Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: The difficulty of Christmas Eve Christmas (693) is slowly beginning to manifest!

Just like that, head straight to the mountain range, sailing as fast as a straight line distance...

(I can see it gradually, I'm afraid there is still about 1,000 meters away!)

"Huh~huh? This is!!!"

Boom~ boom~ boom, squeak~ squeak~ squeak

"What's the matter? Yun~Yun, suddenly I hovered in mid-air and braked suddenly? (?o?o?

And that is, seeing that it is getting closer and closer to the most familiar location at the foot of the mountain, but in the middle of the way, it seems that a cloud has been detected suddenly, and it just stopped flying in such a moment, and hovered directly.

Argo, who suddenly made his back frowned, subconsciously frowned, and asked this question.

"It seems~ we are having a troublesome problem. From the moment we approached slowly, I felt that the advancement was probably less than 50 meters ahead!"

"It seems that there is no sense of magic power gradually, as if it is impossible to use at all or very scarce, it makes people feel a lot of fear!"

"What? Is there such a thing? Then~ then we seem to be going down and walking Lu!"

Also after suddenly hearing Argo's questioning like this, Yun Li immediately explained to them one by one with a heavy expression.

Argo, who naturally heard such a strange situation, couldn't help feeling a little uneasy, and then he began to admonish him again.

"I'm afraid so, even if it takes a little longer, it's better than falling as soon as you enter!"

"Okay, then! Let's do it just to be on the safe side! But ~ are the inner rock warriors deep in the wilderness mentioned earlier okay? They are completely magical creatures!"

And almost after hearing Yun's supplement, Argo, who had heard the good news, felt a little relieved, but suddenly thinking of something, she reconfirmed that she was so nervous.

(Rock warriors?)

Zi~ Zi~ Zi

"It's not bad. I have confirmed the survival status of the personnel entering it through the connection of the magic circuit. At present, it seems ~ except for the suppression of magic use, no other problems have been found!"

"It looks like the person who brought us in said that this task is not as simple as expected!"

"In that case~ let's make a small stronghold for summoning the magic circle below! This way we can leave some back hands to prevent us from getting trapped after we go in!"

"Hmm~Hmm! According to what my sister said, let's go down and get ready~ get ready!"

Hiss, hiss, hiss, hess, hes, hes, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he

Also after Argo's advice, the clouds that did feel that there would be a lot of security, they landed directly on the ground, and then began to find some places that seemed to be hidden.

First, I set up an earth-based construction magic to establish a small stronghold, and then fixed a certain degree of defense and shielding the disturbing magic of the atmosphere here.

Just inside the central building inside~ After a summoning magic circle, I started walking into this mysterious zone with Argo!


"Waiting for a long time! Your lord!"

"How? Didn't you encounter any special troubles, did you?"

And that is to completely enter this zone, which can be called a low to no magic zone, which is about 500 meters.

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