Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 69: Planned breakout

"It just happens to be able to test and perfect my magic! Didn't you want to consume me by playing wheel warfare? Now let me see who is consuming whom! Watch me take it easy and then play with you slowly!

In the rock wall, Asuna continued to use magic with a smile, and once again created a large number of stone soldiers, letting them break through the wall directly around Aisha and others.


"Be careful!"

And this undefeatable situation caused Lena to hold Kirito and take Agil and Klein from the back by the stone soldiers, and they were divided into two teams with Aisha and the others.

"Damn it! We are cut off! What to do with Kirito-chan?"

"First cover me for a few seconds! I want to bring up a spare one-handed sword! I didn't expect these stone soldiers would consume the durability of the weapon so much!"

"No problem! Agil! Cover Kirito-chan for weapons with me!"


Klein picked up the katana and Elgi holding a two-handed axe, and started guarding Kirito and Lena to violently suppress the surrounding stone soldiers.

"Lina! Thank you!"

"This is what I should do!"

And Kirito was quickly concretizing four one-handed swords, tied two of them around his waist, and then thanked Lena slightly.

"'Level two in a row'! Sister Casey and Mia lean over here!"

"Okay! Aishachan! "Level Cut"!"

"Hmm!'One hit kills'!"

And Aisha also used 2hit's range sword skill, and let Lucy, who also used range sword skill, and Xiao Mia, who focused on killing by one blow, narrowed the defense range by her side.

(Listen well, everyone! Next, I will do a devastating blow to the enemies between your two teams! Attention from Aisha! There is a gap after the bombardment for about 5 seconds. At that time, you hurried towards Kirito and the others. Run, and after that, the second round of blows to the enemies in the direction of Kuro and them is also 5s! There is only one chance! Everyone should pay attention!)

(To understanding!)

(5s? It’s a bit hard!)

(Even so, we have to bite the bullet, or we won't achieve the goal of quickly fleeing the battlefield! Next time there will not necessarily be a high success rate!)

(Got it!)

After receiving the instruction, Aisha and Kirito nodded to each other, and continued to pretend to meet the enemy and wait for the opportunity to come.

"Ha~Haha! Now you are in a state of catching turtles in the urn! Even if Yuezaki Yun has the ability to reach the sky, there is no way to solve this strict encirclement net! But when you are exhausted, I will slowly play you to death!"

And perceiving Kirito and the rest of their predicament, Asuna is still strategizing and smiling, waiting for the chance to be exhausted...

(There is no movement from Asuna! That... it's now!)

"Goddess Yui! Up arrow!"

"Okay! Come on!"

('Dual Rainstorm Pear Blossom Crazy Wave Style')

Yun, who activated the three skills with his eyes closed, received a large number of arrows from the goddess Yui, raised the elevation angle and shining with fiery sword skills, and launched it with high-speed bursts. And there was a deliberate interval for a while, and then it continued to send bursts again.


The high-speed and sharp sound of breaking through the air, after crossing the high-altitude clouds, hits like a torrential rain into a gorge in the distance...

(This voice is! Attention everyone! The first wave is coming!)

Although Yun didn't give Aisha and the others a reminder, even they could hear the special sound of breaking through the air. At the moment when Aisha and Kirito reminded the others, a large amount of burning sword rain hit the middle of the two teams of Kirito and Aisha. It was like a downpour of offensive, and the people at close range could not help but swallow. Swallow.

(Fortunately, Asuna is not a cloud! Or even if we have a Xiaomi that can detect, this kind of over-range fixed-point sniper ability that will come without warning is really terrible!)

Everyone is fortunate in their hearts, if the enemy is Yun, let them escape, it will definitely be the result of waiting like a thousand arrows.

(Attention! The sound is getting smaller! The 5s interval is coming soon!)

(it is good!)

(It's now!)

(Ha ah ah ah!)

Under the'listening' of Xiao Mia, she clearly understood the interval of the first wave of cloud rain. Under her precise on-site command, Aisha and the others braved the unending arrow rain. Dash forward...

"What are these guys doing? Why are they rushing into Tsukizaki Yun's arrow rain? Is it possible...what's the trick? No! I have to intercept these slippery humans myself!"

After Asuna closed her eyes to detect the messy footsteps, she quickly attacked Kirito and the others with a bit of a bad feeling...

And when Aisha and the others were still a little afraid of the arrow rain they were about to hit, the arrow rain in front of them suddenly stopped. Seeing this situation, the few people ran in the direction of Kirito and the others carefree.

(Attention! The second wave is coming!)

(To understanding!)

As Aisha and the others ran over, Xiao Mia reminded all the personnel that just as they responded, the second wave of exactly the same arrow rain hit the stone soldiers who were about to flee! At this time, everyone was attentively vigilant against Asuna's surprise attack. After all, Asuna's incomprehensible astonishing behavior could not have been unaware.

(Lina, be careful behind! Asuna is here!)

At the call of Mia, just like the old saying, "Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived", a phantom entwined with black aura appeared behind Klein like a ghost, followed by a few voices with a loud breaking air. Sword Qi attacked Klein.

"'Armor-Break Knife Light'! Haahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

And Asia, who reacted for the first time, held the one-handed sword with both hands tightly, and greeted her with the crescent sword spirit in the direction of Asuna's sword skills.


In an instant, the blue and purple sword auras collided fiercely, causing the rest of the blows to deviate a bit, allowing Klein to escape the spread of the two sword skills and come to Aisha and the others.

"O~O! Aisha sauce is amazing~ Well! I have realized the sword skills of using sword aura in such a short time! But compared to me, it is a lot worse!'Xing Yao Twelve Chen·Devil', Ha ah ah ah!"

Some slightly surprised Asuna, unrelentingly took advantage of the situation to draw out the high-speed 24hit directional sword skills of horizontal, swaying, vertical, oblique, pinching, picking, and stab, to Aisha and the others who have not yet established a foothold. The direction hits.

(How to do?)

(It's okay! It's just time to check with Mia!)

(To understanding!)

(It seems that Asuna used it this way before, right?)

"'Er Lian Sword Impact'! Ha ah ah ah!"

And after receiving Mia's order, Aisha subconsciously recalled Asuna's sword skills before, and imitated the posture of'Erlian Sinister·Devil', and wielded a blue halo. The two crossed crescent sword air, and then followed Kirito and the others in the direction of Jianyu.


As the two sword auras collided with each other, they immediately interrupted or shifted Asuna's crescent sword aura, causing it to hit the ground on both sides of the arrow rain under the influence of storms and explosions.

And just when Kirito and the others arrived in front of the arrow rain, the 5s gap came this time, and they took the opportunity to touch them happily.

(Is there a gap? Is it possible?)

"Wait! You despicable and shameless people! Damn! It's this **** rain of arrows again! Tsukizaki Yun! I'm not over with you!"

Just as Asuna was preparing to move and pursue her, a plurality of arrows that looked like giant firebirds bombarded the entire canyon, and Asuna had to be forced to flee into the hard rock again, waiting for it. The end of the brutal blow...The Gray Wheel Dancer of the Sword

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