Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (924) is too much trouble, so I might as well invite you...

Patter, gurgling

It was also when I slightly saw Yun's expression a little unpleasant, and after a slight recall that it was probably those factors that affected him in this way, he questioned Yun again and again.

For this reason, I also like his good performance of observing words and colors. After clinking glasses with it enthusiastically, Yun responded to him straightforwardly.

It is true that although he will not stop other people's love behavior towards him, he still can't accept this situation that seems to open his mouth and his hand to stretch out his hand. That's why he opened the skylight to the black-robed priest and talked...

"That's it! Since Master Yun doesn't like me, just don't do it. How about enjoying the moment as a good friend?"

"That is naturally the best! Come on! Drinking and eating meat!" The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://m.qq*717^m.q^q717.c^om/

"Okay! You can't help but fill you up, right?"

"How come? Come on! Do it all!"

"Do it!"

Smashing, pattering

In this way, the priest Yun and the black robe stayed for about 2 hours, and then slowly began to return home...

Ta ta ta

Has been closely followed! Is it possible that they are really ready to do it directly?


Ahhh! I know Master Yun, but everything will be fine when we return to the hostel!

Why not go here!

Huh? It's impossible for Master Yun that you are thinking! ! ! Ok! It's okay to die with a gentleman!

Slap, patter, huhuhu

"Come out! I know you have been following us, so I chose to meet you here!"

That's right, along the way, you can feel the other party's breath situation, and the killing intent is strong.

So Yun had to be overly alert, wearing a black-robed priest, walking directly into a certain road and alley, and walking to the dead corner at the end, this straight call to the surrounding!

After all, if they were allowed to do whatever they wanted, then it would be too dangerous for Argo and the others, who still don't know the crisis!

That's why Yun is so proactive, trying to make all the enemies attack him!

Ta ta ta

"There are foreigners and priests! Don't blame us for being rude! After all, taking money to deal with people's disasters is also one of our professional ethics, although it belongs to the bad kind!"

"Ha ha ha! xn"

唰唰唰, 噌噌

It didn't take long for each of them to be full of black mist, and they looked very wicked and evil.

So they embodied their eighteen weapons, just like a real smirk, and slowly closed all the entrances and exits from which they could escape, and slowly leaned in the direction of Yun and the others!

It can be seen that even if they knew it was a trap, they would not miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, proving that they are such a wonderful type that they are very proud of being such a shameless person.

3, 7, 9... 10? It's much less than I expected, or there are some who are on standby and monitoring Argo sauce, so it's not all of them?

"After all, it is also an independent dark side force, and there should not be only these talents! So are you ready? Old friend!"


Swish, buzz, swish, pop

"These guys! They actually resisted! Kill them!!! x2"

"Oh oh oh oh!!! x8"

Bang bang bang, Dangdangdang

That's right, after using the reconnaissance sword technique to fully understand the surroundings and the specific number of opponents.

Yun, who was almost determined to be able to do it, called the black-robed priests around him under such a slight utterance to himself, just as one person was in charge of the other, and he took the initiative to attack the enemy.

And this wonderful counterattack phenomenon really scared the two enemies that were approached at first, so in the course of this confrontation, he yelled casually and let other people around him quickly surrounded and strangled it!


Hmm! A simple fight can still be taken, and it seems that the overall approach strength is not as strong as expected at the beginning!

Bang bang bang, da da da

It's like a random attack situation like the ruffian gangster without any professional training! All in all, it's... choking, screaming, strange novels|w~w~

"A school of trash fish, right?"

"What are you talking about!!! Who is the miscellaneous fish!!!"

"Ahhhhh!!! x9"

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zixi

It is true that after such a simple and chaotic battle with about 7 people at the same time, they evaded and blocked the enemy's attacks everywhere on the way, and then through the collision of strength and observe their fighting behavior!

To be honest, it was really too immature, and he didn't even have the fighting skills of ordinary sergeants.

That's why, under the condition of squinting his eyes, after so subconsciously blurting out, he immediately annoyed the group of mobs! It makes them look like they are about to tear the cloud into pieces, and they are more chaotic and target the cloud!

"Even if this is the case, Master Yun might be beaten to death by random punches! After all, even real miscellaneous fish can't be so rude to them!"

Bang bang bang

Trash! ! ! x10

"It's **** bad, thinking we are sick cats! It all cheers me up!"

"Oh oh oh oh!!! x9"

Rhythm dance in the final land

"Oh! This is! It's a bit interesting, Lord Yun!!! x2"

Buzzing, slurping, ding-ding, popping, dangdang

Yes, if it was an unconscious offense before Yun...

Then the black-robed priests who are still trembling with the three people have already made the same first impression with Yun in their hearts, and they have deliberately regarded them as perfect fishes!

But it was such an excessive move that immediately utterly angered the enemies who were present who did not get half a dime from it!

For this reason, I want to prove how powerful they are, so they all respond with a sense of sight, and burst out with various weapons and sword skills in their hands, and mix multiple attack sword skills like a crazy dance, trying to directly kill the culprit cloud. stand up.

Naturally, seeing the sword skills he was familiar with and could no longer be familiar with, Yun could only say that he had been smiling a lot when he was attacked.

On the contrary, I don’t know if the cloud is able to live in the black-robed priest, and he is too helpless, watching the sparks of the seven enemies attacking the cloud so strongly, and he can't move for a while...

Top left, bottom right, front, back left, front left, back right...

Dangdang, slap, dangdang, choked, dangdangdang

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