Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 86: Argo sees Zhiyan's reaction and Diss who is not good at the comer


With the continuous sound of footsteps, Kirito and the others walked to the tavern downstairs in groups one by one in a very regular manner, and here they have seen the rich breakfast prepared by the proprietress for these hard-working personnel. The alluring fragrance made them forget all the painful memories of yesterday.

"Eat slowly! Eat slowly! My sister has prepared a lot for you!"

The proprietress smiled at the gobbled Kirito and the others, and now they have recovered their former energy after a full night of sleep, making the proprietress feel that cooking by herself is a very good result.

"Yeah! You are all starting to eat! Don't wait for Yui! You adults are really annoying! Come to Zhiyan sister! Or we will be out of food!"

I saw the Yui goddess wearing a white dress from the door, smiling and pulling a woman covered in plain clothes with a mask above her mouth, and came to Kirito and they squeezed in, and this masked girl appeared. Argo could not help but stop the chopsticks in his hand, and then stared at the familiar girl blankly.

(This...It her! Could it be...)

Argo stood up slowly and couldn't believe it, then walked quickly to Zhi Yan's side, holding the corner of her clothes with his hands, unwilling to let go of his hand.

"Have you... met me?"

Argo bit his little lip slightly, and then asked Zhiyan with a slightly forced smile.

"It should be... I have never seen it before! This is the first time I met Miss! Hello! My name is Zhiyan! It is an adventurer Yui picked up from the roadside! What is your name!"

The familiar smile but unfamiliar feeling let Argo come back to his senses slightly.

(Like~ like! Too much like it! But... even if it looks like it can’t be her... It seems that I imposed her figure on this Zhiyan’s body!)

"Hello! Zhiyan, I am Argo! Nice to meet you!"

Argo also recalled the old saying, "You can't come back from death". Even in this somewhat distorted world, there should be no way to complete the miracle of the recovery of the dead. She slightly retracted her impulse, and then smiled and introduced herself to Zhiyan. Friendly stretched out his jade hand.

"Hello Argo! Please advise!"

And Zhi Yan also smiled and shook hands with her. The goddess Yui who looked at everything in her eyes also raised her temper slightly.

"Okay, okay! Don't be so polite! Zhiyan! Feed me! I'm hungry!"

"Good little Yui! Weaving Yan will feed you now!"

For Zhiyan, every word of the goddess Yui is an absolute command, but Zhiyan is also very happy to hold Yui in her arms to feed her, and wipe the stains on her mouth, like a full-time job. The nanny waited on the eating behavior of Yui goddess.

(Couldn't it be that this wicked Yui goddess caught something again? How else would you be respectful to this little villain!)

Kirito, Asuna, and Aisha, who knew the nature of the Yui goddess best, couldn't help feeling a little sympathy for this newcomer Oriyan, but they were afraid to say that they would be harmed by the Yui goddess.

In this way, a good breakfast time passed, and the lady boss who saw this situation nodded in satisfaction, and then began to explain to several people what Yun had just asked her to do. Kirito and the others nodded slightly when they understood, and then walked towards the office, but at this time a very noisy voice came in from the street.

"Lord Diss! You can't go in yet!"

"Get out of the way! I'm looking for Yunsan Hundred People General to have a good theory and theory! But I put my wife and daughter in his house temporarily, so why let the group of despicable villains be robbed by the organization! This is right! My wife and girls are at stake! Get out of me! I want to go in and ask in person!"

Hearing this sound like coming to touch porcelain, Kirito and the others also shook their heads slightly. This is one of the things that Yun just told me. Diss, who has an excellent calculation of others, will definitely come at this time. Xingshi asked the crime and fell into trouble.

"What to do? Are we going to stop it?"

Some of Elgi who had a headache asked Kirito and the others who really had the right to make decisions.

"Okay! Now Yun is still meeting guests! He told us to comfort the beam jumping clown first! Then wait for him to call in and make a decision!"

"That's good! If there is such a sentence from Kirito-chan, let's go and rob him!"

Hearing Kirito's permission, Egil smiled and invited Klein out of the tavern with a smirk and gearing up.

"Wait! What are you two doing! But I will...oooooooooo..."

Before Diss could continue to say something, he heard what seemed to be done? Then Agil and the others tied the Lord Diss in with a five-flowered tie, brought them in, and stood aside with Kirito and the others, quietly waiting for Yun's call.

(So... why did you tie me up? What did I do wrong?)


I only saw Lord Diss struggling to move around there, while the others thought that there was no one at the beginning, waiting quietly with their eyes closed...

"Boom~ Boom~ Boom"

"Come in, everyone!"

I don't know how long it took, the door of the office opened, and with a word from the cloud, everyone also took the tied Diss into the office.

As soon as I entered, I saw two men standing very solemnly on the left and right sides of Yun. They looked straight at Kirito and said nothing when they entered.

(Are these two the guests Yun just talked about? But they are interesting! A hippie smiley and a taciturn one!)

When Kirito and the others came in, they looked at them with a sense of novelty, and then slowly closed the wooden door.

"Oh~oh! Isn't this Lord Diss? Who is this who tied you up! Let me see! Yo~oh! You are all green! Come on! Come on! I'll loosen up!"

Although Yun's words and behavior are full of, he is already laughing at the frying pan in his heart. I didn't expect how secretly he would be if he gave him such a slap, and the others also turned their heads and laughed slightly. When they got up, even the two people behind Yun turned their heads and laughed.

"Bah~Bah! Three hundred people in the cloud! You are such a big boast! Not only did you lose my wife and daughter, you are now playing this kind of rogue behavior! Do you think I, the lord, is a bully! "

As soon as he let go of a rag from his mouth, Lord Diss looked at Yun with anger and questioned.

"How come! It's possible that my subordinates are afraid of disturbing my work, so they will tie you up! After all, there are too many things in the past few days, naturally they are also for my good! Please forgive me! Forgive me!"

Yun still smiled and patted Diss on the shoulder, and Diss pushed away his hand impassively.

"Don't talk to me about these useless things! Go ahead! What are you going to do?"

"Since Lord Diss is here! Let's just explain our plan!"

I knew that this Diss came to be bad, but Yun still began to explain his own battle plan to Kirito and the others, and Lord Diss also listened carefully to their combat strategy, and then planned to go to Yun and stabbed them in the back. ...

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