Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 24: The battle of life and death changes from quantity to qualitative change

   "It's okay! You are one of my friends! Aim at the enemy's head slightly! Listen to the sound of the wind! Don't panic! Every hit of your arrow can save our lives!"

   "Yes! Brother Yun! Hahaha! "Sniper" mid~mid!"

With the language encouragement of Long Spear Shadow Warrior Yun and the guidance of bow and arrow skills, Silica’s small heart that was beating rapidly due to panic calmed down, and her eyes became sharp again looking at the one who was about to raise the bow to shoot at one of them. Action, and then with a full string of sweet drinks, the blushing halo wrapped around Silica's arrow, and then knocked through the big head of the pighead archer, causing it to fall straight to the ground.

   (Hit! But Brother Yun said it! You can't take it lightly or everyone will die!)

   "Next! "Two consecutive shots", "Multiple arrows"!"

Although Silica was happy, she kept in mind the rules of survival on the battlefield that the cloud reminded everyone just now. Once again, she drew multiple arrows from her waist and only tied the bowstrings. Her eyes gradually became as sharp as an eagle. Only the next enemy and The next enemy's figure, the whole person's aura has changed! Now she becomes a sniper on the battlefield for everyone's survival.


   "Arrows! Archers? kiaaaaa..."

   One arrow after another is as precise and fast as an infinitely fast-loaded automatic rifle, and none of them shot down every most threatening enemy.

   "Fortunately sauce! I have time to fill Silica sauce with the quiver! I have a backup of concrete arrows!"

   Seeing that Silica had been fighting seriously, the Pike Shadow Warrior Yun smiled and began to cooperate with Silica's sniping, Lisbeth's steering carriage, and Sasamaru's spear cover to start a sweeping operation against the remaining enemies in the village...


   With several falling to the ground and the sound of tumbling, the two guerrilla teams also started their own mission goals.

   "Tiexiong! Are you okay?"

   "Yes! Brother Yun! I'm fine! But we seem to have fallen into the enemy's encirclement!"

   Although the shield warrior Yun holding a one-handed stick and a shield, he raised Tie Xiong who was a little embarrassed on the ground with concern, but the burning building beside him was surrounded by enemy figures.

   "kiaaaaa! Human!"


   For a time, they raised their weapons to these two prey-like pigheads, using assault sword skills; they roared and snarled; and they ran wildly for their lives! Suddenly emerged from all sides of the two of them.

   "It's okay! This way, it's better to tell you what is the most hate-attracting, and the most durable case of shield fighters that can break out at any time! Come on! Hold the weapon and shield in your hand! Let's start the actual battle!"

   "Okay...I see!"

  Although he trembled slightly, Tetsuo still squinted his eyes and nodded with the weapon in his hands.

   "You are optimistic! What is the real front-row shield warrior! And what is our responsibility!"

"To understanding!"

   "Ha ah ah ah!"

As he saw the enemies around him approaching, Yun Li straightened his body and roared deafeningly at these enemies. For a while, all the enemies' eyes showed a scarlet effect, and he turned his attention from Tiexiong's body to Yun. , Raised his weapon and ran in his direction.

   "It looks like the'Majestic Roar' succeeded! This is our Shield Warrior's provocative opponent, the taunting skill to force the crusade to attract us!"

   "But... Brother Yun! There are too many enemies! You can't fight it all by yourself!"

   "It's okay! Take a good look! This will be your future responsibility position in the future!"

   Seeing this countless enemy shadows, the shield warrior's cloud only slightly raised the corners of his mouth. He looked in the direction of all the enemies before raising his shield and thrusting it into the ground fiercely.

   "Big Brother Yun!!!"

   "'Strong as a rock'"

With various sword skills attacking the shield warrior's cloud like a meat grinder, and Tie Xiong on the side could only watch the cloud being attacked by the group, but the unexpected scene happened. Before his eyes, he couldn't help but let his mouth open.

(this is!!!)

But those impacts on the cloud made the fierce sound of metal impact like "dang~dang~dang", and even burst out a large number of metal sparks, which looked as dazzling as a collective smashing on a big iron lump. Not only was Tie Xiong stunned, but even these pigheads who hadn't succeeded in continuous sword skills.

"this is……"

"do not know……"

   was also Zhang Er's monk scratching the back of his head scratching his head, looking at the weapon that was still completely damaged in his hand, he was a little confused. Because it is impossible for a person to have a strong defense force! Now it is as hard as a diamond.

   "Is it over? That's me! Haha!"

Seeing the pig-headed people around him who attacked him but destroyed their weapons and their faces were dull, Yun immediately became full of danger. The smiles that seemed crazy, plus the fierce light flashing in his eyes, held up his right hand with the explosion. His one-handed stick surrounds the tip of the stick, emitting a scarlet halo of sword skills.

   "'Furious Hammer Strike','Erlian Strikes','Heavy Strikes', and'Shield Strikes'!"

As soon as the cloud came up, the right-handed one-handed stick released a continuous left, right, down hammer, and uplifted 8hit high-speed one-handed stick, and that was a headshot again; it smashed the shoulders; it broke the elbows of both hands. ; Another way to destroy the knee joints; even smash their entire feet, or hammer them down into a compressive, comminuted fracture of the spine from top to bottom, causing a large number of pig heads to die in pain. It seems to be Extremely cruel.

   (It’s terrible...Is this really a shield warrior? Or is it a human? It looks like a berserker with a shield, which is rude and terrifying!)

Seeing this unprecedented style of play made Tiexiong feel the vastness of the world, not counting it, it also made him realize why Yun always emphasized that we should not be taken lightly, and it is not even the cause of the enemy’s death or the cause of our death, because war is not ordinary people at all. Something that can be accepted, but now they are in the war, and sometimes they have to make some changes and changes!


This is not over Just now the one-handed stick sword skill has just ended, and the shield in Yun's left hand is pulled out of the dirt, and he fiercely confronts the two surrounding pigheads who have not yet reacted. The shield smashed their pigs' heads, and by the way, 3hit's one-handed swordsmanship began to hit the unarmed pigs again...

   (Does even the shield have its own attacking sword skills? I am really not very clear! It can be used like this!)

The figure that rotates the sword skills from left to right is completely engraved in Tie Xiong's mind. This is the fighting method of Professor Yun's shield warrior. The enemy is more ruthless than you, and you are more ruthless than him. There are no rules and principles here. , There are only the natural rules of "meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins", "the weak eating the strong, and the fittest survival"! And the talents who survived are the real winners!

   (I am not protected by others! I am also a man! A fighter! I can do it too!)

"O~O! Tiexiong! Is your fighting spirit ignited? Then I will let the enemy come here! No! There are already new enemies! Although you are not fully competent in my tactics! But understand Still good! First try to use your shield to predict and defend against the opponent's offense. If you can't beat it, you will dodge and roll! It is our shield warrior's victory that is not injured and persists until the enemy falls. It is not shameful to wait for rescue. Things, after all, a person's abilities are limited! Dignity or something will become despicable and shameless at any time in order to save his life!"

   "Yes! Brother Yun! Haha!"

   Holding the mentality Yun Fang gave him the experience, after Tie Xiong shouted, he raised his shield and one-handed stick and waited for the other party's arrival...

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