Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 35: Yun's consciousness and the beginning of the general war

"It's okay! My own body has its own measures!"


Before the two of them finished speaking, Yun patted their jade hands and insisted on walking in the direction of the pig-headed leader.

(Brother Yun, Brother Yun... why are you... letting the troops annihilate it, isn't it all right... why do you still take risks with your own body...)

The two girls didn’t understand why Yun dragged his body with extremely side effects and went to'negotiate' with this reckless little giant demihuman... They could only put their hands together and pray for the safety of the big brother Yun. …


"We understand! Give way to my king!"

"Make way!"

After confirming the fighting spirit in Yun's eyes, following the orders of the two high-level undead races, a spacious avenue appeared in the innermost part of the encircled circle, and the pighead leader who noticed this side could be directly seen.

(Is that a human? Or was he seriously injured? In addition, the two senior undead next to him whispered to him! He must be the commander of the coward who hides behind him and dare not come out to fight! I'm going to kill him!)

"You bastard! Kiaaaaa!"

It seems that the leader of the pig head still has some common sense. It grasped the moment when all the enemies were relaxed, holding the giant axe in both hands and dragging the ground, it roared and charged in the direction of the cloud all the way.

"Brother Yun Big Brother Yun! Watch out for that monster's sneak attack!"

Seeing that the opponent did not play the cards according to the routine, Silica and Lucky Little Heart both mentioned the position of their throats. Regardless of their safety, they wanted to rush out to intercept Yun's forward behavior, but they were blocked by Brand and Shunhe on both sides. Got down and shook his head.

"You two ladies can't go!"

"This is my king's choice!"


Although the two of them were struggling, they couldn't win the power of the two of the undead, so they had to stare and shed tears to worry about the cloud.

(Really... Didn't you expect to make girls who are apprentices or partners worry about me? It seems that I am really incompetent as a man! In that case, I must also behave decently!)

"Come on! Although I lost you in the beginning of my AI sickle... but I have never used it again. The main interesting thing is that I lost two of them! It's time to use my best weapon! Haahahahah …"

Yun smiled bitterly and suddenly raised his hands, realized two giant stone sickles of growth that had not absorbed experience, and began to charge like a violent step.

(A frontal attack? It's very courageous! But when you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins! Don't blame me for bullying the weak for your exhausted body! This is the world where the weak eats the strong! Winners and losers, the fittest survive!)

"Human! Go to death! kiaaaaa..."

"Although I don't know what you are thinking about with your big head? But this is the only thing I won't give up! Come on! A pig-headed fighter! '!"

"'Great Axe Assault','Triple Blast Chopping'! kiaaaaa..."

In an instant, the two red sword skills appeared at the same time, and the two auras were mutually exclusive, so that they bombarded together in an instant, and for a while, there was a metal collision sound like a spark of sparks, and countless sparks were rubbed.

"So fast! Obviously both of them are heavy weapons and they can wield as smoothly as light weapons! How much is this power?"

"Yeah! I didn't expect Big Brother Yun to be so strong! It looks like we don't know when we will be able to enter his position!"

At this time, Keita and Tiexiong, who had rushed back from other battlefields, saw this scene as soon as they arrived. Although they were exhausted and scarred, they naturally couldn't be absent from this wonderful general showdown.

"Tie Xiong! Kai Tai! It's really nice that you have nothing to do!"

"Yes! Welcome back!"

Seeing the two return safely, Silica and Xing somewhat stopped their tears and welcomed them.

"We are back! But why do you cry?"


Although I was very happy to see these two girls all right, but seeing their red eyes was a little confused.

"It's not that the master and craftsman used that body that was bruised and bruised to fight, otherwise, how could our Xingchan and Silicachan cry!"

"Unexpectedly, Big Brother Yun would fight in this state, to be honest, I wouldn't dare to take risks like this! Do you think it is Sasamaru!"

"Hmm~hmm! It feels very adventurous... but I don't know why Big Brother Yun did this..."

And Lisbeth, who came back from the other side, explained to them why Silica and the others were crying.

"A child is a child! How can I understand the good intentions of my king!"

"This is the final duel between the warrior and the warrior! My king will come forward only when he knows this! Only he can do it, or it will be disrespectful to the noble warrior!"

At this time, Brand and Shunhe came to a few people to explain the meaning of Yun's actions.

(Undead? But although they look scared, they don’t seem to be as cold-blooded as rumored! After all, they are very polite and humble! x5)

Although Silica and the others have not believed in their loyalty to the cloud, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being on the side of the cloud!

"Okay little devil! Let's take a good look at the battle between the warriors! For you little devil who knows nothing, it is a regular education model."

"Ha~Haha! Learning is endless. Don't pay attention to Brand's prickly words. After all, you are the people my king wants to train. Just watch with the heart of learning!"

"Hmm~hmm! x7"

With Brand's arrogance and Shun He's approachability, Silica and the others quickly turned their attention back to the duel between the two generals...

The whole body is full of blood-red breath, this is the feeling that the cloud bursts out, the low-level stone giant sickle itself, this minute, it will gradually change after the pighead leader’s fierce attack, as the sword skills are competed for several times. Later, its sickle blade began to crack. This was the situation that Silica was a little afraid of.

(Is it possible...Is the weapon going to break? This is a matter of life and death! Why does Brother Yun, Master Yun, question the use of this novice weapon against the opponent's advanced weapon! It's really too bad!)

(The weapon is cracked? Brat, this is your own weapon of choice. I didn't expect it would be destroyed so soon! I really despise my final ending! Take my life!)

"Go to death with your broken weapon! Arrogant human beings! kiaaaaa!"

With Silica who didn’t know, they only saw the superficial pig-headed leader. UU Reading was very confident, holding the giant axe in both hands and facing the direction of the cloud. It was a single-shot high-powerful'strike'. An expression of death was declared to Yun with a face of pride.

"Big Brother Yun, Master Yun! x7"

For a while, Silica and the others called out to the cloud in fear.

"Leader Pighead! You can't speak on the surface! Speaking too slowly will cost you arrogance! Are you sure that your blow can split me in two?"

Yun smiled slightly. Although his body was still bleeding and soaking the cracked stone giant scythe, the confident smile made the pighead leader feel a little instinctively uneasy, but he still gritted his teeth and used his sword skills. After all, it slammed into the giant stone sickle in Yun's hand! There was a loud bang.


Silica on the side had already blindfolded their eyes with their hands subconsciously, and they dared not watch the next **** scene...

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