Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 47: Seven imperfect Yui goddesses

(Have you used it already? It's really a courageous partner... Now that it's finished, let's see how the finished product is!)

"In that case, let's introduce your self-confident work!"

Heathcliff, who understood the meaning, nodded slightly, but the surrounding researchers were already wide-eyed, especially a certain man who was secretly doing things had a headache.

(This group of monsters! I was going to say that after I adjusted my mental state, I would stumble and delay the time. It was so good that I didn’t even have time to work. Damn... people are compared with people. Excited! These talented freaks...)

Located on the farthest corner of Heathcliff, a certain man was sitting down with gritted teeth and began to accelerate his own private research. When these people’s eyes were attracted by the k who showed off his work, it was the worst case. It is possible that all real powers will be ended today and they will return to mortals.

Although only those who participated in YUI-MHCPseriesproject knew about these things, he still wanted to make a temporary fight before he was willing to give up.

"No problem! Come on! YUI-MHCP001 Yui goddess!"

"Yes~Yes! k......"

At this time, the goddess Yui, known as YUI-MHCP001, came to the front of the researchers, and it was obvious that their consciousness did not completely return to the state of death in their eyes.

"This... the eyes are dead... won't it be greatly reduced?"

For the YUI-MHCP001 Yui goddess who can still see YUI-MHCP001's eyes as clear as water just after the beginning, it is not clear how this person's eyes are dead after being called by K.

"It's okay! There is still no transfer of authority status, more or less still with MHCPAI! After the transfer of authority, she will restore her original appearance."

"That's it... Can you say that in order to maintain yourself in front of those with other authority, the independent ai situation formed? It's interesting!"

Seeing K seized the opportunity to squeeze YUI-MHCP001 Yui goddess's fleshy little cheek, Heathcliff immediately came to his own inferred conclusion.

"It's really nothing to hide from your eyes! That's right! It's a means of self-protection as you think, and of course it is only when you encounter more senior management authority than them. Anyway, these little guys in the future Will be the highest god, so there will be no such AI appearance again!"

"It's the first-generation gods of another world that are alive, immortal, immortal, and immortal! And they can improve their godheads based on the belief in expanding life in the world, so that they can gain a variety of endless abilities. Disputes, after all, they have human feelings and ways of thinking, so they are all small villains with big human beings and ghosts!"

Hearing the crazy idea of ​​k, Heathcliff had estimated a possibility in the future, and smiled slightly.

"I have to say that after working with you on research, I suddenly felt that the research direction and field of vision in front of me have broadened a lot. Maybe I need a partner who you do all kinds of amazing actions. Maybe, I don’t know why. People like me actually have a feeling blood..."

It was obvious that Heathcliff, who was cold, couldn't help clenching his fists this minute. This was the second time he felt a whim after completing the floating city.

"Haha~hahaha! That's right! Heathcliff! I have been with you for so long and have always looked like a crazy researcher like you! Not rational! But full of passion in a certain sense! It burns. ?"

"Ahhhhhhh! I feel the same way when I dreamed of this floating city!"

Hearing K's words, Heathcliff raised his two big fists that couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Then I will give you a more in-depth introduction! YUI-MHCP001 In order to match her character, I named her with the seven truths! The goddess of self-confidence-Yui! But every goddess is not so perfect, and they have them too. The corresponding original sin-arrogance, is the fault of each of their goddesses."

"I am Yui, the goddess of self-confidence! Hello! Inhumane scumbags!"

Following the introduction of K, Yui first showed a cute and sweet smile, and then suddenly called to him with contempt.

(Seven truths and the seven deadly sins? It seems that K really wants to reproduce in this different world the time of the gods when myths and people coexist? The bold man now this world is just entering the medieval period, and it is really getting more and more. More interesting!)

"Welcome! Yui goddess!"

No matter what the other researchers around him think, Heathcliff and K are completely attracted by the miracle in front of them. These seven goddesses are imperfect, but this imperfection makes people even more concerned.

"YUI-MHCP002 The goddess of progress! Yui Lily! Corresponding to the original sin and jealousy!"

"Hello everyone! I am Lily Yui and Lily Yui! Sister Yui, let's cheer together!"

And Yui Lily hugged Yui to the side and compared it to everyone. She looked naughty and cute, but when she thought that her original sin was jealousy, everyone swallowed subconsciously. It also means that she might not know how to scold her sister Yui and their disguised little beauty in her heart!

"Hello there……"

Heathcliff glanced at the seemingly innocent girl with big watery eyes blinking.

"Ahhhhhhh! Uncle, don't look at people like this! I hate it!"

Cute but not pretentious, I really can't see that she is a jealous scheming little girl.

"YUI-MHCP003, the goddess of focus, Yui Miku, corresponds to the wrath of original sin."

"Hello! I am the future! And please don't look at me with monster eyes like that, otherwise I can't help but beat people!"

Before she said it, she already lifted up her sleeves and looked like a blast, moving her small white fist.

(It's terrible...just two more won't get angry with you, right?)

Looking at the sword in the future, everyone backed up subconsciously. Although it was not said whether the small body could hurt them, they did not dare to bear her endless anger after thinking that they would be future goddesses in the future.

"YUI-MHCP004, the goddess of growth Yui Nagaya! Corresponding to the original sin gluttony!"

"Hello everyone...that... brother, can you give me your cutlet... I'm... hungry..."

It's just that Yong Ye is very well-behaved, but the cute look of stroking her belly, plus she knows that the stomach is bottomless...

"YUI-MHCP005 Yui, the goddess of love, beloved! Corresponding...Ah hum xx..."

"Hello, big so can you hug your beloved! I won't treat you badly!"

I saw that the huge gem-like ecstatic eyes cast a wink at all the men, coupled with the luscious and seductive soft voice, I knew she was a...bad goddess...

"YUI-MHCP006 Yui Rokka, the goddess of hope! Corresponding to the greed of original sin!"

"Kuku~Kuku! I only need you to become my believers! Then I will enshrine a small amount of money every day! That's right, not too much!"

Seeing her good relationship with each other, and the declared slogan plus the gesture that is more than a small amount of money, in a sense, has exposed her nature...

"YUI-MHCP007 Yui Nana, the goddess of ease! Corresponding to original sin laziness!"

"Hello everyone……"

Then she fell asleep on the ground with her face on the ground with a ‘huh~ haw’ before she finished speaking. It is true that she is more directly acting like a goddess... the gray wheel dancer of the sword.

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