot of sparks splashing all the way, and it also left its karma fire like a drifting flame effect that reminded them where they were. It was much too obvious in the smoke with extremely poor vision!

(Which is... Pelt? I don’t know... After all, Karma Fire’s mount is not just it. I have seen similar effects among many undead knights!)

"Pay attention to the Red Dragon sauce! The opponent has an undead cavalry. Although there is only one at present, it may be concluded that the opponent's leader is riding!"

"Moreover, judging from the enemy's attack trajectory and frequency just now, it is very likely that there is another person who specifically uses long-distance to contain the attackers and rides together! The opponent will not only be beaten!"

"Ahhhhhh! I don't need you to say it, I know, the important thing is that the quantity is enough to block the action of the other party!"

‘Bah~ Bah~ Bah, Gada~ Gada’s ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

【Dragon Tooth Soldier】

‘Om~Om~Om, Hum~ Hum~ Hum, Da~ Da~ Da’

Likewise, he was just after hearing the reminding voice that Yun seemed to think she would be careless, constantly putting too much emphasis on reminding her.

Slightly uncomfortable, the little red dragon girl who had been taking care of her attitude so embodied a lot of teeth from her inventory and threw them on the ground around them on their way.

After the magic power was immersed in it for this reason, those teeth suddenly turned into plural soldiers who were exactly the same as the skeletal warriors but belonged to the orc-shaped bones.

It may also be because they feel that the red dragon little girl is the same as the They took out the bones of their waists to strengthen their arms, and they chased the flames in all directions so quickly. stand up!

(This is~ the enemy's reinforcement is coming! And there are still a lot of magical creatures with magical reaction!)

[It seems that the other party used the "necromantic style"! Otherwise, how could there be so many magic reaction targets flashing so fast! 】

[Do you want to shoot them all directly? Kirito sauce? 】

[Don't panic, they are not high in strength by reason, and they are almost blindfolded, so first hold their footsteps, and find a way to a spacious place to solve them in one go! 】

【no problem! 】

[Armor Blade Light x2]

‘Om~Om~Om, uh~ uh, uh, uh uh, uh uh, papa, pap, dah, dad, dad’

The same was true when Kirito and the others returned along the same route, rushing into the room where Asuna was before.

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