Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (618) I am not going to retain my strength...

"Huh~huh~huh, huh~ huh~ huh, huh~ huh"

I also sensed the clouds for the first time, and once again began to narrow the movement trajectory of the encircling circle here again.

For a while, the enemy who felt very uncomfortable on the line began to withdraw the afterglow of his former offensive, and then avoided the cloud and their encirclement as much as possible, but still kept clinging to Asuna's rear, as if he was admitting to death. She has been chasing after she is going to kill her.

(What to do... Even as Yun said, I only need to figure out my escape route, and then keep the opponent in check, but is this really good? After all, there seems to be a vicious and wicked one and I don’t know why. The monsters of things are chasing me...)

‘Goo~lu, da~da~da, hu~hu~hu, 噌~噌~噌, da~da~da’

Yes, as far as other people and enemies are concerned, the one with the greatest psychological pressure is Asuna herself!

After all, the key point of the overall battle this time is that oneself cannot be caught by the opponent, and once caught, she will be greeted with a completely fatal blow!

So after subconsciously observing the slightly visible situation of the ‘crazy~Pala’ behind her for a while, she became more and more sweaty on the melon seeds of her small head.

For this reason, Asuna, who gritted her teeth with a hard heart, accelerated her pace and made a very changeable trajectory that was unpredictable, as well as temporary changes that were very troublesome.

No matter how aggressive the rear is, they even use the shadow to generate countless shadow spikes as an attack interception method, but because of this, it keeps changing the unpredictable movement trajectory, which in turn makes it more difficult to hit a lot...

[Very good, Asuna-chan~ It is to maintain a degree of spread like this, and it is not to show a subtle sense of being caught up, in order to always arouse the enemy's mentality from the most conspicuous or the weakest surprise attack! 】

[I'm going~ Co-author, do you see me as the weakest among us? But... it seems that there is no way to refute the sense of sight...]


"Da~Da~Da, 喤~喤~喤"

And that is, this situation in Asuna was too unexpected, and there were various sudden and direct changes in the situation of the action.

After getting the cloud, he has been providing excellent information about the surrounding venues, and there is a tone that can be considered a lot of encouragement, which makes him feel a little upset.

Coupled with the suspected slightly thorny conditions, Asuna did feel a bit disgusting.

But with her, she carefully pondered her heart and memories in her little head, and after subconsciously comparing it with Kirito and the others, she seemed to feel reasonable but very entangled.

After all, not everyone is so frank and sincere, to accept their worst or even the weakest situation frankly, even if there is only a small point or a trace of verbal denial, it is a normal human condition.

So when I heard Asuna’s attitude that he denied first but then implemented it later, Kirito and the others, who heard their dialogue together, made it even more speechless and awkwardly chanted slightly...

‘Hi~hi~hi, 嚓~嚓~嚓’

(No! I'm afraid it doesn't make any sense to go on like this. Although it's not clear whether they can directly cause unavoidable harm or be attacked on me hidden in the shadow, it is better to prevent it!)

【no solution anymore! Although we don't want to show our trump cards so early, in order to prevent the first three personnel from being killed before being serious because of excessive retention of strength, we will keep doing our best! 】

【Hidden City】

‘Om~Om~Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om

(This unpredictable wide encirclement magic reaction is!!! x5)

【not good! It is the enemy who directly released the "intrinsic barrier"! Everyone must lean in my direction...]

[No... It’s too late...x4]

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Guru, Guru, Wah, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!

And that is, when it is clear that the current environment is really full of a lot of confusion, and even always feels something special.

This existence has been lurking in the shadows, and it directly liberated his own ‘intrinsic enchantment’ magic like a disagreement.

For a moment, the black magical power that overflowed excessively suddenly turned into a huge triangle and two circles of complex inscription magic circle in one breath.

After that, before Yun had completely warned Kirito and the others, the magic circle that almost completely covered their feet suddenly transformed into a wet liquid of the same color.

Then let Yun and the others sink into it as if the soles of their feet were empty and muddled. Finally, they were still confused and instinctively remained almost drowning and died. They should have action, and they came back to a magical world with almost no light source and belonged to total darkness. in……

(Damn... Was it forcibly dispersed in the end? And this situation seems to be immersed in water, but suddenly can breathe and wander, what is the possibility...)

"Wow~ La"


[I don’t know... It’s like being thrown into a deep water blindfolded, and I feel as if I can’t see it completely surrounded by water...]

[It looks like...Is everyone in the same situation? 】

[Ah~Ah! x3】

The same is true after the fact that only ‘magic perception’ is used to remind the surrounding that it is full of magical reminders of a mixture of fish and dragons, coupled with the blind intelligence brought by those five senses.

Yun and the others, who had figured out that they hadn't died and had directly surfaced, used the only private chat that could communicate with each other, so that they could communicate with each other about the current situation.

Of course~ the words at the beginning were nothing more than a state of asking themselves, they were simply unconsciously shared to everyone's ears through such channels.

Therefore, it is clear that everyone’s situation is temporarily without any major problems, and I still don’t know what liquid-filled zone is drifting along with the waves, and then everyone’s mind continues to be filled with many questions...

[If we didn’t feel wrong before, I’m afraid that this place belongs to the enemy’s ‘intrinsic barrier’, and it’s still the kind of situation that directly deprives us of the correct five senses! 】

[Well~Well... After all, I have encountered an "intrinsic barrier" that can freely deceive both vision and perception before, so it is forgivable to have this type of stuff...]

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