Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (616) are both good at concealment

(It’s true~ If you keep being exposed to the enemy’s detection range like this, then it’s too passive...)

【Well! The little cuties are all by my side. It's best to grab the corners of my clothes or my body. Now I will take you to hide them first! 】

[Hmm~hmm! x4】


(The reaction is really fast, obviously I have directly launched a targeted attack on it at the fastest speed!)

[Well~ Well! If this is not the case, then the first three guardians are too fragile, so if you catch it, let's start the game of hide-and-seek. Heh~hhhhhh! 】


It was the same in Yun leading the Kirito and the others, who were holding his body in various positions, and disappeared in front of the gate subconsciously. At the same time, the countless black thorns suddenly rose from the dark ground, but they did not sneak into it in the first time. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Cloud them.

However, there are a large number of rock fragments around some of the stricken pond fishes, which are just like hornet's nests, and fall to the ground again when their black spines are slowly retracted.

From time to time, I can slightly see the dark shadows, and after a fierce light flashes like this, everything returns to the silence at the beginning...

(My goodness~ It was really risky just now,... If many of Yunyun’s dear brothers act fast! Let’s really make a skewer! x4)

"Goo~ Lu"

[Did you see the attack just now? 】

[Ah~Ah! It's almost the same as the one in the assassination system, which has the same effect! 】

[Same sympathy~ After all, I have seen the training of the two sisters before, so I also know that this thing is a bit trickier! x3】

And after Yun and the others succeeded in subconsciously escaping from each other's concealment, and quickly dismounted from the attack without warning, Kirito and the others, who had a little cold sweat for a while, even panic-stricken, just replied to Yun in this way.

After all, such an attack method that can manipulate shadows and even use shadows to mix magic power is something they have experienced during the training time with each other.

So when I slightly guessed the basic characteristics of the other party, I couldn't help but get confused...

(It's true... the most basic series of assassinations and capable of achieving an absolute kill success rate is this terrible situation that can escape into the shadows and even launch surprise attacks from the shadows! Especially the "Shadowless Walk" Is the most practical footwork among them)

[Hmm~hmm! It seems that this time we can only maintain the collective concealment ability by me, and then see who among us can keep the concealment alone except me! 】


However, even under this situation, Yun Lima realized that his magic to cover everyone and personnel could not be released anytime and anywhere.

Because it’s not clear~ Afterwards, they belonged to Kirito and they were training in private. I don't know if Kirito and the others have the ability to secretly practice this aspect, so they questioned everyone in this way.

But I'm afraid there is no problem without asking, but after asking it~ it made Kirito and the others subconsciously silent a lot...

(What to do... Even if we do have a certain level of fur assassination ability, but the most specialized is probably only the "Shadow Step" similar footwork, and a certain level of assassination moves! x4)

(On the whole, we don't have a person who can maintain such a high concealment ability to move, to assassinate enemies with similar abilities like sneak attacks alone! x4)

[It’s really a lot of trouble now...x4]

Just like Kirito, who is slightly distressed about his lack of abilities, they have the same inner thoughts. Even if they do have a certain level of assassination ability, it is a pity that it is difficult to achieve the integration of hiding, chasing and direct seckill in this battle. effect.

That's why all the little guys couldn't help but sigh a lot...

(That’s how it turns out~ Now, are they all performances and verbal conditions that are somewhat more than minded but lacking? Is it possible~ This time I have to drag so many people in one breath, and then think of a solution in the middle of the action?)


Also in the first time, after I heard from Kirito and the others in private chat, they were too disappointed and even sighed.

Yun, who knew for a while that no one could be perfectly competent, fell into the rare silence in history.

After all, such a situation where no one answers, in turn, is one of Yun's unexpected situations, but he was slightly psychologically prepared before.

On the contrary, he is actively thinking about how to successfully pull the other party out of the shadow in such a situation that drags the child and the mother's vision...

Anyway, he is also a, he can't fall into the enemy's pace without any countermeasures...

[How about let's change another way! I really want to know that among the little cuties, no one can manage to use the "Shadowless Step" type of concealed footwork proficiently! Now everyone just needs to answer me this point! 】

In the same light of thought, even taking Kirito and the others, along the entire dark room, using clouds similar to the effect of giving everyone a collective "no shadow step".

So as if thinking of something, I asked Kirito and the others again. After all, it is possible that in this battle, the "Shadow Walk" may become the key to the battlefield...

(Does it simply mean the proficient use of "Shadowless Walk"? x4)

[We can all! Is it possible~ Did you think of a good idea? Brother Yunyun dear! x4】

And that is, when they heard the need and difficulty suddenly shrink for a lot of time, Kirito and the others, who seemed to have some confidence for a while, asked them like they were looking forward to it.

(Is it all okay? So ~ the possibility of the implementation of that plan is now almost at its highest level!)

[Ah~Ah! That being the case~ After we count down my verbal countdown later, you will collectively use this high concealment ability footwork, and then slowly listen to my follow-up command! 】

【Well! Let's do it! x4】

[3, 2, 1! It's now! ! ! 】

‘Om~Om~Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om

It was also after receiving the best news in this situation, suddenly there were a lot of clouds in my heart, which directly revealed a lot of self-confidence.

Then he explained the situation of Kirito and the others so quickly, and released the concealment magic on Kirito and the others within the specified time!

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