Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (795) from Argo’s past memories...

"It's Lilith, Argo! Don't get me wrong...I~I...QAQ"

Looking at this, Aigels was so exaggerated that he almost fell off his chin and eyeballs.

Argo, who subconsciously reacted so instinctively to cover his heart with his jade hand, showed a very annoying and disgusting look at his behavior, and cursed a lot of it.

So let alone Lilith and Waka, who didn't know the reason for this, were so disappointed in their good first follow-up impressions, and they shook their heads like disdainful eyes.

In general~ it is really hard. This person has no proper rules and regulations to get along with women, and he has suffered too much from cancer. He feels like a dumb eating coptis in his heart.

(Sure enough, it’s still too straightforward in terms of emotional intelligence! Seeing his grievances like this, let’s just let him talk about it! After all, the surrounding situation has not been most effectively improved...)

"Ah~huh! Okay~ Okay, let's not bully you! Let's go in and talk about the details later, let's talk about the personnel and the situation here in detail! After all, this view is inseparable from our efforts! "

"It's true~ Then put this rudeness aside for the time being, and after the follow-up is over, let's settle the account after the autumn!"

"Hmm~hmm! After all, we also have to know the priorities!"

The same is true of the three Argonauts who opened one eye and closed one eye, after seeing the bitter face of Aigils.

It is almost also slightly clear that he is in the state of being too thick, and Argo and the others are temporarily not just like they are caressing about this not very serious matter.

For this reason, the three of them are like condemning him as a sinner completely in their hearts, and these compromises are connected in disguise...

(Don't... Even if the external situation is really urgent, but my own innocence is still very important... How can you draw conclusions of guilt so hastily...)

"Okay... I'm too stupid and self-defeating... The situation now looks like this... QAQ"

That's right~ What is meant by crying without tears, and being shot while lying almost lying down, is now fully reflected in Aigels.

Even if he can't pass this hurdle in his heart, he still knows the sequence, so he can only passively admit his fault, and describe the specific situation here now with a **** face...

(It turns out that it’s just the temporary wall of this small garrison that just happened to be built, and you want to expand the enemy’s vanguard forces that you encounter in a radius of about 10 meters? Indeed, this is really a lower probability than buying a lottery ticket. Ah...x3)

"But~ Fortunately, Mr. Grace and the four little guys have moved here, after all~ The terrain effect attached to Mr. Grace's house is just as busy as hell!"

"Indeed~ Your boy's opinion is very good! Instead of sending the little cuties of Sister Argo's, on the contrary, after telling the old man to let her come, not only completed the task, she was also very loyal! "

"Hmm~Hmm! Although I don't understand very well, I also think you did a good job! Mr. xxx!"

It was also after hearing this Aigels make a long story short, taking them to temporarily escape from the outer line of defense, so that they entered the first floor hall inside the mansion, after a large long table that could seat more than 50 people in the innermost position.

Argo and the others, who understood that the change had changed the original content of their contract, were so amazed that they agreed with their approach.

After all, this can not only allow people to take care of the comfort and emotions of the four little guys, but also consolidate the assistance and support promises made with Argo, so in turn, it made the few people very relieved and nodded many times.

"Nothing~ After all, we have always been divided into several soldiers since we came back, and we are prepared in all aspects. Although we also noticed a strange feeling of being watched in the middle, we ignored a lot because there was no danger..."

"But who knows that these despicable guys will come from the sewer exit about 100 meters from this station, so they perceive that we are expanding out of the building like a swarm of invading, really let us be caught off guard at the beginning of the loss. Two brothers of Wu!"

"Among them, the third and fourth elders who fled with Ms. Argo before were injured, and they are now left on the second floor to treat their injuries with the other guys who are also unable to move. Our manpower has been continuously declining. bad……"


That’s right~ When they saw Argo, they actually didn’t realize the completeness and seriousness of the Then they squeezed their big hands and shook their heads as though complaining a lot to the three of them. .

After all, because it belongs to a remote area in the suburbs, the few inhabitants that existed before can be said to run, die, and get caught. Naturally, few other people will come here because of fleeing.

So from the beginning of the battle with the enemy vanguard, Aigels’s manpower has been in an irregular situation and has been in a sharp decline. Now this is still able to maintain the frontline situation in front of him, I really don’t know if it can last until tomorrow morning. Hard to say a lot...

He was naturally anxious and irritable. After Argo and the others joined, he wanted to make a contribution here...

(Indeed... the status of the manpower and the number of people left in the enemy has always been a troublesome factor that we have to constantly scrutinize and consider... Can it last until the sunrise tomorrow? It really makes us feel a lot of worry. Ah...x3)


Endless silence, this is the common default behavior of Argo and the others even after hearing that the situation here is still not optimistic.

After all~ this time they escaped from the tiger's den and entered Longtan, they had already made great preparations in their hearts when they came in.

But once it was put in front and back of their eyes in a real sense, it in turn made them a little more headache and a lot of sense of sight...

"Let's do it! I'll take care of the four little guys, and then the eldest sister Lilith, Kazuka, and the freed old Grace will take turns to maintain the front together!"

"After all, among you few people with good skills, my ability can be said to be too mediocre!"

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