Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 65: Asuna and the disgusting steel defense that began to be defeated one by one

" bugs! Only groups come to bully me a girl!"

Feeling the harassment of cross-strike combos in four places, the front and rear, left and right, made Asuna, who in turn was affected by the superiority of numbers, felt annoyed. Every time she avoided one of the attacks, the other three attacked her from three directions. Then, he had to use the round and omnidirectional shield that was used to defend the two of Yun and Kirito, but the power of the few people was so dispersed that the shield was instantly shattered.

"Good opportunity! Come on, everyone!"


Seeing Asuna's most annoying shield became weak like paper, Yun already knew that the advantage of the number of people was fully utilized! The current Asuna's uninterrupted raid on the 4 people has disrupted her rhythm, but she still cannot be taken lightly. After all, Asuna is no longer capable of ordinary people.

"'Xing Yao Twelve Days·Devil'!"

Angrily, Asuna raised the two rapiers in her hand, and at a speed that was as fast as the afterimage, she struck the four Yun four people who were attacking her in four directions horizontally, vertically, vertically, obliquely, pinched, picked, and stabbed. The method used to hit the sword with high-energy sword aura, which caused 24 sword aura impacts of 6hit for each of them, which in turn disrupted the four attacking positions for a while.

"'Healing Poems','Guardian Poems','Battle Poems','Swift Ballads','Berger's Rhythm'!"

Seeing the four people who were knocked into the air by the sword, Asia immediately raised her wooden stick to strengthen and restore the four of them, allowing them to regain their full body in the state of flying upside down, but the loss of physical strength was still there. Existing on the bodies of the four, the four continued to backflip or roll tactically on the ground to restore their stance, but Asuna did not give up the attack on the few for this reason, and disappeared from their field of vision. Among.

(Oops! Asuna chose the quick attack method of breaking one by one! Where is she?)

When the four of them had just stabilized their bodies, they had already realized what Asuna wanted to do! But they don't know who Asuna is going to solve first with such an incapable speed? For a while, a lot of cold sweat broke out on everyone present.

(Where? Where?)

Everyone kept a stance ready to fight and searched for Asuna's figure with their eyes.



Suddenly, the sound of breaking through the rock came from the direction of the old man, and then Asuna instantly came to the old man, facing the old man who urgently pulled her hands back to protect him, she cut across at a high speed, directly connected to the old man's arms. It was severed, and the abdomen behind the arm was also ruthlessly drawn with a large deep sword ravine with deep visible internal organs.

"It's damn'a little breakthrough'! It's still a step too late!"

She had locked onto the sudden appearance of Asuna, but when Kirito launched a charge and displacement, she seemed to leave a mocking smile, and once again disappeared from Kirito's vision.

"Be careful everyone! First shrink into a circular array! In case Asuna's weak click breaks! Hurry!"

Seeing the situation where the old man fell to the ground all of a sudden, Yun immediately ordered the others to hug them up, or they would fall one by one according to Asuna's will.

"Master! Can you still hold it?"


Although the old man fell on the ground, he still nodded reluctantly, but the condition of his bleeding wound was not convincing at all.

"Master, I will give you remote treatment!"

"Aishachan! Be careful of the set the other party sets for you!"

Seeing that the situation is critical, Aisha ran out of Klein's guard net a little bit desperately, trying to get as close as possible to the old man so that the effect of his treatment would be better and faster.

"Quick! Lie down! Be careful of the side!"

"Oh! It's so risky!"

It may be that Asuna saw Aisha’s somewhat reckless behavior, so she slightly drew a few crescent sword energy on the way she must pass, and wanted to take this opportunity to give priority to the medical staff on Yun and the others. Otherwise, this time the wheel attrition war, she would not have a perfect chance of winning at all.

However, Asuna’s thoughts are good, but Yun is indeed the most annoying to her. Every time she is attacked by her own death, she will always be expected by this man. Seeing him in such a timely manner, she should have known Asuna's. Who will be the priority to attack? After all, Yun likes to think in empathy, synchronize his thoughts with the opponent as much as possible, and analyze and try to crack her offense. Obviously this guy has done it. This is the third time he has been The confident attack was intercepted.

"Borrowing the old saying from Tongrenjiang! As long as I am here! Don't you want to touch my staff with a vellus hair!"

Yun held the big shield from the gap and declared to Asuna, who looked disgusting with him.

"Cut~ A lot of nonsense! Ah ah ah ah ah!"

After all, Yun and the others just lost one person here, making the advantage they had gained before suddenly become passive, and Asuna also took this opportunity to attack her next target.

"Damn it! Sneak attack from behind! It's disgusting!"

After all, he has an excellent combat intuition. Before Asuna hadn’t formally taken a shot, Cullo relied on his instinct to barely escape Asuna’s planned attack. Asuna could not help but feel the same mysterious instinct for Kurona. Got tricky.

(It's really playing Cunning Rabbit Three Caves like a rabbit with a strong sense of crisis! It looks like we have to find the next enemy!)

Seeing this, Asuna decisively gave up on dealing with the most experienced Kuro first, and instead launched a sneak attack on the weakest place guarded by the three! And her goal this time is the youngest Mia.

(Always feel? Is it possible to be behind!)

"Be careful that Mia may be behind you!"

With a strong sense of danger, Yun immediately turned his head to remind Aisha and the others behind him, but at the moment when Yun just reminded him, the attack from below, like a crypt creature, broke through the ground, Directly within the range of its attack, he opened his sharp rapier towards Xiao Mia and pierced her to death.

"Eh~ ah ah ah! "Shadowless Walk"!"

When she heard Yun’s instructions, the Xiaomi Miya who was surrounded by him kicked her foot and disappeared as if she disappeared. This situation caused Asuna who was about to launch an attack to pause slightly before she disappeared like diving. Under the ground, if Yun didn't guess wrong! The current Asuna is a combination of many fantasy powers, which makes her frown.

(For this kind of highly mobile enemy quietly is my nemesis! Now what should I do to capture her figure?)

After looking at the surrounding area that became quiet again, UU reading www. Aisha also took this opportunity to drag the seriously injured old man back from the gate.

"Thank you...Thank you...Cough~Cough! Please heal me quickly! I want to personally catch this Asuna who hurt people with a dark arrow!

"No problem! You have to keep your breathing rhythm!"

"'Holy Light'!"

Seeing the old man's fighting spirit, Aisha also nodded and gave him a newly learned blessing sword skill. Suddenly after showering with a dazzling white light, the old man stood up and moved his muscles and bones intact as before, looking as if he was okay.

(Damn it really has to give priority to solving their back row! Otherwise it may be me who loses! After all, this body's integration with me is a bit low! There is no way to completely control, even the memory is a little confused...)

Asuna, who was lurking underground, saw the situation, so she bit her nails and seriously considered it...Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

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