Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 56: Yun and Miss Lord's wedding is finalized with Kirito's mother?

In the lord's mansion, Diss was pacing back and forth in the previous room, looking very anxious.

"Damn it! What happened to that brat! There is no news at all! Today is the second day! And those two **** do not know if they acted according to my plan! It's really disgusting!"

Diss gritted his teeth and looked at the sunny scenery outside the window. Although the weather was good, Diss was in a terrible mood now.

"Report! Lord Diss! Your letter! It is from Yunsan Hundred General!"

(Finally here! But... Three hundred generals... It seems that this stinky boy is getting stronger and stronger! In just half a month or so, he actually climbed to the neutral power of three hundred generals! This is amazing! Do I really want to kill him? No! I can’t hesitate! Otherwise, I will die by his decisive way of killing!)

"Okay! Leave the letter with you!"

After a short period of deep thought, Diss asked the soldier to give him the letter and watched him leave.

"I don't know how this brat is going to reply to me! After all, agreeing or rejecting both is a bit troublesome!"

Diss uneasyly opened the scroll glued by inkpad and began to observe carefully.

"Ha~Haha! I said this guy won't eat hard and soft! Isn't that promised? It made me worry about it for so long! What a **** who loves to hang my appetite! Let me see! That's how it is! 7 days later Is the wedding going to be held? Really an impatient person! Obviously your future wife is tightly squeezed in your hands! What a hurry! Come here!"

"Yes! Do you have any instructions? Lord Diss?"

After reading the letter, Diss laughed in satisfaction, and then called in the soldiers waiting outside the door.

"Go! Send someone to prepare me to take out a large amount of money from the warehouse! Abundant materials, ingredients and various items..."

"This... why is this? Lord Diss! What you said seems to use a lot of resources in our inventory?"

Even the soldier was a little surprised when he saw Diss' such a big deal.

"Why are you stupid? Why don't you hurry up! My daughter is getting married! Is it possible that I, a father, don't do some dowry! Isn't my son-in-law of three hundred generals wanting to underestimate me!"

"What? That Yun three hundred people are going to marry our young lady! Isn't that a big happy event? How can this be hasty! Lord Diss! This is a major event for the people of our town!"

Hearing what Diss said, the soldier's eyes were full of stars and excited.

"Then what do you say?"

When Diss heard this little soldier say this, he rolled his eyes and began to question him.

"Of course it is to inform the people and adventurers of the whole town! Then hold a grand celebration! Make this wedding lively! After all, this is the marriage of our beloved Lord Lady!"

"Okay! You go to inform everyone in the town! Then post various announcements to promote the celebration of the wedding of the lady and the three hundred people in seven days! Do you understand it?"

"That's for sure! After all, it's for our beloved lady! The subordinates will do it!"

After Diss smiled and patted the soldier on the shoulder, he watched the enthusiastic soldier leave his room.

"Okay! Now I have prepared the stage for both of you! Is Tsukizaki Yun's intrepid force and political means? Or are these assassins and murderers better than the sky? I am really very good. Looking forward to it! Anyway, I can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight to take advantage of the fishermen! Hahaha~haha! I didn't expect this little soldier to wake me up! Sure enough! The master is among the people!"

Diss laughed and looked at the windy and sunny scenery outside, and suddenly felt that today was a beautiful day...

"Hmm...hmm! Is it morning? It seems that Yun shouldn't be back, right?"

Kirito opened his eyes slightly, then stood up and rubbed his eyes and looked at the already bright window. He couldn't help but remembered that after bathing with the goddess Yui yesterday, they met Aisha who walked in despair at the tavern below... …

"I feel so hungry after bathing! Miss Kirito! Why don't we go down and eat something?"

The goddess Yui put her head on Kirito's big bed in a cute fur dress, and raised her head to propose to Kirito.

(More to eat? Wouldn't the pile of things that I ate at noon be digested so quickly? It's already time for dinner now! He really is a goddess with a big stomach!)

"That... are you hungry, goddess Yui?"

Although the goddess with this small body is like a foodie, Kirito really doesn't dare to tell her directly. After all, she is in control of her own life and death and cannot easily provoke her! Otherwise, I don't have good fruit to eat.

"Yes! Although bathing in your human knowledge will speed up the metabolic circulatory system! I did not expect my goddess to be affected by it too! So! Take me down! I don’t know what the big sister will give me more delicious food. It’s just that I don’t understand? Why do I just smile at her and she will give me delicious food so enthusiastically! Human beings are really elusive existences!"

The goddess Yui smiled out of Harako and got up, but thinking of the meticulous care and care of the boss's wife before, she couldn't help but ask Kirito with her head tilted.

(I can't tell you that you are too innocent and cute, and you have the power to inspire maternity to the wife-like women of the proprietress sister, right?)

"Well... Actually, I don't know too much! Okay, let's go down first!"

"Let's go~ the delicious ones are beckoning to me! La~ la la la~ la la!"

Seeing the innocent and innocent look of Yui's goddess that day, Kirito really didn't know how to explain to her, so he had to haha ​​to push the Yui goddess who was humming a song and leave his room.

"Wow~ Wow! A lot of people!"

The goddess Yui was caught by the lively and lively scene below. Although the meal is past this time, some unruly players or locals are still overeating and punching and gambling. It is very loud and lively.

"Look there! Miss Kirito! Those people are eating big chunks of meat! It's so big! Look! They also used their teeth to tear it directly! Like a wild beast, but looks like a good question! Miss Kirito! Miss Kirito! That one over there..."

For a while, the goddess Yui was like a child who came to the world for the first time, blinking her big eyes with sparkling stars, and curiously pulled Kirito around in the entire tavern, making Kirito a little bit Can't keep up with her rhythm.

"Oh~ Isn't this the "Black-haired God of War" Kirito sauce? Why is she running around here with a girl?"

"I don't know! Could it be that the children of that family have left?"

"It's possible! The existence of an iceberg beauty like I didn't expect what a maternal side would be!"

For a while, the staff in the pub looked at the scene of the two walking like a mother and daughter, and couldn't help but laugh warmly and happily.

"Okay! Yui! Don't run around! Be careful you may fall!"

In such a situation that he couldn't cope with, Kirito subconsciously called the name of the goddess Yui, and couldn't help but stop Yui, and then stared at his big watery eyes, turning his head to look at Kirito in surprise. I didn't say anything.

(It's over! I just called the goddess Yui by the name of the goddess in a hurry! What should I do? From her previous behavior, I should be very dangerous! Or should I apologize first? Hmm~hmm! That's it! Up!)

"Sorry! Yui..."

Before Kirito hadtened to apologize, Yui goddess covered her fragrant lips with her tender jade hands, and then she shook her head with a smile.

"Yes! Mother Kirito! Yui is a good boy! Will listen to her mother!"

In the next minute, the words of the goddess Yui detonated the entire tavern who had been paying attention to the actions of the two...

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