Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (603) Persimmons are to be softened

‘Boom~ boom, boom~ boom~ boom, paki~ paki"

Also because it was expected that the enemy would take this opportunity to launch a fierce attack on him, Yun was completely knocked into the air, and at the same time, he urgently called out the situation of Pelte transformed into a flame barrier, so that it was completely floating in the air. It's just landing like a complete defense.

Naturally, all the subsequent high-concentration fire magics, as if they were of no use at all, were swallowed by the karma fire they were enclosing!

It's a pity~Because it wasn't due to the fire of karma, Pelt couldn't directly convert it into his own magic power or the same attribute power. On the contrary, it made Yun a little regretful...


(This magic feedback...Sure enough, the fastest Pelt form change is directly activated? Fortunately, Karma fire ability has not been added directly, or else a lot of magic power will be sucked away to strengthen the enemy's strength, it is indeed to make up for it. Bad deal earned!)

(But what should I do now? Should I start from the other side first?)


‘Om~Om~Om, bang~bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang~

And it was in such a situation that he suddenly felt his own attack magic, as if they were all turned into nothingness, and for a while, he felt that Chimera could not cause substantial damage to the cloud.

Some have a lot of headaches for this, after all, it is now facing the biggest difficulty in the time before the cloud faced Firuda-the existence of Pelt!

So he immediately turned the spear of the attack to the other side, and Kirito, who was directly trapped in place by this simple magic, got up!

(Hmm~hmm? The magic attack stopped all of a sudden! And the existence of the original source of magic is now going!!)

"No! Pelt! Change back soon, this guy went to find Kirito and the others who are weaker than us!"

[Lead! 】

"Woo Hey~ Hey Hey!!!"

"Wow~ la, boom~ boom, da da~ da da~ da da"

Naturally, I suddenly felt the enemy's attack, as if it stopped suddenly, and started to move to other places after the magic power feedback.

For a while, he knew where the cloud on the other side was facing, and immediately realized what his purpose was. He quickly called for Pelt to quickly transform into his usual form, and then began to chase the monster back non-stop in reverse. .

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Da~Da~Da’

(Oh~ yeah! The response is really good, I thought he would stay on the spot for a while! But this in turn is convenient for me a lot!)

"Haha~ha! Haha~ha!"

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣, Gada~ Gada, 咚~咚~咚’

Naturally, he dodged several containment attacks behind the cloud very lightly, and then sensed that Yun was now chasing and violently not letting himself get close to Kirito's direction.

It seemed that the big guy who caught his weak underbelly suddenly showed a vicious and even grinning smile.

Therefore, after constantly avoiding Yun's obstacle attacks on his movement track several times with a very snakeskin walking pace, he is even more convinced that Kirito and the others are his biggest shortcomings, and are ready to launch a more fierce offensive tendency against him. With.

(Strange! I always feel that the intensity of the attack on us is still rising a lot! Is it possible that there is no way to cause the greatest damage to it in the first place?)


"Kirito sauce! x2"

"It's okay! But our situation is probably not very good, maybe because the monster and the cloud can't kill each other in the first time, now we are focusing on us in turn!"

"So Ai Jiang and Beast Mother Aisha are ready to evacuate at any time, otherwise they may be pinched as a soft persimmon!"

"This~this...Okay! But this time I can only rely on Kirito-chan to focus on defense! x2"

"Eh~ Eh! Don't worry, give it to me! I still have a hole card to buy time!"

"Hmm~hmm! x2"

‘Om~Om~Om, Om, Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om, Om, Om, Om, Om~

It is also when the enemy's attack strength is gradually felt, and even the coverage and frequency are now gradually increasing for a lot of time. It is clear that Yun not only did not succeed, but also alarmed the opponent's tendency to take them.

Immediately, Qi gave such advice to Ai Jiang and the others, and even let them get rid of their hands and prepare to break through in different directions.

And the weakened magic barrier, which turned into a pure blue magic halo, was hit by an unprecedented high intensity all-round bombardment. For a while, the caster's Kirito became gnashing his teeth and sweating all over his body. With a strenuous expression...

(Stay a little longer~Stay a little longer! Now you can’t use "Goddessization" again. After all, if you use it early, the actual follow-up ability and duration will be greatly reduced!)


Also under the change to a single magic power supply, the effect of this mixed magic power barrier has dropped a lot, in fact, in turn, it has brought a lot of burden to Kirito.

However, even in such a situation where it may be completely destroyed anytime and anywhere, Kirito still relies on his precise magical control ability to keep him in a tense situation of standing unbreakable even when he is not fully loaded.

After all, he also knows that his "goddessization" can naturally turn the tide a lot, but because after all, the degree of physical improvement still can't keep up with the intensity.

That's why I want to stay at the last minute and burst out in one breath, so that I can bite back when necessary, which is bound to win the big guy!

(Hmm~hmm! I can feel it! The magic reaction inside has become too fragile. I can see that it is possible that the two people at the end are now overdrawn with magic power, and then only need to activate them in one breath. Zero-distance high-destructive magic can directly destroy and penetrate this shaky defense!)


[Karma Impact, Demon Flame Killing]

‘Om~Om~Om, Boom~Boom~Boom, Zi~ Zi~ Zi, 咻~咻~咻"

(Hurry up!!!)

"Pelt! Go and control the opponent's karmic effect!!!"

[ My lord, we are too far away from each other, and the speed is so fast that there is no way to influence it at all! 】



In the same way, this Chimera sensed the object he was attacking in this way, and suddenly disappeared after the two weakest magical powers.

Suddenly, I thought that the insiders were in a state of almost overdraft. It seemed to have initiated a sweeping magic that first used the fire attribute of the straight line of light artillery, and it blasted straight into the trailing quartet... …

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