Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 109: The success of weak tapping, the appearance of the enemy leader

Following the order of "General Pighead"! The pig-headed warriors who came to all the scattered ‘Ghost Bear’ tribes just past the position quickly prepared a small gift for them...

(good chance!)

"Where are you looking! These distracted trash! Haah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

And'Pighead Overlord' also took advantage of the moment when these big men were distracted. After a quick turn and a slam'charge', they suddenly came behind the two'ghost bear' fighters who actually turned their backs to it. With years of combat experience, it lifts the warhammer that is still in the state of strengthening magic and deprives the opponent of weapons!

Just like opening a bow from the left and right, one directly hit the head, and the other hit the soft flesh on the side of the opponent's waist and abdomen, causing them to instantly lose consciousness! As the gravity fell on the ground, it trembled slightly and then lost its breath...

(In this way, there are 296 left! Unexpectedly this time I can get this kind of record in a short time! Replace it with our previous stupid standing on the ground, and then being smashed into meat sauce by the opponent collectively. Words! I don’t know if I have lost thousands of people like I did just now! Is this the way humans work? Very interesting!)

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

With a roar of battle after success, the enemies in the entire forest noticed that there were multiple enemies that could be matched, and it also prompted the ‘General Pighead’ to solve the invigorating effect of powerful enemies once again! Make the pig head army full of fighting spirit!

"Oh oh~ oh oh! Get rid of these despicable low-level races! Move me all!"

"Oh~oh~oh! xN"

After realizing that their tribe was tortured and ridiculed by weak people, these'ghost bear' fighters suddenly roared collectively under the command of their commander. It seemed that the anger had reached the extreme this minute, and their hearts were full of wanting to be thorough. Crush the thoughts of all the people of the Pighead Overlord! They even ran madly in the direction of "Pighead Overlord" and Yun...

The ‘Boom~Boom~Boom’ sound of footsteps and roars are now lying in ambush in the forest, providing better directions for ‘General Pighead’!

(It's close! Sure enough, Yunsanbairen will guess the same! Because of the unexpected assassination of his companions, the opponent can be a little blind to be weak for us, and then attack in a scattered way! Hmm~hmm! That's right now!)

"Pull me up all!"

"Oh oh~ oh oh! Hey~ hoo! xN"

At the moment when a "Ghost Bear" soldier just raised his foot and was about to gallop, the "General Pighead" took the lead and quickly pulled up a thick beam that had already been prepared for him, causing him to trip over this. The stupid big guy, although as a price the crossbar was kicked to pieces...

"Die me! Intruder!"

But as a price, the "Ghost Bear" warrior leaned forward and landed on the ground like a loss of balance, but stumbling was not the ultimate goal, and the "General Pighead" also understood that he pulled up another one at the same time. The mechanism that was set up a long time ago caused countless sharpened wooden stakes to suddenly stand up and face the direction in which the'Ghost Bear' soldier fell. The wooden stakes that used the force to penetrate the entire'Ghost Bear' soldier instantly His body or head killed him!

(495 only! The information provided by the Cloud Three Hundred People is correct! If it is their own explosive power! Even this sharp but fragile wooden stake can easily penetrate their skin to understand their life!)

"Oh oh~ oh oh oh!"

Based on the hypothesis given by the trap and the cloud, let these work together to use outwits and this way of guerrilla warfare, the third time there was the sound of the opponent being persecuted by it! And Yunhe's "Pighead Overlord" also showed a confident smile! Began to chase after the victory with full enthusiasm...



(How could this be? My subordinates are losing their lives in this jungle one by one! The sound of that place is sounding at the same time! Is it possible that there are more than 2 or 3 strong enemies? How is it possible? We were sending scouts at the time. Decent deserters rushed in and tested it! Except for the leaders of their lower races! All the other tribesmen should be vulnerable! So where did we get it wrong?)

Hearing this one after another, changing from the sound of being ravaged by the enemy to the groaning of his own, the commander who had commanded these ‘ghost bear’ warriors from the beginning was in a mess in his heart. All these changes came too suddenly! It simply has no way to understand how these low-level races that have just been tortured by it killed their outstanding elite fighters one by one...



(This...this footstep king? Can't my king wait any longer to play in person? It's's over! I'm going to die! I'll definitely die!)

And just after the ‘Ghost Bear’ commander heard the familiar footsteps and roars that were louder than their soldiers, it subconsciously began to shrink back!


And just when it was about to turn around and escape, it was cut off by a flying object with afterimages, and fell to the ground with gravity!

"Useless rubbish! I actually want to be a deserter in front of me! I wasted so many outstanding fighters! It's a shameful shame! Uhhh~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~

Just here is a black shadow that is a few times bigger than the average'Ghost Bear' Shining scarlet and fierce light walks from the periphery to the commander's'Ghost Bear' corpse. time!

(Hmm~hmm? This is my king’s password to withdraw troops! Damn...xN)

The roar that resounded throughout the battlefield resounded like a crown of anger. I don't know what kind of power it had that made the ‘ghost bear’ fighters who heard it calm down and collectively enter a state of alertness! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Then, while being a little more vigilant about the surrounding environment, he began to retreat to the sound source...

(This is! Oops! Looks like the opponent's boss is on the stage! Damn! I didn't expect it to appear so early! But it also proves that the opponent is indeed in control of the entire battlefield! Tsk~Tsk tsk! Looks like I'm an opponent. !)

When the white wolf was about to hunt the next lone warrior of the "Ghost Bear", and then saw such a flawless retreat method, Yun was a little confused.

"What's the matter? Three hundred generals in the cloud? Why didn't you take a sniper?" The gray wheel dancer of the sword

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