Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (813) from Argo’s past memories...

[Ah~Ah... I'm sorry for your care! Argonaut! I really lack some exercise. If I am stronger, I can last longer...]

[It’s okay~ I’m too strong to make you look like this! I'm sorry... I'll help you to supply food and water! 】

[Hmm~hmm...I have work! 】

‘Hey~ Hey, Guru~ Guru’

Nature itself is really exhausted, and Hexiang, whose hands can't be manipulated finely for the time being, is just like a very naughty child.

After replying to Argo with such a smile, he opened his small mouth and enjoyed it very much.

She was fed a few bites of dry food and some water, and she was so comfortable and obedient, she could see that she enjoyed the situation very much...

[Call Call Call ~ ~ ~ ...... eat a full, but even so the supply, I'm afraid I have some time to become temporarily disabled hands look! I'm sorry ~ Argo sauce. 】

[Maybe at night or tomorrow, we can take further action! I don’t know~ Are you in a hurry? 】

Also after this wine and meal, Kazuka can be said to be as happy as a satisfied face, but he subconsciously moved his hands again.

Seeing is still a temporary non-willingness to see, in a situation of extreme paralysis or even random activities.

Feeling a little bit of a hindrance, she talked to her privately like so apologetically!

It can be seen that she herself didn't want to take a higher risk, and continued to take Argo's action today as if she was too aggressive, so she showed a very self-reproachful appearance.

(Sure enough, is it still too reluctant after all? It is also~ After all, Hexiang and I are not iron men, so in this situation, are they still mortals with naked eyes after all?)

[It's okay! Safety is important, and on the whole, it belongs to the other side's abandoned place, even if there are signs of the surroundings that have not been patronized for a long time, it can be seen from the surrounding area! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 】

[As long as the other party finds that it is abnormally late, it shouldn't be a big problem! are you tired! Let's take turns to watch the night, and then huddle together to keep warm and rest for one night. 】

And after he was so full with Xiang Fei, and saw that she was very serious, after going to exercise her trembling jade hands that didn't listen to her orders.

Argo, who knew that she was indeed over-loaded, comforted her so while not stopping her jade hand, giving her jade arm that was still in a highly tight condition, constantly massaging to relax.

After all, she also knew that such a reluctant action had all harms but no benefits, and she continued to look at the only one outside in the middle of the road, and there was no human population through the roads at the front and the back.

Coupled with the fact that this place has already appeared to be in disrepair for a long time, a lot of dust, cobwebs and even a little moss have already appeared.

Argo, who felt that this place had indeed become a good natural hiding place inside the enemy, nodded and said in agreement with him.

[Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh! After all, it is the arms that are tired. I can still do it after watching the night and waking you up if something happens! 】

[Then after I relax your muscles, I'll just lay down and simply shop in this corner that seems not easy to be found by people passing by outside! Let's stop here for a while! 】

[No problem, it's all up to you! 】

\'Swish~wow, wow~wow\'

It was also after Argo had finished his instructions in this way, he quickly produced two sleeping bags with rough animal skins, and a certain degree of animal skin cushions lying close to the ground below.

Just like this, I took Hexiang into it, cuddling each other and started to warm up and rest...

\'Pazi~Pazi, pa~pa~pa\'

(This noise ~ is it possible to be discovered so quickly that the personnel have evaporated?)


[Wake up and Xiangjiang! What could be the trouble! 】

[Hmm~hmm? understand! 】


And it was about 3 to 4 in the morning, almost between the middle of the night and early in the morning, a very rushing meal and multiple footsteps, suddenly alarmed Argo after another shift and closed his eyes.

At the first moment, she had roughly what she had inferred, so she pushed her aside and was still asleep, with the fragrance of Harazi still flowing from the corner of her mouth.

He was naturally vigilant to a certain degree. After being pushed a few times in this way, he immediately got up as if he was sober, and Argo listened quietly to the actions outside...

"Have you found those two silly boys? Even after such an emergency, you find something to do for me all day long. Most of them are hiding somewhere, so I haven't come back!"

"But ~ Chief Officer, after all, they have only experienced a catastrophe in the town. They are not so stupid that they are fooling around~ Maybe something happened to them!"

"Hmm...hmm...find it again! The matter has not developed to the level of reporting to the superiors, otherwise ~ which **** Fick butler ~ ~ will report me some unreasonable charges, and continue with me Wearing small shoes on the body really makes a lot of chaos at the critical moment..."


Obviously~ This is the team that is looking for the two hapless guards. Listen to the footsteps and then cooperate with them on the minimap, through the two shared "search for enemies" and reconnaissance sword skills, clearly visible icons. Forget it, I'm afraid it's about 2 people.

Now he was secretly doing search tasks other than his own job, and the other party’s squad leader who made noises existed.

Most of it was said by his mouth that Steward Fick had targeted him and didn’t know how many times it was right. Otherwise, he couldn’t mobilize his own staff in such a panic, and privately search for the whereabouts of the two of them in the middle of the night...

(It turns out that the matter was not completely upset, but because of the squadron’s own interests and position, he had to deceive the top and conceal the disappearance of the personnel first!)

(However, if there is no news for a day or so, I am afraid that it may cause bad effects and hinder our actions! It will be better if we must take some corresponding measures...)

[I know the truth... But~ if we play men into their team, don’t mention the details of the roles played, we don’t even know many of them...]

【Yes! Argosy, even if the weapons can be tentatively set to keep the original appearance and directly equip them, but this more detailed thing is our most fatal weakness...This is a lot bigger now...]

And that is, after hearing the secretly deliberating words that they seem to be no one everywhere in this way, but filled with their own people...

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