Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (seven hundred and seventy-seven) is a good temptation for someone...

"In this comparison, the economic chain of the previous'Starting Town' was really so bleak that almost no one patronized it. When I came here before, I felt that it always seemed to be in tatters!"

"Without cooperating with defenses such as military strength and armament, it can be said that it is completely pessimistic about losing money..."

After checking the above content so quickly, I was surprised to find that this time just on the first day of the celebration, I got a profit that was many times higher than the history here.

All of a sudden, it made the cloud stare so wide as if he didn't believe it, and sighed a lot about it, highlighting a sense of not being calm and a lot of sight.

"It's true~ after all, according to the usual situation, it will indeed be a depressed time period, but it is a pity~ Yesterday's grand ceremony can be said to be an unprecedented and extraordinary situation, so on the contrary, it makes people amazed... "

"Then there is nothing wrong with such a good grade! Isn't it? Brother Yun!"

Naturally, after seeing the appearance of Yun now similar to what she had predicted, Argo, who seemed to be laughing a lot, walked to him slowly and slowly, and then replied like an understatement.

"Alright~ This can be regarded as a way for the people of the whole town, not only to open up new financial avenues, but also to increase our trade and cultural exchanges with other places! Why not do it!"

"Well~Well... Having said that~ Is there nothing else Yun Brother wants to say?"

"No! To be able to see this town slowly becoming quiet and rich, what wonderful situation can I have besides being happy?"


And just after Yun replied so boldly, Argo, who was a little dumbfounded, felt a lot of truthful words at once, and he didn't issue a normal sentence for a long time...

"You can't compliment first~ Compliment me and Agil's brothers? Just accept it as it should be! It's too deceitful, OK! QAQ"


Also after hearing Argo's words and emotions burst out of nowhere, he made it time to understand what her words were implying just now! That's why it was just as embarrassing as it was a little speechless.

(It turned out to be like this... I sometimes take it too much, and simply omit the efforts of many people that I can't see!)

"Why? I give my sister a small privilege today, and then I will provide a good service to Agil and the others, do you think it's okay? It's a small compensation for me not paying too much attention to everyone!"

And just after a little thought in his mind, after thinking of some compensation possibilities, he was very sincere and sowed a good bait.

(Give me a small privilege, and give Agil and the others a reward in other respects? But ~ what is this privilege? I always feel so concerned!)

"So~ what are the specifics? For example, that little privilege and compensation for other people's rewards!"

Naturally, after hearing Yun's proposal of such a solution, Argo, who was really hooked, opened one eye and closed one eye, as if he was fair to other people and consulted Yun.


"Come~Come~Come on! Sister stretched her little head over, I'll tell you secretly!"

"It always feels so tricky! But ~ I have to do it!"

"Da~Da~Da, slam~Da"

Seeing that Yun Sheng was afraid of being heard by someone, he beckoned to him with such a smile.

Even Argo, who knew what tricks he might be playing, had to obediently put his little head in the middle of Yun's mouth, and then slowly listened to him elaborating on the follow-up content...

(Eh~Eh? Is that really the case? That means I can...)

"Ah ah ~ hum hum ...... cloud brother. You do not bring me make fun of me, after all, do not make such privileges or open Ay!"

And just after hearing the cloud talk so much, Argo, whose face was flushed to the roots of her ears, suddenly coughed so quickly, she seemed to be very nervous about it, so she had to calm down. Warned the cloud.

It seems~ The little privileges that Yun said about opening up are probably very attractive to her, otherwise she wouldn't have such a cute reaction.

(Have fun? Am I taking this privilege to make fun? Don’t you think I’m good at talking too much!)

"How come~ After all, my sister is my sister, why can't you use this privilege! To directly compensate for your loss? Since~ you don't like it! Then I will withdraw the preface, and I will not continue to treat you special. ! It seems that I can only exchange for other more expensive rewards!"

"Wait! I just told you not to be like this to everyone, and to be more vigilant, and I didn't say you must not do it, right?"

Seeing that Argo was like this, and with a slight preaching tone, Yun, frowning a lot, didn't feel the words that he had proposed, whether there was anything weird.

So when he was about to make the previous words as if it had never happened, Argo, who was on the side for a while, immediately repented, blinking the beautiful jewel lids, and then reluctantly agreed to his conditions.

"That's good! This little privilege can be implemented at any time, and it is still valid forever. As long as the sister is not annoying, and I have time, I will accompany me at any time!"

"I know~ I know! But~ can you cash it out this afternoon? After all~ I heard Ai Jiang and the others say~ that you are going to the martial arts field in a while, and the time will be fixed later!"


But after seeing Yun's persuasive appearance, Argo moved his jade fingers around his hands like this, and asked him shyly.

(Is it so fast? Although expected, my sister is really much more active than before!)

"It's true~ Except for going to the martial arts venue for a while, there is no agreement for the rest of the time, but~ I really choose to implement this power, okay? I remember that guy has been actively inviting you!"

"Who~who? Could it be Cullo?"

And when he heard that Argo suddenly came to invite himself, he slightly thought of a certain hard worker's cloud, so he asked him subconsciously.

But when he heard Yun's question, he rolled his eyes slightly and wondered who Argo was, he said so uncertainly the name of a person who fits the "that guy" in Yun's mouth...

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