Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 74: "That lord"?

"Hellcraft! It's sorcery...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...xN"

This situation is not only located in this camp, but all camps surrounding the town of Urbas within 10 kilometers are full of wolves. With the sound of screams and fears, it can be described as an inhumane zone that is so cruel and unbearable. The purpose of the image of the land of death, let the enemies who survived from this battlefield, bring their fear and intelligence to all the towns and countries on this level, "Barrio" to become a household name...

"Oh~ oh! This is quite gorgeous! I was wondering why Kirito-chan would let the soldiers go back, and asked us to focus on reviving the streets last night and rest all night! I didn’t expect that there would be such a way to let the other party be self-conscious. Killing each other! Can you tell me something? How did you get these people to rebel?"

Kuro, who came together early in the morning with anxiety, although he followed Kirito’s arrangement to rest, it can be said that he is half asleep and half awake anytime and anywhere, for fear that the other party will see through their empty city plan, and launch a night attack to indicate early. Get up in the morning to observe the situation on the wall.

But I didn’t expect that the **** was still hot, and he found the enemy position 10 kilometers away from Urbas, and the smoke rose up. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe that Kirito predicted yesterday that the enemy would be on the opposite side this morning. The words that must be in chaos were so effective, when he saw Kirito himself climbing up the wall in a lazy manner, he curiously asked about it.

"Well... you still don't know! Besides, it is enough to be able to win and give advice to the opponent! What do you care about!"

Kirito was so angry that he closed his mouth subconsciously, after all, he also understood that some things belonged to the assassin, and he wouldn't be called the assassin if he said it.

(Okay! This Kirito-chan is getting more and more mysterious!'s slightly scary...)

Seeing that Kirito can actually disturb the opponent's chickens and dogs without moving a single soldier, it is really great that Kuro is not an enemy of Kirito! Otherwise, my little ‘Urbas’ would fall in an instant. How could it be possible to last for 3 days and 3 nights like this!

"Looking at this situation! There will be results almost before noon! And Lena's reinforcements should be here too! I'm going to apply for some supplies! Cullo, please take the food and supplies from the recycling team to comfort you. Your people can do it, hurry up and rejuvenate. After we have solved this battlefield, we will probably wait for the reinforcements of the Mercenary Nation to arrive! Start to divide the troops and attack the Barrio to complete your goal of unifying the second level. !"

"What? Let me unify?"

When Kuro heard Kirito's words like this, his feet were slightly softened in fright. Unexpectedly, Kirito and the others really took their previous angry words seriously. At first, he just wanted to protect his territory. , Who expected the development trend to evolve into this situation?

"Yeah? Didn't you say that this country is over? It's better to destroy it than to let them ruin it! That's why we sent troops to help?"

Seeing that Kuro was so scared that his legs trembled, Kirito narrowed his eyes and watched the initiator come.

(I'm going... I can't say that I'm joking... Otherwise, really speaking is like fart without integrity!)

"Indeed! Let these **** destroy a country! It's better than I destroy the country with my own hands! Kirito-chan is right! This is my request!"

"That's fine! Let's start working!"

"To understanding!"

After getting Kirito's advice, the two went separate ways to do their own tasks...

At about noon, the entire battlefield around Urbas died down. The original enemy flags fell on the ground one by one and were used as firewood, which means that the enemy forces here have been used as firewood. All strangling, the remaining enemy and rebels took off their uniforms like disgust, replaced them with leather weapons, each carrying their own'trophies', and happily came to the east gate of'Urbas', and watched The trend seems to be gathering here to ask for credit.

"Report! Miss Kirito and Lord Cullo! A large number of enemy rebels abandoned their original military uniforms and gathered at the east gate wearing no-owned leather equipment! And there are...and...cough in your hand! ~Ahem..."

Obviously, due to the suddenness of the incident, this messenger was stuck in his own saliva only halfway through the words. The Kirito and the others were a little sweaty.

"It's okay! Speak slowly! No one urges you! Come and drink a bowl of water before talking."

Seeing how uncomfortable he was, Kirito poured a bowl of water and handed it to him. He drank it and took a few deep breaths before continuing to report.

"They have a lot of'trophies' in their hands, right? They are all shouting outside the door to see'the lord'! Excuse me...who is'the lord'?"

The messenger who took the opportunity to reorganize the language asked him with a confused expression.

('That lord'? Who? Do we have such an existence that shakes their minds and bodies?)

"Go ahead! We know! Come and solve it right away!"


On the other hand, Ku Luo was at a loss for a while, but Kirito seemed to dismiss the messenger when he realized something, and then beckoned to Ku Luo to drive towards the east gate...

"For that lord, we offer our loyalty!"

"Offer our loyalty! xN"

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the East City, I heard the slogans outside, which felt terrifying like thunder.

(This... is really a fanatic? So... Kirito-chan, you should know who this "adult" is believed to be, right?)

Hearing this mammoth situation, Kuro’s forehead was covered with beads of sweat. After all, the usable force of this'Urbas' was only more than 300 people. Such a large number of people suddenly turned back and attacked here. Words...mostly the only life left is being captured, and he prays with all his heart that Kirito, who is calm as water beside him, can solve this weird scene.

"Open the door!"

"Quick! Miss Kirito has an order to open the city gate!"

"Open the gates!"

Following Kirito’s orders and the soldiers’ retransmission the huge gate that was restored before us slowly opened like a boom~rumble. After hearing such a voice, the situation outside became even more serious. It boils.

"'That lord' is out!"

"Oh oh~ oh oh oh! xN"

It didn’t take long for the East City Gate to open its doors, but it was surprising that these fanatics did not rush in like civilians, but stood in place and watched the situation inside the East City Gate. Everyone except Kirito opened their eyes wide.

(Is it a lie? There is no riot? Is this a fanatic? xN)

This is the idea of ​​almost everyone, but the reality they see is indeed what is going on, there is no trace of adulteration.

"All phalanx lined up! I want a military parade!"

"Really! That lord said! The whole army is in a square formation!"

"Haha~ha! xN"

After Kirito walked out of the East City gate like a pioneer, and screamed in the direction of these people, all the fanatics were like obedient loyal dogs, and they began to change their formation very respectfully! In this way, even fools understand that these people believe in the fact that ‘that adult’ is Kirito himself...

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