Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 88: Kirito’s private investigation before

"May Yui Goddess love to give you new life! I am her power spokesperson Kazuto Kiriya! I am your future leader and missionary! Let the beloved Goddess redeem your poor life and meaningless life!"

"Dedicating our loyalty to His Royal Highness and the beloved Goddess...xN"

Kirito’s enchanting smile and ecstatic eyes made all the soldiers around him go crazy, reading what Kirito had given them, singing in unison here...

Time goes back to the day when Yun left a few days ago...

(Yun has left! But I can’t just take a vacation to take care of Asuna! I have to spend this free time to investigate our boss information on the next floor! I remember that although the 7 Aincrad have the same floor, But it’s not the same landform, right? It’s also good to refer to the second floor of “Urbas” in other districts! Hmm~um! That’s it!

Seeing Asuna and the bulging belly of the two people who were already asleep on the side, Kirito made his plans subconsciously, and then began to investigate using the internal connection network here...

"Kuku~Kuku! Your body is awesome! You have to keep going!"

And in a large spacious room, a girl who looked exactly like the goddess Yui, but who was less childish and more seductive and fragrant, left naked beside a strong man with the same fruit, and then Very satisfied, cast a wink at him with that ecstatic eye.

"Ah... it's my honor to satisfy the beloved goddess! But... please let me rest... It has been a week in a row, except for eating, sleeping and going to the toilet. If you stay in this state, your body will be a little unbearable!"

The man with a pale complexion begged the beloved Yui goddess for mercy.

"Men can't say no! For me, the goddess, your strong ability is the best way to increase faith and magic achievements! You have to serve until I can't do it!"

The sweet and seductive breath made the man a little instinctive and could not help it. He was already hollowed out, but he was forced to be seduced by the eye, but when he was about to climb up, he was loved by his beloved. The goddess kicked her face with her little feet.

"The beloved goddess... what are you doing?"

After being rejected like this, the man touched her little feet reluctantly and asked about it.

"Someone has entered my database! You use these jade feet first! But if it interferes with me, you are ready to die!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

After the man nodded in amazement, the beloved goddess didn't hesitate to open her management system, and then began to investigate who the intruder was...

"Found it! These are the information on the second floor of the European area and other regions, but what does this little peach heart’s suspicious folder icon mean? Does it look like a favorite on the browser? It seems that I found someone It's in the personal database of other district intelligence dealers!"

Kirito found a suspicious folder in the thousands of related search folders. Although he slightly hesitated whether this folder was infected by someone else's virus...but he thought about it carefully now that it only has the support of the game framework, but there is none. After talking about computer viruses, I opened this folder with curiosity...

(Took it!)

"What a simple trap this stupid kid is actually in! He is really a cute little guy! Use this path to connect directly to his (her) information! Ku~Kuku! That's it! That's it! Tongya Kazuto! Also known as Kirito! Didn't you expect to be a yin and yang person who is both male and female? I feel so close to me!"

"Would you like him or her? As the missionary of my beloved goddess faith? This is a good opportunity to expand my faith and existence in the area of ​​my sister's management!"

Just when the beloved goddess was happily researching Kirito's data, she also let Kirito taste the sweetness of revealing to him the second-level intelligence information about other regions, so that she couldn't react for a while, and she was already affected. Others have investigated in the same situation as if they knew their roots!

"That's it! This information is really useful! Especially other regions are also in different levels of conditions. Either there are mazes like the beta period; or we have become a maze-free boss with a large army to siege the city; or we are suddenly attacked. Destroying the ecological environment of the town and causing total extinction? Isn't this the first-tier situation in other areas? How miserable!"

And there are some dopings in the second layer, and the reasons why the first layer was completely destroyed before have benefited a lot...

"This is! Unexpectedly, my sister has touched this Kirito! His yin and yang characteristics are not born! Damn... How can such a good missionary be ruined by that foolish sister! Such a rare talent should be left to him. My beloved goddess is in control! Oh~ oh... it’s so numb! Didn’t you let you bear it? It’s unexpected to take advantage of others not paying attention..."

Just as the beloved goddess was making a small calculation, the man on the side started to get into it, making her face flushed, but with a blurry look that seemed to be enjoyable.

"Can't help it! Even if the beloved goddess later kills me!"

"That's what you said! When you finish it, go to death! There is no other way but to infect him with my magic power before dealing with it! Woo~oooo..."

After accepting this sudden situation, the beloved goddess could only use magic power to infect Kirito's body first, UU read and then went to accept the man's request...

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It seems that it has been used for a long time! Let's take a break! I will save this address first! Tomorrow, after Asuna-chan is sleeping, I will collect newspapers!"

Kirito felt dizzy as if he was drunk! He closed his panel, and then shook his head, but unfortunately he didn’t notice his eyes. Sometimes he turned into a short-term state of little peach heart from time to time, and his feminine characteristics began to accelerate development. Up...

One day after that, every time Kirito went to Asuna to fall asleep, he started investigating more information with the previous address, but this time there was a weird change!


"Hmm~hmm? This is...some kind of video chat situation?"

In the night, Kirito sat a little far away from Asuna as usual and began to collect information. But this time there was such a weird shaking window, which suddenly appeared in his field of vision, making him a little suspicious...

(Would you like to pick it up? Could it be that the owner of this address was aware of my theft of information, so did you negotiate this way? That's a bit bad! I didn't expect how my uninvited way was eventually discovered Yes! Or take a look and see what kind of compensation method is used! Solve the other party's loss, right?)

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