Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 2: The marriage of the couple and the relationship between Kirito and Asuna announced

(Damn... Yuezaki Yun... This is the second time I feel so uncomfortable after seeing Kazuka's memory! It's all your bastard! I'm an emotional **** again! Although this time is not a foul, it is still A little troublesome!)

"Now you got your wish, right? Tsukizaki Yun!"

The goddess Yui turned her back to Yun and the lord's mother and daughter and the people asked about it.

"Yes! Thank you Yui goddess for the verdict of the two people's innocence!"

"Then you still marry or not?"


"Well then! When the two of you wake up, I will host the wedding of the two of you personally!"

"Thank Yui, goddess!"

"Huh~huh! No thanks!"

Following the compromise of Yui goddess, Yun took out his potion and drank it with a smile, and then waited for the two to wake up.

"Well...we are...what's wrong..."

"Mom... my head is so dizzy..."

After a while, the two highly anticipated women slowly stood up.

"Great! They are awake!"

"Quick! Play music! Make the atmosphere lively!"

"Cheers! Our blessings for the birth of the newcomer!"

For a while, all the locals and players abandon the previous suspicions, and then make the whole ceremony venue lively. It looks like nothing happened before. I sincerely wish the mother and daughter into the big family of Yun. .

"What's going on here?"

"It feels like my head is empty... By the way! How is Dishe?"

"It's okay! Two beauties! Everything is over! Miss! Madam! Come and continue our wedding! I am waiting for you in front of the Yui goddess!"

"Okay! Leave it to me to lead the way, three hundred generals!"

"No! Just call my name!"

"Yes... Yun... come to my daughter! Come to mom! Mom will send you to Yun's side!"

"It's... Mom!"

After Yun's several urges, the lady of the lord responded repeatedly and asked the lady of the lord to take her hand and prepare to enter the arena to continue the ceremony.

"There is a goddess Lao Yui!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Obediently stand on the left side facing me!"


After Yun simply understood the steps, he smiled and stood on the right hand side of the goddess Yui. Turning around and waiting for his bride to arrive, everything is full of blessings from the people in the city. When once again received this kind of support, the lord and his wife could not help but leave tears of happiness on the way. It didn’t take long for the lord’s wife. He handed the young lady to Yun's hand, and then stepped aside and cried happily.

"Yukizaki Yun! Are you willing to marry the lord lady as your wife in front of the great Yui goddess? No matter the future poverty, wealth, pain, or even disability, will you never abandon her?"

"I do!"

Yun smiled and swears to the goddess Yui, holding the hand of the lord lady.

"That's good! Miss Lord! Are you willing to marry Tsukizaki Yun in front of the great Yui goddess? No matter the future poverty, wealth, pain, or even disability, you will never abandon him and set him privately for life?"

"I do!"

The lord also smiled sweetly and nodded to the goddess Yui!

"Then Tsukizaki Yun and the lord! I have become the goddess of clothes! I really admit that you are a couple! Come! Let's exchange wedding rings with each other!"

Seeing the same smiles of these two happy newcomers, the goddess Yui couldn't help but tilted her body to look at the relatives and friends seat. The two smiling but with their nails in the meat of Kirito and Aisha, sighed slightly in their hearts. He breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a headache for how they liked a **** who couldn't understand the unfair treatment of women. After all, there is a father or mother in name, and they don't know what they should do.

"Miss Lord!"


"Congratulations on the birth of the new couple! Ask them to throw a lucky bouquet to bless the birth of the next couple!"

"Wow~ oh oh!"

For a while, the people below all sounded thunderous cheers and applause, blessing and waiting for this happy bouquet, they rushed to hold their hands high and compete for a good position.

"Go! Little cutie!"


As the cloud let the lord miss her back happily, she threw the bouquet hard, and as the bouquet fell, everyone jumped up in excitement and wanted to catch it in mid-air, and the bouquet seemed to have life. Avoiding their hands, it steadily fell on the hands of a lucky girl. For a while, everyone shouted and blessed the girl with pity.

(So... why did it come to my hands!)

Kirito was a little embarrassed holding the bouquet and was pushed up by thousands of people. He walked up with a headache, looked at the place where the groom and position belonged to him, and greeted the two of them without knowing what to do.

"Oh~oh! I got a bouquet! So... I was pushed up..."

"I saw it! Kirito-chan! It seems to be destined! But will your partner be the one between him and her? I'm looking forward to it!"

"Congratulations, Miss Kirito! You should be the next one to tie the knot!"

"Ha~Haha! Miss Lord is serious! It's possible..."

Seeing this situation, Yun smiled and said something, naturally the lady lord who greeted Kirito didn't know what the real relationship between the two was, and smiled to cheer for his love rival.

(Ah~Ah... as the saying goes, "It’s not that friends don’t get together"... I really don’t know what kind of relationship this Miss Kirito and Tsukizaki Yun have, so that they would even be called up to tell the old story. Love... can only say that his **** luck is max!)

"Okay! Miss Kirito, do you have anything to say to everyone? For example, it's okay to announce who your sweetheart is!"

After thinking about it, the goddess Yui smiled and suggested to Okay! I am very happy to be able to attend Yun's wedding this time! And also happy to receive this bouquet! Let me talk about how the goddess Yui suggested it! My wife is Asuna-chan! She is now pregnant with my baby! So I will take good care of their mother and child in the future! thank you all! "

As soon as Kirito’s words came out, the people below boiled up. Unexpectedly, some people’s jealous Asuna’s other half would be the most beautiful "black-haired goddess of war" Kirito-chan. For a while, many people were There was a lot of discussion, after all, they began to doubt Kirito's gender that the two were girls.

"Don't be surprised at this point! Let me give you a brief introduction to some of the special laws of the world under my jurisdiction..."

Seeing how Kirito confessed to the goddess Yui, he smiled and stood up and began to tell everyone about the special laws of this world. Although the locals knew some of them, it was the first time that they heard such a detailed explanation of the goddess Yui that the same **** can nurture life and Differences during pregnancy.

For a while, everyone opened their mouths and was surprised, and even more and more admired this different world under the jurisdiction of the goddess Yui. It is really a wonderful world for the players, and they also understand that even if the other party is of the same sex. Facts can also be passed on from generation to generation!

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