Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (911) Mysterious Tracker

It can be seen~Because she rarely meets or even actually meet, Naya also shook her head and said that she was not clear about it...

"So... it looks like we can only take one step and count one step..."

"Hmm~mm! x2"

Naturally ~ It can only be said that other than the tokens of the \'Saxia\' clan that the opponent's ethnic group and He are in, I am afraid that Yun does not have any first-hand information to speak of...

For this reason, he couldn't help thinking about it repeatedly, so he could only go straight to the bridge, and continue to take Argo and the others over the mountains and walk along the steep and narrow mountain road...


(This magical perception is!!! I didn’t expect to be in trouble when there was half the distance left! But ~ the other party didn’t seem to have the intention to attack! It seems that more of it is to observe, Accompany?)



【what's happenin? Lord Yun? Is it possible that something has changed? x2】

\'咣~咣~咣, 唰啦~唰啦, bang~Da\'

Suddenly, he looked at the cloud that was in the forefront of the task of exploring, clearing, and guarding the road, stopped first and then turned around twice, with a serious look on his face!

Naturally, the two Argonauts, who knew that there might be nothing good, and the two warriors on the left and right sides in parallel, realized their own weapons one after another.

Let’s turn back to back into a small cylindrical array, so ask and be wary of it!

[Ah~ah! We have guests admiring our actions nearby, but ~ it seems that the purpose is simply tracking observation, and there is no surprise, so I immediately stopped and waited for the other party’s further response...]

The same ~ after seeing Argo and the others do not need to be prompted, they are just so self-vigilant as good battlefield habits!

Yun, who felt very reliable, responded secretly to them both in this way.

Obviously~ he seemed to want to arouse the other party to meet independently, and stopped and waited for the other party to act!

\'Hoo~hoo~hoo, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter

And that is, it didn't take long for Yun and the others to stop. The other party was clearly detected, and jumped directly from the mountain walls on both sides very quickly.

Then I still couldn't see the real appearance, and slowly came to the distance of Yun and them on a five-digit scale, about 100 meters away, instead of confronting them!

(A five? It's less than expected! But ~ this is a good hidden action ability, if it weren't for me to combine the detection effects of the two systems ~ there would be no way to detect it...)

"Excuse me~ what do you follow or even observe us? After all~ we don't seem to be doing anything to you, right?"

"If you insist on saying something wrong, I'm afraid it is the possibility of entering suspected your territory for no reason, right?"


If you say nothing and then stare blankly on the spot like this, that is naturally not what Yun wants and will do.

For this reason~ he can only choose to break the overly serious atmosphere first, and ask the other party in this way...

"We are the'Star Apostle', and accept the apocalypse to welcome the messenger who possesses the'Moon Treasure' and its followers. Although I don't know who of you has it, the female of the other race behind you is obviously filled with the'Moon's Treasure'. Blessing', that’s why I keep watching!"


And just after hearing Yun's words, he saw one of them took a bold step towards him, and then nodded to him in a respectful manner, and then replied sincerely to Yun.

Obviously ~ After Yun's Secret Treasure of the Moon was collected by Yun, I am afraid that no one can know that it is in his hands.

Not only that~ because Naya herself is full of blood that has been baptized by him, and is flowing with activated'magic power' blood, so this is difficult to easily cover up!

But even so~ Yun doesn't know how true they are, so naturally he is very skeptical!

After all~ this sleepy pillow situation is obviously too much by coincidence.

It's especially like you didn't tell others that you want to eat beef hot pot today, and you haven't even had time to go out shopping.

I found that there was a salesman with all the things you needed, and he didn't enthusiastically promote the situation to you before showing the real thing, so it is inevitable to let him keep a skeptical look...

(Good vigilance, worthy of the messenger sent by the "Moon's Secret Treasure"! Various auras can crush people a lot...)

"I think you might think that we are unidentified, and it's too coincidental to come here! For this reason~ I'm afraid you will understand if we are like this!"

‘Om~Om~Om, wow~wow~wow’

"Um~hmm~oh~oh!!! There is resonance! It is the mutual attraction between the stars and the moon! x2"

That's right~ After seeing Yun obviously in a skeptical look, it is natural to prove that the leader of the other party is innocent, and then after gently surging his own magic power.

When I saw Naya on the side, I could say that there was a burst of light all over her body, and she couldn't stop the azure magic halo, which made her feel a lot more comfortable!

But the most deadly evidence is more than this. Another situation that slightly makes Yun have to be overly moved is clearly in the self inventory, but it can also feel like resonance with each other, that only oneself can The perceived internal "Moon Treasure" now has the same effect!

Let it begin to slowly understand its own route, I am afraid it has already been arranged by it!

Even if it is indeed smooth sailing, but there is no way to understand what kind of bad luck this conscious thing will bring to oneself? lucky? Yun, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable a lot...

After all~ he doesn't like this situation of being at the mercy of others, especially the situation of being completely unknown, manipulating the whole situation with invisible hands...


【I see! Because the ‘Secret Treasures of the Moon’ I own have also responded to them, it is impossible for them to deceive us! 】

[That's it~ We all listen to you! x2】


And even after the other party showed this good proof, Yun's expression seemed to be a lot more solemn.

Naturally, when Argo and the others were aware of the questioning, Yun did not hide it, and told them the truth!

Suddenly, the two of them couldn't help but feel a lot of comfort, but ~ but... Even if you don't understand what Yun is worried about right now, after all, the final decision is transferred to his hands...

"That's it~ but I didn't expect to receive your enthusiastic invitation halfway through, which really surprised us a lot! Or let's keep moving!"

"No~no! The direction you are going is the abandoned place we had a long time ago, and there is no longer any of our footprints, so please let a few guards go back and go with us!"

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