Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (610)

(It's over... completely forget that there is another... x4)

"Asuna sauce...x4"

And at the time when they were still happily completing the hustle and bustle of the autumn outing, soon a bearded figure passed directly through the enemy barrier arranged by the cloud.

Then, with such a black face, he sternly reprimanded them inside Yun.

Seeing who they were, they couldn't help sweating profusely and even smiled bitterly...

"Huh~huh! You know how to call me! What did you do earlier! Of course~ Kirito-chan is an exception! But~ it was really weird just now!"

"Because I was probably only a few hundred meters behind the beast mother Aisha sister, but after a flash of scarlet magical halo! Our team couldn't move forward, as if a ghost hit a wall. Stop going around! It's strange!"

And that is to say, seeing everyone present with a silly wry smile, Asuna complained that there were a lot of people who were so angry, but it was the latter sentence that caused a cloud of them for a while. Interest up.

(The red magic halo...could it be...x4)

"It's mostly because the cloud's "intrinsic barrier" is completely formed, and then part of the impact area will be blocked!"

"Hmm~hmm! What do I think too! Dear Brother Yun, why not come and explain carefully to Asuna Chan~ Explain! x2"

And that is, after understanding some of the reasons why Asuna was so late, Kirito and the other little guys, who first proposed it, threw the topic into the hands of Yun, who was full of insiders.

(Okay! These little cuties are really clever! Whenever you encounter such a problem~ It takes minutes to shake the pot!)

"Ah~huh! That's true, because after the'intrinsic barrier' is fully formed, including the designated personnel and items transmitted, it will produce a certain spatial distortion or disconnection effect in its vicinity. That is indeed the experience with Asuna. The ghost hits the wall very similarly!"

"So when we return to the original state, the surrounding space will slowly reconnect with each other and restore the original terrain connection effect! Alright~ Alright! Let’s not say more! After all, Asuna is recovering from a serious illness. Just to make up for yourself!"

‘Shu~Da, Hu~Hu~Hu, Gada~Gada’

Also, after seeing the topic and the gathering point all running to him, Yun did almost choke and patted the position of his heart.

After all, Kirito and the others' operation of shaking the pot was too exquisite, and it was completed before he could react to it for a while, so it took a while to give Asuna a lot of bitter smiles.

He also deliberately placed a table and chair in the center with a good homemade fur cushion, and put Asuna's good stone tableware neatly, and then invited her to the table with such sincerity.

(This big bad guy! Doing these little clever things will always be so unpretentious or even unpretentious!)

"Ah~Ah! Really? Then please trouble Yun to bring me a rich and nutritious meal! I remember that many things I can't eat! Just screw off your meat if it is wrong! And that **** medicine thing I haven't asked you to settle the account yet!"


(Pharmaceutical!!! x4)


It was also after seeing Yun still maintain a respectful and polite and standard hearty smile that made him more annoying.

To be honest~ Asuna really hates him but can't fault it too much. After all, his care for women is always too philanthropist.

So after rolling her eyes slightly, she remembered the situation that she had been keeping in her heart, which had caused her a lot of suffering, and she was warned as if she slapped her eyes on the table with such a slight blush.

But who knows! This is not to say that Kirito and the others still eat all of them with relish and reluctance, but when it comes to the fact that, except for the cloud, everyone who is almost present is very neat and even sprays rice and a lot of soup.

After all, except for Yun himself, who is a'necromantic technique', and doesn't need too much potion to reach the recovery assistance, almost no one has escaped that very effective, but let him remember the dark history of the'powerful recovery potion'. The terrible psychology was overshadowed.

And that is, this wonderful phenomenon, which is like a thousand times in full bloom, makes the cloud still a little in the dark, and for a short time, I haven't understood what kind of thing Asuna is talking about.

On the contrary, Asuna, who was deeply affected by it, was a little embarrassed at once, and understood what the reactions of everyone around him meant...

(No...Except for our Kirito-chan, have almost everyone suffered such a terrible experience? This big villain is really harmful!)

"So... is there something wrong with that potion? The healing potions I brewed in my memory are all very good high-end products!"

"Whether it is the efficacy or the side effects, they belong to the existing finished medicines. It can be described as a conscience product with high efficacy and almost zero side effects!"

And that is, when Asuna almost understood that all the members were victims, Yunya who hated it for a while, it was a little unknown.

So he held his chin with his big hand, revealing a face that was completely incomprehensible, but instead questioned Asuna of the proposer.

Seeing that he has a clear feels like a nonsense complaint, which makes Asuna even more annoyed...

(There is definitely not much self-knowledge, or to say~ To him who studies brewers, most of them are as negligible as trivial! x4)

And when I saw Yun like this, it seemed puzzling, and I even felt that there was no serious problem.

In general, they knew the strange thinking of his researchers, Kirito and the others, so sweating and squinting their eyes, they had a certain opinion of their own.

But even in this situation, Asuna would not directly choose to forgive. After all, she couldn't bear such an overly humiliating behavior!

"Enough! Yun~ Yun! Don't pretend to be innocent! That's it! That's it! Although the recovery ability can bring you back to life, but... But it will let the user directly **** a long time!!!! You bad guy, What kind of mess is making a girl blew herself up!"

And seeing that Yun's medicine and me now have no toxic or side effects, and they are still very reasonable and honest and upright without any problems!

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