Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 32: Miscalculation


   "Drive! Haha!"

   As Yun gave another order, all the cavalry shouted and started their own attack guerrilla tactics based on the three-way division of troops mentioned before.

   "Let it go!"


   Numerous air-breaking sounds shot out from the rear wheels of the light cavalry in the cloud, striving for a safer guarantee for the light cavalry's charge.



With the breakthrough of the first round of charge, although the power is huge, it will still lose a certain number of light cavalry. After all, even with the multiple bonuses of the official-level skills of the cloud and the call of the knight, someone will be the enemy's strong defense. Strangled in the encirclement of the enemy.



   The cavalry who was forcibly dismounted can almost be said to have no way to survive, and falling is a bunch of enemy strangulations.

   A **** road is open, but no one knows the sadness in it. It took a lot of time to successfully pass the village with the reduced cavalry team, and began to enter the roundabout for a second regrouping and cutting tactics.

  How much did you lose?

   Report that there will be three hundred generals in the cloud! The light cavalry lost almost half, and the rangers lost only one-third, as long as the consumption was more than the troops that broke through in the center!

   Even though the cloud with his eyes closed initially calculated the number, he didn't expect such a big loss in the first impact this time. He took another look at the total number of enemies, and now it has dropped by nearly 3,000 people, which means that the opponent still has 6,000 people, waiting for their destruction!

   This is a headache! The opponent is a lot tougher than I thought, and its power is indeed much stronger! What about the other four battlefields?

   Although I started to rescue people! But the number is not ideal! Please don't expect too much from the militia!

   I also have some headaches here. It’s a head-to-head situation. Although it is our heavy weapon, so is the other party! Now it is in a state of fleeing to lure the enemy while fighting!

I also have some trouble here, although I am all long-handled weapons... but the opponent's skin is thick and thick. If you don't earnestly improve the breakthrough power, it will not reach the level of consumption. The main reason is that the physical strength can not be supported. Roundabout side to contain...

  Boss...Although our shield warriors are very hard...but we can't help the bombardment of the opponent's pure power! The situation is not very good...

For a time, the shadow warriors in four directions reported to Yun about the situation on the battlefield. In a word, the battle situation is very unoptimistic. At least in terms of strength, hardness, destructive power, and scale, they are almost beyond the reach of the troops on this side. In addition, all the shadow warriors have a corresponding attenuation in the strength of the body itself, and they have fallen into a state of trouble.

   It seems that I can only use the call of the knight again... But if it is used continuously, there will be a decay effect. Although the equipment cannot be reduced, the number of people will be a little troublesome...

  While Yun was still thinking about countermeasures, multiple portals appeared beside him, and Yun recognized that it was the portal used by the goddess Yui. But he didn't know what the goddess would send him...

   "kiaaaaa! For the territory of our allies! Come with me!"

The familiar roars and shouts, if they are the most familiar voices from Kaitai from the beginning town, because they are the nightmare they have not forgotten in their life, they have heard it during the Kobold attack, and the other is a larger one. The voice of is also the voice that resounded throughout the starting town during the siege.

   "Why... did we encounter a front and back pinch?"

   "It's okay Xingchan! Although their immediate sins cannot be redeemed! But now they are our allies!"

   "Silica sauce? What does this mean? Is the former enemy our ally?"

When he heard this voice, Xingjun was a little scared and pulled the corners of Yun Yun's clothes with her hands, but Silica, who knew about it, smiled and stroked her little head to comfort her. Fortunately, she didn't understand... the enemy who attacked them at the time. Why have you become their teammate this minute?

   "Unexpectedly... I really owe Yui Goddess another favor!"

Of course! After all, you have formed an alliance with Rita's territory, and I need to help you implement the most important covenant of joint resistance against the enemy. This is a special method that the nation-to-nation alliance can have! And I'm just a neutral person who takes on the task of intermediate teleportation. Although you know this, you probably think that the location is too far and the water can't save the near fire, right?

   didn't ask me carefully! Well! I don’t want to lose the opportunity to spread my faith! After all, the population of this place is pretty good! Plus my blessings and your words to spread survival skills to them! In the future, it will definitely become a huge city-state with no difference between the original town and the mercenary country!

And the goddess Yui also revealed her little selfishness at this time. After all, Yun can be said to be her best way to sell her own existence. It is natural to help him not lose it at all, and she can also receive the power of faith. The bonus to surpass the abilities of several other sisters, and become the main **** of the whole different world and come to rule the world. This is her little ambition!

   "Three hundred generals in the cloud! Gus and Colum are here to help! Damn invaders! Your opponent is us! Kiaaaaa!"

   "Three hundred people in the cloud! I'm sorry for your delay!"

   For a moment, one big and one small sound came up to the sky and screamed and came to Yun's side, and the kobold and boar troops led by them started from this place as the center, scattered and started to attack the pig heads who invaded the village.

   "Good come! You can break through this battle by doing it again! The call of the knight!"

As Yun raised the figurative banner again, three azure portals appeared beside them, but once again they felt a little different, because all the portals suddenly turned purple in the middle. , And the flag was dyed gray-black as a At the same time, a rag skeleton appeared in purple gradually.

Braving the scarlet light, coupled with the wildly holding the giant sword to maintain the slashing combat posture, it is the form and ability of the second banner. At this time, Yun discovered that this banner had been upgraded to lv2. It seemed that Unlocking new abilities and flags has caused the current changes!

   "kiaaaaa! Ravaged, trampled, my enemies can die to sacrifice our army!"


For a while, the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling came from these Ziyou portals, and this sound made all the clouds and the enemies of the opposing unit tremble subconsciously. Their bodies began to sweat a lot, and it seemed that they could feel The army coming out of this portal is definitely not their friend, and even more like an enemy!


   "Brother Yun...I...I'm so scared...This feeling is even more scary than the Kobold Sneak Attack and Siege War at the time!"

   "Big Brother Yun... I too... trembled all over, my feelings told me... the things inside are definitely not kind..."

With the ominous purple ghost flag-like banner, and the roar of a heart-piercing monster, even Yun frowned slightly because he felt that this time he forced the use of the banner’s upgrade skills, and something appeared. This kind of deviation or runaway might be possible, but he tried to interrupt the flag's activation, but it didn't help in the end, he could only watch the army convened inside the portal...

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