Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (720) There is no other way but to act in advance

"Ohh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to listen to you...


And that is when the cloud is suspended in mid-air like being brought to justice, and there is no force to fight back.

The other leader of the "Hundred Foot Curtain" who followed behind, took the armored war rat leader who completely dragged the oil bottle like joint combat communications and map guides, and he caught up with such an overly pleasant scene!

He still followed such an overly arrogant character, approaching slowly and slowly admiring it around him in such a pretentious manner, watching Yun's struggling ugly state very closely.

It really made him feel a lot of pride~ Continue to show the blood bowl and roar again and again.

Even if halfway through, the armored war mouse leader who was almost hitting soy sauce finally inserted a sentence to tell the truth.

After all, it was still the same as being directly stunned by the powerful leader of the "Hundred Foot Curtain", and it showed this strange situation that was too unclear in Yun's eyes...

(Damn...I really miscalculated. Obviously~ These hunter birds, in the last lesson, have already understood that it is impossible to have a head-to-head duel with me.)

(And my strongest situation is to be able to use the sword skills according to the situation, they will combine a lot of guarantees, choose this way to first interrupt my release action forcibly, and then use the non-attack system when I am not prepared. But it has the binding effect of the miraculous silk thread, this time I admit it...)


"Squeak~squeak~squeak, slam~ slam"

That’s right~ that’s when I saw the leader of the “Hundred Foot Curtain” who wanted to hang himself immediately before he was able to, as if he was very flaunting or maintaining a winner posture, in such an overly embarrassing situation. After feeling.

Even if some clouds do not understand the meaning of their howls, they can see all the hunter birds around them screaming sharply like mocking, and then cooperate with them to kill him as if watching a joke.

I am afraid that even fools knew what ritual they absolutely wanted to do, so they didn't do anything cruel to them for a while.

But even so~ he also fully understands that such a temporary life-saving time will never exceed an hour or so, so he bit his lip slightly, so he had to continue to think about the most reliable and even feasible plan for the follow-up...

(Then ~ the morale boosting thing that should be done has been implemented, then ~ is the most enjoyable execution time!)

"Siaa~aaa!!! (Come on~ my allies, stand me up for this sinner!

"Oh~oh~iaa~aaa!!! xN (big guy~big guy~big guy!!!

‘Squeak~squeak~squeak, sizzle~sizzle~sizzle’

(So ​​fast? Compared to the human side, is it just a process-like situation on the other hand? This is very bad now!)

"Cut~Cut... there is no way... I don't want to use it by itself!"

‘Om~Om~Om, huh~唰~唰, 噌~噌~噌"


"Huh~hu~hu, papa~papa"

"Siaa~aaa!!! (What??


It was also after the leader of the "Hundred Foot Curtain", who felt that the scene had been raised to the highest point, was almost enough, so roared.

Let these hunter birds, who are themselves spinning around it, return the body of the cloud in mid-air just as obediently, so they are forced to look at each other face to face a lot.

Naturally, it suddenly became clear that compared to other groups that he had seen, he was more realistic and quicker in time, and Yun couldn't sit still and wait for death.

Therefore, in his long-distance communication dispatching favorite, let the ‘shadow fighters’ who had already been ambushed in the tunnel, arranged by him to hide among the many stone cracks in the process.

He rushed directly out of the tunnel as if his hands and feet were swift, and then used various wide-range and high-explosive mid- and long-distance sword skills to hit the opponent by surprise in advance!

For a time ~ a large number of sword skills are the best long-range attack, and they bombarded a lot of hunter birds that were unprepared, or had a lot of low reaction power.

As they lose their lives, or when they are forced to fall, all the forces that carry the clouds in the air will also weaken and become a serious drag on the oil bottle.

So in almost this kind of behind-the-scenes attack, it worked for most of the time, and the hunter birds gradually couldn't support the mass of such a heavy volume. They had to cut off their own silk threads, and wanted to spread around and re-circulate directly above. In the airspace!

Naturally aware of the abnormal'Hundred Foot Curtain' leader, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the source of the attack as if he hadn't expected it, and then discovered that the clouds were also tricking them into gathering them too Catch it all in one go like an anti-routine!

So ~ Knowing that it was deceived and sentimental, it moved its body so quickly, and then turned the huge body first, just like the front half of the body was so high with a large number of blade feet, it attacked the cloud that was still falling from mid-air. Come.

Similarly, the hunter birds, who will not retreat due to a surprise attack, also regained their strength as they returned collectively in mid-air, and they were also unwilling to attack the'shadow fighters' who were still sniping at them. 'stand up!

(This judgment is really good~ but we were not really soft persimmons from the beginning!)

[Emperor Heart Sword Thorough Decision-Shadow Dance Blade]

‘Om~Om~Om, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh~

And he also understands that the leader of the "Hundred Foot Curtain" who specializes in attacking the strong, even if there is a melee situation like this suddenly formed around him.

He, who would follow his war-loving instinct for the first time, showed a slight smile with a strong meaning in this way.

Then, under the condition of the whole body shining with a blue sword skill halo, his body seemed to have 7 afterimages in every movement, which made people look dazzling visual afterimages.

As a result, the attacks of the leaders of the "Hundred Foot Curtain" that greeted us behind seemed to have hit the path of the phantom again and again, and they failed a lot.

Even if he kept trying to guess and then hit the real body of the cloud in the true sense in advance, but after all, it seemed to fall into an infinitely futile situation, making him almost out of anger.

(In that case~ I will take your life without any kind of courtesy! Damn big bug! ‘One step at a time, every inch of life is lost. The swallows come and return, it’s futile after all!’)

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