Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 52: The cloud that calls supplies and food, and the mother and daughter of the lords

All right! Go home quickly! Otherwise, playing field battles on the grasslands with large courts and high moons and high winds would still damage your image! Your task is to go back so quickly! The girls can't wait! )

Seeing the ambiguous situation below, Yun felt that he shook his head and urged the troops to take the girl home. After hearing the order, the soldiers took off their clothes and wrapped the girl’s skin in spring, and they all slipped away. Run into the town.

"This... is too powerful, right?"

"Yes! I didn't expect those girls to behave like this under the circumstances!"

Aisha and Lena opened their eyes to see this magical situation, and at this time they sighed, all the teams got a wife of their own and returned to the city, even guarding the city gate and patrolling the streets. All the soldiers took away the girls.

"Okay Gus! Colum! Your mission is complete, then you can wait a moment! I will get you some food and the materials you need, let you delay for a while! And start the establishment of two industries !"

"Okay! Three hundred generals in the cloud!"

After hearing Yun's instructions, the two nodded and sent them to the ground. And Asia and the others ran over with a puzzled look.

"Bee! What happened? Why did you bring girls to all the staff when you came back?"

Seeing the cloud in front of him, Asia's question ran towards him.

"Well... you listen to Gus or Silica Chan first! But Silica's situation is a bit troublesome! I need you to take care of it! I'll do the next thing! Let's say goodbye!"

Seeing Aisha's appearance of ‘give me a decent explanation’, he gave the task to Gus and the others.

"Okay! Three Hundred Generals of the Cloud! Here is our explanation! You go first!"

"Bishi! Really! Let him run away..."

Gus and Colum, who were instructed, nodded to them, then watched Yun hurriedly leave and enter the town...

As soon as I entered the town, I saw that most of the soldiers who put the girl at home and drove back to their posts, and when Yun passed by some places to take shortcuts, I could hear some ambiguities coming from the interior without closing the windows. Voice, he blushed slightly and passed quickly.

As soon as Yun passed by the house he owned, he was stopped by the lord's mother and daughter who seemed to come out for a walk.

"Yun Hundred Talents! Where are you just going in such a hurry?"

"Ah~Ah! I still have something urgent to accompany the two beauties!"

When facing the two people, Yun was ready to leave in a simple response, but they were still a step late and they were held back by the two of them one by one.

"It's okay, let's go with you!"

"Yes! After all, Yunbai people will let us live here! Let us do something, too?"

The two directly put Yun's arm in the deep ditch and demanded it.

"Okay! Come with me! But can you let go first!"

"no problem!"

"Just promise!"

The two smiled and let go of the shackles on Yun, and together they entered another house next to the house. This is the property that was directly thanked by the locals behind. It is also the storage warehouse for military supplies. Yun Yi walked to the door. The soldier saluted Yun.

"Three hundred people in the cloud will be good!"


(Three hundred generals? Is it possible that a hundred generals have been promoted?)

Seeing Yun's lightly nodding in return, the two beauties opened their mouths involuntarily! After all, it was the troops directly under Yun that at the same time Yun returned, the news of promotion was also released among the troops under his jurisdiction. The two also hurriedly followed Zaiyun in.

"Three hundred people will be good! May I have any instructions?"

It may be that I heard the greetings of the soldiers, and several civilians inside also asked Yun when they saw Yun coming in.

"Give me this amount of agricultural and animal husbandry supplies and take it away to me!"

Yun saw these people and handed them a scroll. After reading them, they nodded and began to count and visualize them.

"The Three Hundred Generals of the Cloud! All the things you want are here!"

"Okay! Do you remember..."

It didn’t take long for the large amount of props and materials needed by the cloud to be visualized, and Yun also smiled and asked the two beauties to help him collect a part of it in the inventory, and soon the needed things were contained, and he simply responded After the civilian staff explained something, they quickly left the warehouse with the two of them.

"That... Yun Three Hundred Generals?"

On the way back to the gate, some thoughtful lord's wife called to Yun.

"What's wrong? Mrs. Lord?"

Yun was a little surprised and looked sideways at the lord's wife who was a little bit hesitant to talk.

"These things should be the things needed for animal husbandry and agriculture? Why would Yunsanbai call these materials?"

"Well... because we want to use it? Is there any problem?"

Seeing the lord's wife who knew exactly what these things were doing, Yun couldn't help feeling a little concerned.

"This...I am good at animal husbandry! And my daughter is good at agriculture! I don't know if I can help Yunsan Hundred General?"

The lord's wife who heard Yun call these things introduced the direction the two are best at.

"O~O? Something interesting? Why are two people good at these two aspects?"

Hearing this situation, Yun immediately stopped and looked at the two beauties who were like babies. He was still thinking about teaching Gus them with the network knowledge he found, but he didn't expect to have such an expert person around him. , Couldn't help but get interested.

"Well... I'm not telling you! My family was originally a farmer, and I learned this technique from my parents since I was a kid. But when I went out to graze, I was picked up by Diss and forced to buy it. Force selling usually marries me to the lord’s mansion!"

"And when I got married, I still took away a lot of notes from my own research at home, as well as the transcripts of my parents' notes on agriculture and animal husbandry, and my daughter was not very used to the set of the lord lady that Diss had indoctrinated. After learning the knowledge of agriculture, I also have a small farmland and vegetable garden! This is something we can guarantee as farmers!"

Although the two beauties were a little embarrassed when they talked about it, but after seeing Yun taking out these two specialties, they wanted to try whether they could help them out of the sea of ​​ Great! I can't ask for it! Come on! You are our darlings now! "

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Three hundred generals in the cloud!"


Yun's sudden warm hug made the two beauties blush and even became hot and hot, and the heart of the sprouting girl also bumped into the deer!

(So ​​close! Good...warm...)

The two were intoxicated by this feeling, and reluctantly stroked Yun's generous back.

(If it's such a man! Would it be nice to our mother and daughter?)

The two couldn't help feeling Yun's caring embrace, thinking in their hearts.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i am really! treating two beauties like this is really too presumptuous! sorry! sorry!

After the heat of his head was over, Yun couldn't help but let go of his arms and hugged him nervously, but instead made the two beauties a little bit disappointed.

"Then let's go!"

Yun grabbed the jade hands of the two awkwardly, and walked along the ambiguous shortcut, causing the two beauties to pay attention to the male gaze, staring at Yun's attractive back...

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