Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: EX Chapter Christmas Eve Christmas (872) After the persuasion is complete, there is only waiting t

"To be honest~ I didn't expect that the reason for choosing me would be so magnificent, so what is the situation of getting a little bit of slander for multiple benefits? After all, such a follow-up event is a feat that changes the eternal destiny of a clan! "


That's right~ After listening so carefully what the so-called follow-up events are, really~ Naya is like a different person.

It's so positive, and it's a lot of good guarantees to respond to it again and again.

After all, she herself did not expect that a woman who had been sick and inactive for a long time would usher in such a glorious future.

So let it seem to have awakened a sense of excessive honor and mission, and try my best to respond to Elise now!

(What a strong sense of mission! As expected of our sisters in this branch, they are so serious about such an overly glorious mission! I knew it so long ago~ Why did I bother so much...)

"Ahhhhh, that's the case~ Sister Naya, I'll leave first, and then my brother-in-law will inform you about the follow-up matters!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Then I'll send it to Lord Elise, and just apologize to the two adults!"



That's right~ After seeing that Naya not only completely relieved her overly stubborn old concept, she was even willing to dedicate her life for the next good and glorious task.

For a while, Elise felt that she had spared a lot of twists. If she had known this situation, it would be better to confess the plan behind and let her join willingly!

But ~ but Elise wanted to return to her heart, but ~ knows how important this matter is, and even after it still needs to be kept strictly confidential, after she nodded to her, the atmosphere came to the door with an excellent atmosphere!


"Oh~ah! It looks like! Miss Naya has accepted Miss Elise's proposal, right?"

"Yes! How prejudiced and rude just now, I would like to ask the two adults to forgive me! After all, a chronically ill body will make the temperament a lot weird!"


"Oh~oh! Isn't it... it has become too much!"


That's right~ This time, I waited for a while before I saw Elise and the others come out of the situation as if they looked very happy.

Let the cloud who knows that the task should be completed, they say hello to him!

Naturally ~ after the other party admits his mistakes too bluntly, and even becomes really enthusiastic.

The cloud, who became more concerned with what kind of method Elise used to subdue her, couldn't help but subconsciously question her.

But he didn't get any so-called accurate reply. It was just the fact that they said goodbye to Naya's departure after the other party greeted them with a smile as if haha...

"Since I have solved the psychological problem, when is Master Yun going to start the next operation!"

That's right~ That is to send Elise back to her residence, when they are about to say goodbye.

After all, she couldn't suppress her curiosity for new knowledge, so she smiled and consulted Yun in detail!

(How do you feel that since he recovered his health, the whole person has been too active a lot?)

"Um~um... If it's fast, I should be able to do it this evening or so. After all, this time Miss Elise will join me, so I should get back soon. Also~ the information I just gave you, you should do it well. Watch it!"

"Cooperate with the communication magic you just mastered, although it will reduce the original effect here, but because we are not far away, as long as we are not out of the tribe, we can communicate with each other anytime and anywhere. If Miss Elise does not understand, just ask me. That's it!"

"No problem! Then~ see you tonight! Master Yun, brother-in-law!"

"Ah~ah! x2"


Indeed~ because Elise didn’t give Yun a detailed explanation of how she subdued Naya’s situation, she decided to give her full power to her about the patient’s psychological counseling and communication issues in the future, and she gave her some preliminary steps just as a precaution. Learning materials and theories of magic.

Naturally, the cultures of the two sides of the text are so similar for some reason. Even if there is something that you don’t understand, you can gain further knowledge through the self-teaching replay images injected by the cloud.

But such a magical magic parchment scroll is not useful to anyone. It can only operate by itself if the person with magic power provides it with magic power, and then it is like a touch-screen tablet computer operation method. Search, study, etc. to share.

In general~ it is indeed much more convenient and easier to learn than when Yun was first introduced to magic. It made him, the founder who slowly made such a good thing, a little envious of the teaching environment of these reserve magic apprentices. …


"Is the teaching materials that belong to me alone in this tribe now? Hmm~hmm! There is still before the appointed time in the evening, so you can learn as much as you can first! Huh~huh! (≧?≦)? "

‘Om~Om~Om, tee~deep~deep, wow~wow~wow’

That's right~ That is to say, I was sending away Yun and the others, UU reading alone in the room alone.

Seeing that the scroll in her hand was entirely from the hand of Yun, and belonged exclusively to the only scroll of parchment she had now.

She seemed to have a reddened face and endless reveries in her mind. She was like an innocent girl who was overly affectionate, rolling around on her stone bed or even on the ground~cutely moving.

The same~ After reminding time based on the cloud real world through the magical parchment scroll that comes with it, she felt that this time was still precious, so she immediately injected it into her crudely crafted magic power that was not particularly stable.

Then follow the method Yunlin taught her when she left, so quickly open the internal interface, looking for the original teaching content~ a person shaking that cute furry deer tail, full of energy, plunged into serious self-study, and improved their understanding of magic. Get up with the ability!


"Since we are all busy until dinner time, I will let the people reheat the meal, and then celebrate a little bit. At the same time, I will ask the people to rebuild the operating room for the adults to be spacious enough to connect to the next room. !"

"Really? That's immensely grateful. After all, I feel a little bit that if I want to train Elise and the others, the room will always be a little crappy in the later stage. It is naturally best to be able to prepare so in advance!"

"Hmm~Hmm! Since adults are so instructed, I will let you prepare everything we can do for you!"

And that is, when he returned to the front of the front hall gate, Lutz, who seemed to be able to do something for Yun and the others, suddenly spoke to him straightforwardly!

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