Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: The EX Chapter Christmas Eve and Christmas (eight hundred and sixty-two) did not exceed the pre-op

I suddenly felt a huge plural of external magic power, using this good inscription magic circle as a medium, after it was poured into her jade body all at once.

The bursting pain and soreness that excessively stimulated the whole body's magic circuit, and then forced to open or break through the blockage, seemed to be reflected directly in her mind, causing her to subconsciously utter an unsatisfactory grief as if the pain was unbearable. !

This is an unprecedented and sustained high-severe pain that she has never experienced in her entire life, which made her begin to feel too utterly empty-talking about the Haikou that she once boasted in front of the cloud...

Sizzle, snapper, hiss


Buzzing, slurping, pattering

That's right, the powerful magic power injected into the cloud opened her magic circuit that was blocked by the magic circuit so violently, and even after the entire magic circuit was opened, she synchronously used good healing magic to repair and reshape the damaged magic circuit. stand up!

However, the excessively strong impulse will eventually lead to substantial damage to the internal and external tissues of Elise, who has a damaged magic circuit.

And now, under his wailing condition, almost the entire body of the jade skin can't bear it. This kind of powerful magic power from the magic circuit leaks to the tissues, resulting in an unavoidable explosion of large-scale bleeding.

Not only that, if you observe all the tissues in your body through magic power, you can also find that the whole body's internal organs have a large-scale rupture and internal bleeding dangerous situation of the same reason! Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

The same main biological organs are even more terrible, and they are in a terrible situation of excessive blood loss compensation.

But it was also because Yun had injected a good magical effect with healing magic into it beforehand, so that all the internal bleeding mouths would use the small barrier of magical power.

One by one blocked most of the bleeding points in advance, especially for key organs such as the brain and heart, and entered the protection state in advance as a precaution!

Sure enough, and the initial expectation is almost undoubted, now it is necessary to put in external medicine, and then cooperate with the healing magic exerted by many outsiders!

As well as the way of active multi-person manual repair, it can block and heal the bleeding mouth, so that it can complete all the symptomatic rescue operations before the magic barrier collapses!

It's time for you to play! My old folks! I am fully responsible for the supply of magic power, and you will rely on your help for other rescues and detailed surgical procedures!

To understanding! x4

Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, grunting, screaming, screaming, screaming

Yes, the very first step is indeed done very well, but after the high-risk situation that will inevitably occur in the operation!

He had anticipated and prepared in advance, so he asked the waiting shadow warriors on the side to take up the position of rescue, treatment and main sword in the next stage!

After all, compared to the effects of shadow warriors who have reduced their abilities and total magic capacity, the cloud of pure identity will play a huge role in supplying magic power, and only then will the allocation of other positions be handed over to the shadow warriors to collectively share.

The current treatment steps can be said to be surprisingly simple and straightforward. The only thing is that it takes time and a lot of manpower. For this reason, Yun has arranged the personnel and the medical supplies that he wants in advance.

So the sight of all the staff being mobilized all at once appeared in this simple operating room...

The subsequent treatment and rescue steps are divided into several steps at the same time. The first is to use artificial methods to repair the whole body tissue wounds that are temporarily blocked by the magical circuit.

The second is to cooperate with the special treatment potion made by Good Cloud, which can be used as an auxiliary effect for external application and internal administration and compression bandaging.

The final step is to quickly remove other internal hemorrhages and congestion in the body that have not had time to stop, and enter the repair phase of the secondary priority tissues.

But because all the shadow warriors on the scene are now engaged in combat, they can use external force and magic at almost the same time to greatly shorten the overall treatment time, and conquer all their remaining targets in a short period of time.

On the way, in order to prevent Elise from passing out due to excessive pain, and biting her small tongue full of barbeds!

There will be a shadow warrior who is responsible for non-stop and inductive conversations with her. He has a small branch strengthened by magic in his beak, and he has been distracting her as much as possible to reduce pain instead of using words to make her as distracted as possible. !

And that is to say, about 30 minutes later, the entire operation stage has entered the final stable recovery state...

Hmm! Generally speaking, the most troublesome complications beyond the abnormality did not appear during the treatment process. It seems that it is time to make the final confirmation. UU read the book and then ended the treatment and finished the situation!

"Ha ha ah ah ah ah ah ah ... ... everyone reconfirm physical condition of the patient, see what omissions did not!" Thou Kiki novel Wang Yakult ~ 7 ~ 1 ~ 7 ~ (ωωω) .qq7 (1 )<First release, domain name, please remember

"Then the person in charge of cleaning immediately replaced the red-stained quilt and bandage, and after the final confirmation was completed and the diagnosis and treatment was completed, the patient immediately removed the bandage, washed his body, and re-consolidated the new compression bandage therapy!"

"Understood! xn"

Rattling, buzzing, buzzing

Also after this long tormented Elise died alive, she fell into a godless Ababa state with pain in her eyes.

At the same time that all medical treatments are completely over, they are still afraid of which part of the cloud will be missed.

Under the condition of maintaining the continuous supply of magic power, let the current shadow warriors carry out the diagnosis and screening of their current jade body like a carpet search again!

The shadow warriors, who naturally dare not neglect, keep the same spirit of playing twelve points, and continue to complete every remaining step arranged by the cloud...

Wow, wow, wow

And that is to confirm at the end after about another 10 minutes have elapsed!

And at the end of the cooperation, let the shadow warriors use good water magic to clean the body of Ellys who is almost in a short-term loss of consciousness.

Then, after wrapping a preventive bandage around the skin that used to burst, the entire procedure of treatment and surgery is completed...

Pazi, Gada Gada, Boom Boom

"Ahhhhh! Lord Yun! How's the operation going? After all, even through such a thick stone gate, I can hear the internal sounds that are too violent and even cooperate with Elise's tragic call to kill a pig!"

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