Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 88: Protection measures and the beginning of the transaction

"This...what's going on? It hurts..."

Feeling the hot pain made the boss grin involuntarily, and they also tried in turn, no matter what methods they used, as long as they were to harm the behavior of the two mothers and daughters, they would be treated the same in the opposite way. They have lost a lot of personnel for this reason.

Seeing this, they were also scared. Finally, after watching for a long time, the military division asked not to move them, otherwise they hadn't gotten any revenge or tortured, and they would all be dead.

"Unlucky! I really don't know what Yuezaki Yun has moved on these two women again, forget it! If you don't do it, don't do it! Hey~Yo~Hey! You lighten it! You don't have eyes!"

The boss screamed irritably by a black-clothed subordinate's medication, and even kicked him out in a rage.

"I don't know! But it's best not to play with them, or we will lose a lot! We still use them as bargaining chips. After all, this situation proves that the other party does not want their mother and daughter to be harmed!"

"Forget it! It's up to you to deal with it! As long as we can exchange it for us to escape or live a stable life! Everything is easy to say! What a bad luck! I haven't been stubborn!"

The boss waved impatiently to the military division, asked him to do it himself, and then left the mother and daughter with the deputy leader.

"Come here and send this scroll out! Then just throw these two women and this demihuman into a room here to guard them!"

"Subordinates obey!"

After getting the order and the scrolls, these men in black dared not rush to carry the three of them away...

"But I didn't expect them to be in this most uninhabited waste zone!"

"It's just that they really have nowhere to hide except here!"

Probably not long after Yun and the others set off, they came to an abandoned street that had not been repaired. Kirito and the others couldn't help but sigh with emotion after seeing the terrible situation here.

"Okay! Attention everyone! We have entered the other side's domain! Let's play up the spirit!"


After all, he had sneaked into similar places before, and when he stepped into this street, Yun had already used his peripheral survey to locate the ambushers of the other party, and he was still the same as before, hiding and hiding everywhere in order to act by chance.

(Although it seems to be the same as the one at that time, according to the law of eating a bite and gaining a wisdom, it should have changed a lot! But it is still the same at all!)

"Attention everyone! Probably after the corner in front is the agreed place! Be careful!"


Hearing Yun's second order, I already knew that the next situation would be very serious. Kirito and the others nodded slightly, holding their hands on the hilt of the waist or the back at any time.

As soon as they turned the corner, Yun and the others came to the huge broken square square mentioned in the scroll, and there were already a few people in black who came to the scene, and there were three linen pockets lying horizontally on the ground. They stared intently at the approaching clouds.

"Stop! That's right, stop there!"

Just when Yun was about 400 meters away from them, one of the men in black stood up and warned Yun and the others.

"Okay! No problem! Are you the top of the glutton? Are the linen pockets at your feet the one I want?"

Seeing this, Yun immediately raised his hand to stop Kirito and the others from advancing, and then questioned these people in black.

"That's right! We are the top level of'Gluttony'! Tsukizaki Yun! I wonder if you remember us?"

After that, the man in black and the other man in black walked out, unfastened the hoods on their heads, and then asked Yun with the hidden faces underneath them.

(This is... how could this be... this is not... a person at all...)

When Kirito and the others saw their faces, they couldn't help but feel scared, and Yun was also slightly moved.

The weird faces were almost completely deformed, their mouths were completely deformed and even had weird injuries, causing their mouths to crack close to the base of their ears, and their human teeth became like beasts with weird fangs. The hatred eyes that looked like enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and they were something Yun couldn't forget at all.

"Aren't you the two **** who were in the kobold attack and fought recklessly in the crowds and were wounded trying to deceive my medical team for treatment? I didn't expect you to survive in that situation! You even became. People are not ghosts or ghosts! It's really interesting!"

Even if Yun turned to ashes, he recognized these two **** who were ignorant of the fatigue of medical team personnel and blindly acted recklessly and did not care about the life and death of auxiliary personnel. He never dreamed that the lives of these guys were really tenacious enough to become this pair of beings. In a certain problem-ridden disease situation, I still need to find a scum for revenge.

"Ha~haha! Just remember! Just remember! I didn’t expect that we would devour the corpse and survive, and then we didn’t kill you a hypocrite several times! Tsukizaki Yun! Our hatred is not shared! You will enjoy it! Let's have a feast of revenge!"

The two of them showed evil smiles and then covered their hoods this time, walked back to the direction of the three linen pockets, and stepped on them with one foot. If this action were not blocked by clouds, Kirito and the others would have drawn their swords long ago. Rushed up.

(Don’t panic, everyone! This may be an aggressive general! Let us take the initiative to fall into the trap set by the other party. Now we have already been ambushed by the other party’s personnel. Once we act rashly, it will be a bit difficult to clean up! Let’s calm down!

(...Okay! We get it!)

After seeing Yun rolling his eyes and observing the situation in every abandoned house around, Kirito gritted his teeth and endured it.

(Interesting! It looks more difficult than expected! Let's see what the other party wants to do!)

"Let's talk! Since it's a deal! What are your conditions! You can tell me about it!"

Yun looked at the current situation, then smiled and asked the black-clothed men.

"Ha~Haha! I didn't expect our Yunsan Hundred Generals to be inferior! It seems to be happy! Deputy leader, military division, do you think we should have such a negotiation method?"

"Of course you have to talk about it! You are the best at such things as military masters!"

"The boss, deputy leader! I'm better off being respectful!"

In the slight banter between the three of them, the man in black who was called a military division walked towards Yun slowly, and threw a scroll that fell into Yun's hand.

"Let's take a look! Our requirements are all in there!"

"Okay! Let me see!"

Hearing how the military commander said that the cloud immediately opened the scroll. Just in case the cloud first held the edge of the scroll at the beginning, a fierce tremor threw the content of the scroll to the direction of the clearing. After confirming that there was no hiding After some hidden weapon, I started to observe the content inside.

(So, are you afraid that we will do anything? We are also not decent people, so be careful to make the Wannian Ship!)

The military commander looked at Yun's actions with a smile, and then returned to the boss and them.

"Never mind! Can I first see if the person is right? I have to inspect the goods, right?"

After reading the above requirements, Yun smiled and suggested to several people.

"No problem! Show them!"

The boss disapprovingly made people untie the linen pocket, revealing the contents inside. When Yun did see that it was the lord's mother and daughter and Colum, he nodded. And just as the two parties were preparing to conduct a transaction, there was an earth-shattering cry of killing from outside...

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