Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 96: The cloud of unsettled house

Diss was moved directly into the lord’s mansion. The entire mansion was always in and out of people to heal his injuries, and Yun just nodded slightly to the medical business. Now no medical staff dare to use him directly. The precious Yun's special potion can only be treated with cheap and commonly used potions, but the effect is extremely slow.

But Yun and the others returned to the tavern like a happy heart, and asked the proprietress to hold a big banquet for them on the 3rd floor. The rest of the relevant personnel were also invited to participate in this banquet.

"Cheers to the disappearance of the evil **** Dakos!"


For a while, Yun happily touched everyone who raised the wooden cup in their hands, and everyone's atmosphere was full of joy.

"Congratulations, Brother Yun! If the last internal trouble problem can be solved! I can say that the starting town will be unified!"

"Naturally! But this situation should come true soon!"

"Then the relationship is good! By the way! I will just report to you our results this time!"

Akiel brought Casey and Argo to the front of the cloud with a smile to ask for credit.

"O~O! Okay! I'm quite interested!"

As soon as Yun heard that Agil's business had gained, he smiled and started talking with him.

"First of all! We have reached the transaction chain with the merchant on the second layer! Now we can trade with merchants over there at any time!"

"This is not bad! At least the initial trade route has been opened!"

Yun smiled and drank together after clinking with Agil, holding the wooden cup.

"Moreover, the two demi tribes also handed us a certain amount of supplies as the first tribute and the two lords gave Brother Yun a generous gift! Come and have a look!"

Casey also smiled and called up an e-mail list and sent it to Yun. Yun looked at the contents and patted her knee with a big smile.

"Unexpectedly, my Confederate Congress would give me such a big gift! It seems that our food problems and traded goods are already expected!"

"Yeah! I was shocked when I went to sign for these things! I didn't expect to achieve this kind of output only after a period of development!"

Argo also praised Yun with excitement, braving the symbol of small money and money.

"Okay! These are the price we paid for achieving a win-win situation, and they are also the other side's heart!"

Yun knocked on Argo's little head and asked her to put away the thought of disrespectful results of the ally's labor.

"Okay, I see! But this time your subordinates handed in a large number of teenage girls on time to complete the previous instructions! In addition, the expansion of the entire army after you were promoted to three hundred generals just caught up with theirs. It’s time to use it! But you can double your strength! This is a big army! How do you plan to arrange the other 8 lieutenants!"

Argo put away his greedy appearance, and asked Yun very seriously.

"Is there a total of 48 corps in total? In addition, there are eight new lieutenants to be elected... It is really difficult! It's okay! Expand the army first! I will appoint 8 new lieutenants after the internal trouble is eliminated!"

"That's good! Then you can solve it by yourself! My good brother! Ah~ Ah! I won't talk to you anymore! I'm going to talk to Zhiyan!"

After confirming Yun's opinion, when he saw Zhiyan and the goddess Yui passing in front of him, Argo hurriedly bid farewell to Yun and chased the two.

"Really! Since this Zhiyan came here, Argo wants to get to know her every day! I don't know if he was attracted by something!"

"Husband! Don't worry about girls! Isn't it good to let them be free?"

"That's true too! I am too wide to take care of it!"

I saw the Aigil couple laughed and touched a cup and drank it in one fell swoop.

(Do you care too much? It’s the first time I saw Argo’s expression like this! Whatever! After all, the choice is in Argo’s hands!)

Yun looked at Argo, who was going to say hello to Zhiyan, and seeing her bright and lovely smile, Yun felt that she might have walked out of Hexiang's shadow.

"Three hundred generals in the cloud!"

While Yun was still thinking, the lord's mother and daughter slowly came to him.

"What's wrong? Two beauties!"

Yun smiled and raised the cup to greet the two.

"The Yunsanbairen will really laugh! But...even if Diss's words are resolved! Can we...can still serve you by your side?"

The two of them questioned Yun slightly worried.

"That's natural, you are my darling! You can stay by my side at any time!"

Yun smiled and hugged the two in his arms, but there seemed to be something missing from that time... enthusiasm, right?

"Thank you!"

The two nodded slightly, cuddling in the arms of Yun to feel the warmth that belonged to them, and then turned and left after a while. In this way, everyone’s congratulations and various greetings made it a lot more exciting at a banquet, but Kirito and Aisha were not close to the cloud half a distance, which made people feel a little strange.

(Aisha-chan...Do you think the appearance of the cloud is weird?)

Kirito held Asia's hand a little sadly and looked at Yun surrounded by the crowd and asked.

(People...not very clear! Although Peter is here, it seems that the soul has no idea where to fly! I always feel that Peter here is like a walking dead! People are really worried! Since defeating the evil **** Dakos! Pi's is like another person! The whole person is in a trance!)

Aisha also shook her head and squeezed Kirito's hand. She could feel that Yunnei had indeed lost something... but they couldn't figure it out, and they looked a little uncomfortable, and wanted to leave him alone. After being quiet, he won't disturb his life anymore, watching here in a hurry...

"It always feels like what happened between you two? You look unhappy! Come on! This is something that the lady boss made specially! You have to eat well! Since you come back! You two will be unhappy and give tea. I don’t want to eat! Even though I know the reason is that stinky man! But your body is your own! You are not good to yourself! Who else cares about you!"

And Asuna on the side really couldn’t stand these two unconventional girls. UU Reading took two large plates of rich food and came to Kirito and Aisha very deliberately. He generally blocked the eyes of the two of them watching Yun, and frowned Zou to teach the two people who didn't love them.

"It's a lie to see that the beloved person turns into this look and say that I don't feel distressed! Asuna... What do you think we should do?"

"Yes...Since Peter became like this, we don't dare to approach him at will, it looks pitiful! But we don't know how to comfort him...Are we negligent as the girl..."

Seeing how Asuna cared about herself, the two discussed life as if she were a good girlfriend.

"No matter what you say, I won't help you get close to a scumbag! At least I don't want you to get a bastard!"

Asuna resolutely refused to provide the two with a plan, but at this time someone would always come up with a very good idea.

"Kuku~Kuku! I, the goddess-sama, should educate you on this kind of thing! Miss Kirito and Miss Aisha, hold your heads out! I'll tell you what to do!"

After seeing the goddess Yui with a smirk, joined the conversation of the three people...

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