Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (six hundred and ninety-six) continue to inquire about the next road..

That's why both of them kept smiling like holding their foreheads for a long time, and they were always in a lot of complicated moods...

"Okay~ okay, let's not talk about these things, since we have finished appreciating the things that should be appreciated, let's go to the next transit point!"

"That's right! Captain! How far is the next transfer station?"

After the feeling of being almost intertwined with loss and entanglement has ended, the cloud who recovered himself took the lead in breaking the atmosphere and spoke!

Argo, who had naturally recovered his senses, also directly responded to the same question, asking about the Rock Soldier Corps leader beside him!

"Ah~haha, not far~not far, it's almost 1000 meters over there!"

"The 1,000-meter-long complex and steep mountain, and then the inevitable intricate virgin forest? I finally understand why there is a map and I will get lost, and I can't see the internal and surrounding environmental conditions at all!"

"It's true~ my good sister, but we have a guide, so this kind of trouble will be much less for us!"

"Good~ good~ good, what you say is to us, can't we just follow along?"

"Ha~ha~ha! (?ò?ó.) The two adults are so close, they seem to be a little envious of many others!"

"Hmm~mm! xN"

It was also in this situation that the clouds and Argo were talking and laughing, and for a while, all the rock warriors on the side were envious.

However, even if it is really something, Yun and the others are just keeping smiling and not talking. In a very intimate situation, they slowly follow the lead of the rock warrior squadron in front of them to the next location. The direction is just moving...

"Here! This is the transit point, so someone in front of you will accept the two adults, and now we have to rush back to strengthen our guard!"

"Hmm~hmm! See you! You guys hurry back to your posts too! If we want to return the same way, we will notify you in advance!"

"Then take care! Two adults!"

"You too! x2"

‘Sw~tah, tah~tah~tah’

Again, relying on sword skills as a supplementary method so difficult, after turning over this winding and steep forest-covered mountain road.

They almost climbed up the clouds at an altitude of about 1,000 meters, and they saw the figures of the rock warriors here slowly responding to this side.

For this reason, the captain of the first team of Rock Warriors, who was relieved a lot, gave Yun a brief explanation, and took his team under Yun's gaze, and quickly dived into the distant mountain below. Go behind the wall...

To be honest~ Although before entering this zone, they already knew that the mountain range where the palace group was located was indeed steep and severe or even above high altitude.

But I didn’t expect that when they stumbled like this and finally climbed to an altitude of 1,000 meters, they still didn’t even see the shadow at the bottom of the palace...

It can be seen that this journey may still have a sense of vision that is far away in the indefinite, but even so ~ Now that they can't fly with magic, they can't only rely on their own legs to walk the rest of the road...

"My lord~ my lord!"

"Come on! Come on! Let's go! Sister!"


"Pattern, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter

Therefore, the two people who didn't complain too much, Bi An still held hands as they were greeted by the local team, and entered the same interior with a small cave as a stronghold. They stopped temporarily and then probed the next transit point behind. Up-to-date intelligence.

"Eh~ Eh? What happens on the road at the next transit point ahead?"

"Yes! After all, we encountered skull wolves and angry elephants before we came here. If such a very powerful creature hadn’t been hostile to us, it would be a bit trickier to deal with, especially after it looks more troublesome and steep. Something on the mountain road!"

"It's true~ This is the same as what Yun said. The higher the altitude, the more vicious creatures will appear, so intelligence is now our biggest concern, especially when we arrive at the palace group later. How many distances are there!"

It was also in the situation that Yun and the others hadn't sat down for a long time, so they asked a lot about the leader of the Rock Warriors here who had just received them.

After all, it is possible that it did not share the first team team, and the adventures they saw with Yun along the way, so it changed its direction and listened to the words of the two people for a while.

"That's it~ I said that we have never reported anything particularly dangerous, why suddenly the two adults will care about this information, but~ if you want to say it, this section of our road may be a lot more difficult than the previous one. !"

"After all, apart from the terrain, the most troublesome thing is the residence of a large number of messy creatures, which will be encountered by us on the road. Generally speaking, the time when the advance team goes up will waste a lot of power. Please also two adults to follow us closely!"

"As for how many roads there are~ Well... Actually, the advance troops haven't found it yet, so I can't pack tickets for the two adults..."

And after slowly listening to Yun and they briefly explained what they had encountered before, the head of the Rock Warriors here, who almost understood what it meant, was so full of warning, as if to warn them.

"In this way, let's not talk about the latter, but is there anything weird about it along the way?"

"Ah ah ~! ~ Talk about the Bai talk about the chant! Give us just what a shot!"

Therefore, the more such a wonderful situation, the more Yun and their appetites are in turn, making them involuntarily feel that there is no source for a little thought, and then suddenly take the initiative to sit down and continue to consult!

"Well~ well, it's better to see it after hearing it. After I rectify the two corps of staff, I will slowly explain to the two adults on the road. It is very likely that there will be an encounter in the middle of the battle!"

"Two teams of five? And there are encounters? It seems to be about the same as we estimated at the beginning! x2"

"Eh~ Eh! It only takes about a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, I will **** the two adults up to the next transit point with two five-person horses!"

"Go~Go! We are not in a hurry! x2"

‘Sw~tah, tah~tah~tah’

Suddenly, I heard that this local rock warrior corporal was so grim and said that he would bring a double centaur, and that there was a possibility of fighting!

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