Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (830) comes from Argo’s past memories (...

After a short period of doubt, a very busy and intermittent ambiguous noise soon appeared inside, although it sounded a little unnatural.

But for them who haven't touched a girl for a long time, it is enough to be used as yy material, and they don't pay too much attention to the details...


【sorry to bother you! And the sauce! 】

[It’s okay~ Isn’t it just making some ambiguous noises, so I can take advantage of the sound-proof fisheyes here (?o?o?)! Although it's a bit shy, it's not a big deal! 】

[Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

It is also clear that there are ears in the real sense of the outside wall, coupled with a group of curiosity, have to let Argo and the others blush together!

To satisfy the yy material of these **** people with this triple male low female high mixed false sound, otherwise it would be too difficult to reply the next day to ask if there is anything!

[That~ Argo sauce, we have been calling for more than ten minutes in turn! It should be almost there, right? 】

[Uh~uh... maybe~ after all... I have no experience and don’t understand...]

[Wait for a minute~ Is it possible that Argo sauce is the only way to make the best move because I also have experience? 】

[Not Meow(^^)? 】

【of course! I haven't even seen a man's body, okay, what do you think of it! ! ! (¬?¬)]


It was the same with the thirst-like condition of this throat, and Hexiang, who didn't understand at all, took the opportunity to turn his hand and Argo consulted.

When he said that, Hexiang seemed to have a lot of hair, and he glared at her so very angrily, making Argo himself a little bit awkward to hit him with awkward smiles.

[Forget it! So be it! Anyway, we have done everything we should do! Next, continue to exchange information! 】

[Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

Beep~deep~deep, wow, wow, wow

In the same way, after fooling the people outside for ten minutes, Kaka felt that it was almost the same, so he proposed to Alpha.

The two stopped disguising their voices, as if they were back to peace again, exchanging information on the new maps they had expanded.

(So ​​that's it~ Is Argo sauce almost half a circle from the west gate to the east gate where we are?)

(It happens that I walked in the direction of the north gate and the south gate. Now the combined information we have obtained is almost included, except for the inner city in the depths of the mansion, so the external conditions!)

[Generally speaking, what we get is the stationing of troops, and as long as the defensive network is in condition, right? Argo sauce! 】

[Eh~Eh, we only know that in addition to the East Gate where we are lurking, there are two big teams in total, and only the North and South gates are under the jurisdiction of the second team! 】

[The first team we are in is stationed in Dongmen, while the third team is in Ximen Tunji. This is the distribution of all the foreign defense forces here! 】

Also after hearing Hexiang's analysis, Argo, who was slightly smiling, used some stones on the ground to make a simple intention map roughly on the ground.

So she shared with Hexiang the information she got from the chats of the surrounding friends and the staff during the shift.

In general~they gained a lot on the first day of infiltration, at least they have fully grasped the deployment, construction, and personnel situation of the outermost part of the mansion!

[That being the case~ Next, let's find a way to get in or get information about the inner city, right? But judging from our current situation now~ I'm afraid the progress is still a bit slow, right? 】

Hearing that Argo was so confident, and after sharing so much useful information with him, Hexiang suddenly frowned, feeling so long and sighing at how difficult the future is.

[Actually~ Nor is it true. Didn't we succeed in making this first business? Although the upper echelons here do such things externally, why don't we do the opposite to buy people's hearts one by one? 】

[But~ Not all women are the same as this time, so easy to come to us! And if the personnel above find out, we will all be unable to escape our responsibility! So it's better to stop at enough! 】

Suddenly, I heard Argo wanted to go further. After using this method to get through the contacts, she felt sweaty, so she hurriedly persuaded her to put it away.

After all~ After this time of risk, Kazuka also felt that this matter became more and more unreliable, so he reminded him of his strong opposition.

[I understand~ He Xiangjiang, but~ if we want to connect with more internal personnel, I am afraid we have to at least take away the bachelors of this team! 】

[Because we have a family and it is almost the situation we introduced, it will be much more beneficial for us to ask the entire team to do things in the future! 】

[So~ as soon as we finish our internal work here, let's wash our hands and quit, and finally find a way to get the least information about the celebrities around the lord! Only then can we have the opportunity to reach the ultimate goal from such a bottom layer! Isn't it? 】

Naturally, Argo also knows that this matter is indeed But for them who have not yet explored other ways, they can only use such improper methods to help them win more. The sponsors of or the status of directly contacting personnel.

For this reason, after setting the initial goal of hand washing with the golden basin, he looked at Kazuka with a smile and asked...

[Okay... After all, I leave the brainpower and diplomacy to Argo sauce, as long as you don't play with the situation of wiping guns and getting fired, we will all be safe! And~ now it's almost time! Let's wash it first and then continue to talk privately on the bunk! 】

[Ah~Ah! 】

‘Huh~huh~huh, huh~huh~huh, huh~huh~huh"

Seeing that there was no good way for Hexiang, so after compromising on it, the two people discussed this secretly, they and the "Aba~Aba" sister on the side, together with the elephant-like cleaning utensils, made it useless. After the net.

They both went to bed and continued to discuss more in-depth content secretly...

"Ga~Da, Pa~Da"

"Morning~ Guys! To be honest~ Did you hide in the door yesterday to eavesdrop?"

"Aha~haha! No~no! Why are we going to eavesdrop! Do you think it is!"

"Yes~Yes~Yes! It's just that~ your internal voice is slightly louder, so don't blame us for eavesdropping!"

"Oh~h~h!!! ​​xN"

And early the next morning, he took the lead to come out at the door and wait for the other guys on the other side to call the bald guy back.

Seeing where they are winking at each other, smirking like dead ghosts!

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