Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 67: Asuna, who has the right time and place, and the bow and arrow system that once a

With the smoky, rocky hills, and the noise that should have been noisy, this is a completely new battlefield that has completely changed, and Kirito is disheveled holding two one-handed swords, panting with fatigue.

"Haha~ha! It seems that the attacks of the mud giants have seems to be separated from everyone! What is the powerlessness of such a lone horse? And really want to kill Drop me?"

Sad, even though it is not this time, Kirito still has some shadows that Asuna is unable to enlighten because of her own demonization.

"Who? Uh~hmm..."

And his instinct told him that someone had approached him, but the other person had lifted it up too quickly and covered his mouth.

(So ​​fast? Who is it?)

Kirito, who was still a little afraid of Asuna's attack on him, sighed in relief after hearing the voice of the visitor.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh! Sister Kirito! Mia saved you just now! Look!"

Because of her height problem, Xiao Mi lay directly on Kirito’s back and reminded him, and as her words just fell, the place where Kirito was standing just now suddenly raised countless stone spears, if it were not for Xiaomi When Ya just covered his mouth and led him away, she would have been skewered a long time ago.

(Good risk! It seems that Asuna Chan is now completely controlled by that **** Cthulhu! Otherwise, she wouldn't be cruel to me!)

Seeing this, Kirito swallowed involuntarily.

"Thank you……"

"It's okay! Brother Yun asked Mia to come to you! I have the'Shadow Walk' plus my own'listening' skills to detect sounds within a certain range, so I found you before Asuna! Come with me! Take you to continue looking for everyone! This place is not as simple as it used to be!"

Mia nodded slightly, then closed her eyes as if she was using the special skill she mentioned earlier, and then suddenly jumped off Kirito's back as if she had some clue.

"Go! This voice should be sister Aisha and the others! The voice is too mixed! But I know very well that Asuna has gone in their direction! We have to hurry!"

"Okay! You lead the way! Mia!"

Seeing how nervous Mia was, Kirito realized that Asuna was in the dark, Aisha and they were in the light. This situation was impossible to prevent, so he asked Mia to lead the way and ran in one direction together...

"Kirito-chan! Bishi! Argo! Kuro! Silica-chan! No! Not at all nearby! It seems that things are pretty bad now!"

In a place like a canyon, Aisha climbed up a taller boulder and called out the names of several people around her. But there was nothing but her own echo, and she couldn't help biting her little lip.

"Master Aisha! We're just reuniting with Agil and Klein now! The others don't know where they are scattered! I'm just a little worried about the old man! After all, listening to that voice should have been attacked by Asuna-sama. Correct!"

With a serious expression, Lena took Klein by her side and reported to Aisha on the stone.

"Okay! Brother Klein and Agil, Sister Lucy! Are you all right?"

"Fortunately! It's just some skin trauma."

"Maybe the worst thing now is someone other than us, right?"

Aigil and the others nodded slightly, and gathered in Aisha's direction.

(Aisa-chan! Be careful around you! Asuna is going to you!)

And just when Aisha was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Kirito’s private chatting voice reached her ears, although she still didn’t know how Asuna was locked in their place in the rocky hill, since what Kirito said There must be a corresponding reason.

"Be careful, everyone! Do dodge actions at any time! Asuna is here!"

"Okay! Hmm~hmm!!!"

Just as Aisha reminded others in a panic, the surrounding rocky cliffs suddenly broke open, and countless stone refrigeration weapons came to the discovery of a few people. Fortunately, Aisha reminded them earlier, they had already shaken hands. The weapon in the middle quickly used the range of sword skills to destroy it in mid-air without falling, and Asuna also took advantage of the cover of the gravel from the wall to touch Lucy, who was full of flaws behind.

"The door is really wide open! Goodbye! Sister Casey!"

Asuna held two rapiers surrounded by black aura, facing Casey's back was a ‘five-star tear demon’, and realizing that there was no way to escape, Casey couldn’t help but burst into cold sweat.

(It's over...)


"Sister Casey!"

"Master Casey!"

For a while, Aisha and the four of them wanted to use "charge" and continuous sword skills to fight, but found that the distance and time were completely out of line, just when several people shouted and Casey closed his eyes subconsciously to take the move. , Countless fiery rain of arrows suddenly pierced in front of Casey and Asuna, forcing Asuna to step back, and the arrow followed her back path and plunged into the ground fiercely.

"Damn it! This thing and these tricky angles! No one but that stinky man can do it!"

Seeing these familiar arrows, Asuna remembered the memories on the high walls of the starting town and in the town at that time. These are clouds dealing with the kobold giant forces and the dark organization, and the magical bow and arrow sword skills that make her Zou's brow furrowed uncontrollably. He didn't expect how accurately he could interrupt and threaten her actions in such a place that would not be suitable for flying weapons.

(Catch up! Listen, everyone! I will use the sword skills of the bow and arrow system to delay Asuna! You evacuate to the northeast! There are the lost Kuro, Argo and Silica! And Kirito and Mia are very good Soon you will meet on this road! Quick! Can't let everyone act alone!)

(we know!)

After hearing Yun's remote instructions, Asia and the others nodded to each other, and ran in the direction Yun said.

"Wait! Damn! This ultra-range attack is really annoying!"

Originally, I wanted to use the sword to attack Asia and the others, who exposed her back to her, but the reminder of the "dangerous perception" had to make Asuna give up this great opportunity and disappear into the rock again While disappearing, a large amount of sword rain was inserted in the place where Asuna disappeared...

"This is very annoying! This feeling of escaping into the earth! It should be the same magic as the previous summoning of the earth giant? Since there is such a tricky thing appearing in this cold weapon-dominated other world, then we It's quite passive!"

The cloud with closed eyes uses the blessings of the'mind eye' and the clairvoyance. Although Asuna's figure is captured, the information returned is that Asuna is floating rapidly among the solid rocks like a hiding place. That constitutes a 3D The perspective picture made Yun a cold sweat on his forehead after looking at it.

And he is now in a completely standing'sniper stance-strategic level' situation but the distance from the entire Asuna's lurking battlefield is not beyond his attack range, which is also gratifying. Now that Asuna focused on chasing Aisha and the others, it gave the protection of the cloud output environment.

"It seems that Asuna's detection ability is also limited! Otherwise, how could I be uninterested in a big prey like me!"

Yun maintained his three sword skills at the same time, and embodied a large number of arrows on his back and waist to prevent the use of arrows from keeping up with the battle.

"Hey~hey... If someone can help me prepare arrows, it would be great!"

"Why don't I help Yunsan Hundred People Prepare!"

While Yun was still feeling a pity, a familiar voice appeared beside him.

"Goddess Yui? Why did you come to such a dangerous place?"

Feeling amazed, Yun asked Yui goddess to the side...Gray Wheel Dancer of Sword

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