Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (1949) The Decryption of Dolls

For this reason~ I still don’t want to leave the cloud here, so I can only silently experience the waiting time like this...


  【Yes! Deity! The trap below dropped down halfway, and a hidden decryption mechanism appeared, and there was a new secret door beside it. I am afraid it is a complex multiple unlock mechanism! 】

  【Very good! Continue to send a few companions who can enter to help him, and then the real key is! 】

   [Understand! 】


   "Looking at the appearance of Master Yun, you should have a clue? So ~ what do we need to do?"


   And Glenn Hays, who has been observing Yun's words and deeds, asked Yun as if she still seemed a lot of happiness.

   After all, there should be some signs on the cloud side, otherwise it is impossible to become a little more relaxed from just a little worried...

   "Still wait! But ~ there will be results soon!"

   "Oh~ oh... then let’s do it... it’s really uncomfortable..."

   The same~ After receiving this standby command again, Glenn Hays, who felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, continued to sit aside like drawing circles on the ground to pass the time...

   ‘pop, hoo, hoo, hoo’

   "How is it? How is the inside?"

   "It's okay, it can be compatible with two people walking side by side, so it's no problem to come in a few more!"

"To understanding!"


   That’s right~ that is, under the trap, a ‘Shadow Warrior’ opened the outermost secret door to enter it, and roughly detected that there was no abnormality.

   Like 6 more "Kagemushas", this group is cautious and generally, with a group of 2 people delaying the departure, slowly exploring the inside!

   (But I didn’t expect that the interior would be like a matryoshka, layer by layer. The sense of organ design here is really amazing! x2)

   is the first team, after entering it in this way, after observing the almost uniform old rough-processed building walls and tunnel styles around.

  The ‘Shadow Warriors’ who felt a little magical, continued to groping forward like carefully searching for the mechanism inside, and after almost 700 meters inside, they encountered the stone gate like the first level!

   (This is the ‘run script’, it should be the inscription technique composition that asked me to repair the defect? ​​But~ it’s better than the outside structure so that there is no middle and only the head and tail. It really makes people feel the answer is mostly...

   "And in order to reflect all the possible conditions, the manufacturer also made all the corresponding buttons!"

   "Ahhhhhhhhh! In this way, you won't be narrowed down by the remaining text prompts, and this input type situation is really horrible and interesting..."


The same~ In this time, I saw that there are so many rock mechanism keyboards next to the stone gate, with a good inscription technique that shines on the front. One'run text' on the front and one at the end is required to fill in the blanks with the correct content. Problem situation.

   It really made these two "Shadow Warriors" really difficult for a while! After all, I don’t know how many words are composed of this, and every relevant combination, but it is possible, suddenly makes them dare not try it by the way, and they are thinking a lot like closing their eyes...

   After all, this reminder is too broad, and for this reason, it makes it even more troublesome...

   "Why don't you think about it first, let me see if there are really no hints around, after all, the person who does not make hints is actually a very unqualified riddler!"

   "After all, for the people who made the question, no one answered the question, which in turn made them more anxious, worrying that the answerer would not know the beauty and implications!"

   "Ah~ah! Go! Let me summarize the clues I have now. Most of them may already have hints!"


   That’s right~ That is to say, in this situation where it can be said that it’s a hit, and both have their own concerns, the two "Shadow Warriors" acted like each other and began to slowly explore the mystery...

   (There are no other hints around, it seems~ it may be the same as the companion considered. The hints for the answer are mostly right on the way into it!)

   "How's it~ Do you have a clue?"

   "Maybe! Let's waste an opportunity first to see if there will be additional hints or something!"

   "OK! It's up to you!"

  ‘Di~di~di, pa~da, quack, quack, boom, boom, boom’

   also after the ‘Shadow Warrior’ who was responsible for finding the surroundings returned completely without success, he saw the thinking one and started to make the first test.

  【、、、{Fire, sun, man, ice (for the general reference, it is a combination of Anglo-Saxon Futok)}】

   And even after entering the first answer this time, I heard the sound of the mechanism that resounded in the tunnel slowly starting.

   But there was only a sound, but the door in front of them and the other cloud didn’t open and quiet...

   (it looks wrong, I hope there is nothing wrong with it...x2)

   "Goo~ Lu"

   But after hearing the sound of the gears turning continuously in operation, to be honest~ the two "Shadow Warriors" felt a little hairy in their hearts.

   For this reason, behind them who were about to continue thinking about the answer, suddenly they slowly opened a secret door that had not been found!

   (My God, why is it open here, and it looks very slick...x2)

   "Do you want to go in?"

   "No~no! We'd better wait for the next group to come let them stay here, let's go in again!"

   "Well then! Anyway, time is coming soon!"


   It is true~ This time there was a door opening a new secret door suddenly when there was nothing at all, which shocked the two'Shadow Warriors' all of a sudden.

   After all these thoughts, they decided to wait for the next team to arrive before going in to find out...


   "We know the situation! So you go in! Let's try again to see if we can open the door here!"

   "Then~ take care of each other!"



The same was the appearance almost a few minutes after the door was opened, the next group of "Shadow Warriors" and the two companions who stayed at the door alternately clap the scene, and then another group of pioneers entered the hidden door, and went forward. Investigate further.

   Naturally, I feel that this door should still be able to be opened by the new "Shadow Warriors". Based on the first answer that successfully opened the hidden door, they began to think about the next answer and looked a little bit distressed...


   "The door behind is not closed, right?"

   "Ahhhhhhhhh! But where does this straight path lead?"

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