Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (Eight Hundred and Ten) From Argo's past memories (...

"As well as observations for nearly an hour on the way! At least knowing that they have a round of four weeks interval, there is no more, no less than 5 minutes!"

"Cooperating with this, He Xiangjiang sneaked into the corner and listened to the news inside to see! The internal patrol pattern is similar! But it just made up for the situation of the outer patrol gap! Now it's really fun!"

After staying in this place for almost an hour and a half, arriving at 2 to 3 o'clock in the afternoon, almost according to the intelligence of a large number of own personnel, after obtaining this internal and external time difference tour rule.

But Argo, who was still frowning a lot, closed his beautiful eyelids in this way, and started to analyze Kazuka, who was blinking his beautiful eyelids.

"Is it possible~ Is Argolian worrying about which interval to make up for the problem? But I don't think it is too much trouble to be better?"

"After all, if you think about it, I have been using this time difference just now, so there is no problem going back and forth, so it shouldn't be any trouble, right?"

Also after seeing Argo becoming overly cautious and calculating to no avail, he felt a little strange and Xiang~ Finally, he couldn't help but talk about it.

Seeing her so confident and full of confidence, it is possible that she hasn't realized that there is any real trouble between them...

(Here~ When I want to praise her for being good in all aspects, she starts to be stupid again!)

"Hah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You can come and go like this because you are agile, and you don’t need to dive into it as a complete back-and-forth situation, so I don’t understand that there is also a me involved in it. For the sake of it!"

"I have such a burden now, I am not as strong as you, although ~ yours is almost the same... but there is a real difference between a person who has exercised and has not exercised!"

After watching Hexiang looking at the state of her admonitions so overly stupid, he subconsciously sighed, not knowing whether it was good or bad Argo.

He pointed out that although her body shape is almost similar to that of Hexiang, she has no real ability to adapt to this figure, and she has not even been able to achieve the basic conditions for such excessively intense and intense action!

That's why she was returning to her current appearance. She was overly worried about this matter for a long time, but ~ worry was not useful, so she gave feedback to some Hexiang who hadn't reacted...

(Body? Oh~oh! What that means! I thought something was wrong!)

"It's very simple, it's like this!"

\'Wh~p, p~p\'

"Eh~ eh~ eh??? Slow down~ Slow down and Xiangjiang! And whisper ~ whisper!!!"

Also after listening to Argo's body problem, he was overly distressed a lot.

Hexiang, who thought it was something particularly troublesome, took advantage of her carelessness as if she was carrying a small animal, and clamped it very lightly under her armpit.

For a while, he suddenly felt tripped over, and the whole person's vision suddenly became Argo.

Subconsciously pressing down on his voice that should have been overly surprised, he kept warning him a lot!

She could see that she herself had never expected Hexiang to have such great strength, so she kept raising her small head and melon seeds to make sure that she had not disturbed the patrol outside.

"Don't worry! When I was practicing boxing and kicking the basics, I had to lift a few kilograms every day until I was a little more than a hundred kilograms in the back!"

"This weight is about the same as what I used when I was a kid, it is extremely light!"

"Uh~h... more than a hundred catties... isn't there a specific amount? He Xiangjiang's master is so strict! But compared with this weight, I always feel that there is a strange sense of sight..."

And that is to see Argo's panicked little appearance, and the words that Hexiang took to blew himself up as usual, made him feel a lot of embarrassment.

After all, how to compare~ She doesn't know if she is too heavy or something, so she can't be happy at all...

"So~ Is He Xiangjiang really convenient for action? Don't be too aggressive just to be handsome in front of me!"

"It's okay! A few more will not be a problem for me! So~ I think the worries are gone! What is your plan? After all~ You won't fight an unsure battle, right? Argo sauce! (??? ??

And that is, seeing Argo's body and mind all of a sudden, after a lot of time to relax, she felt that she could go straight to the subject, so she consulted.

"Naturally! Then just listen to my command and move forward together!"

"To understanding!"


And that is to see that it is possible for Hexiang to do this, not only to relieve the excessive tension, and to cooperate with her to solve her own personal waste situation.

After nodding their heads so the two of them maintained such a magical state, and began to wait for the next opportunity to act...


[From now on~ Let’s use private chats for hidden conversations, after all~ It will be much more convenient for us! 】

[Well~ Well! Indeed~ I have completely forgotten that there is this feature because I have no time before. Sometimes~ I have to sigh that although it is a different world, there are still some game things in it! 】

[Attention! He Xiangdian, after the next wave of peripheral tours leave, you will directly take me to the hiding place in the corner, and then I will give you precise instructions one by one! 】

[No problem~ It's all up to you! 】


The same ~ that is, immediately after switching to the private chat situation in his brain, this is also the initial command test that Argo made before the action. After all, if this thing has problems in the middle, it will be difficult to hold it for a long time. His own Hexiang has given precise instructions!

For this reason~ After a few simple instructions, they separated the gap left by this remnant wall and began to observe the patrol of the opposing patrol outside...

[That’s right now, let’s take a forward somersault and take me over, and then hide or not be far away among the remaining bushes! 】

[Eh~ Eh? Oh~oh...]

"Huh~hu~hu, bang~da, huh~huh"

And just after Argo had used his sight and hearing to completely confirm the other party, and he was about to leave, this first sudden instruction really made Kazuki a little confused.

However~ Although there are some doubts in my heart, I am still very obedient, and brought Argo to a 5x360° continuous somersault!

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