Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 120: The skirmish group hidden among the poor

"My lord... Let's be kind! We want to eat a full meal..."

"This kid... he's almost out of food! Please help us poor people..."

For a while, Klaus and the soldiers rushed to the granary storage road. After seeing Klaus dressed in gorgeous clothes and noble appearance, plus the respectful attitude of the current sovereign soldiers to him, these civilians, men and women, young and old. He stopped him in a swarm and started begging for him...

(This...I'm afraid it's a spoiler who has already spotted the opportunity and made trouble, right? xN)

"Calm down everyone! We have just arrived! No food or anything! Can we go and see where there is food before distributing it to you?"

"Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet!"

Upon seeing these soldiers, they blocked Klaus in advance to prevent Klaus from being entangled by these personnel!

(It seems that these people are already refined, right? After all, I have already known the situation of them changing their children and eating!)

"It doesn't matter everyone! I have some food here, please divide it first! Otherwise, if you stop me here, there is no way to get food for you, right?"

When he saw the situation, Klaus took out some of the dry food he had, and then threw it out...

(Food! Go grab it!!! xN)

Seeing that delicious food was thrown out like this, most of the refugees ran crazy chasing the package of dry food, and some people still stood in front of Klaus. It can be seen that their purpose is not a little bit of food but more!

(Okay! There are some who have not been hungry... or they weren't aimed at these little favors from the beginning!)

"So... can you please get out of here?"

Seeing this, Klaus smiled and asked these refugees who were still blocking his way!

(Thinking we didn’t know the hands and feet you played with! I already knew that your nobles liked this kind of slamming tricks! That thing is not enough for all of us! xN)

"Hand over the grain in the granary! Otherwise, don't think about it!"

"Yes! Yes! Don't blame us for being impolite if you hand over all the food! xN"

All of the refugees who had finished picking up food in a moment actually unified and concreteized their weapons. Obviously, some of them threatened them as if they were still not stable now. It can be seen that they have some strength or some thinking, which is very likely to be. Some land ruffians or deserters or whatever!

"You dare to take advantage of the fire!"

"Ready to fight!"

Seeing such a rattling look, only one patrol team of five had already revealed weapons to protect Klaus, but seeing this civilian armed force, they could not help but be a little vigilant, after all, the matter of punching the master to death indiscriminately. There are still countless cases.

(Since this is the case, we can still fight for it!)

"Hold on! Look at your weak but not to be underestimated command! Do you want to come to our team! Naturally, you won't be hungry and live so silly! What do you think?"

Seeing the potential, Klaus pushed away the weapons of the soldiers on his side, and then walked out alone to invite these civilian armed personnel.


"It's not that we are so bullied and then lied to us to kill you! How could it be so easy!"

Seeing that Klaus didn't care about their threats at all, these armed refugees raised their weapons and slapped him on the face with a slap, and even the blood was slapped out of him.

"Master Claus! You people are really deceiving! Prepare to charge!"


The soldiers who had been beaten up like this were stopped by him again, making him a little confused about what he wanted to do!

(Is this person's brain flooded? His face was swollen and he didn't fight back! But it was a bit cruel just now...xN)

"Hurry up and hand over the food! Or I'll kill you right away!"

I saw these armed refugees tremblingly put their sword blades on Klaus's neck, threatening the Kirito soldiers.

"Hey~hey... I can't stand your wooden fish heads! Shameless to give you a chance to survive!"

Seeing potential Klaus, he sighed and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, your life is still...ahhhhhhhhh..."


As a result, the refugee with Klaus's neck hadn't finished speaking. Just after a strange noise, he felt cold in his throat, and a lot of warm blood was sprayed on Klaus's back. The sudden behavior in between made all the refugees stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously stepped back.

(What happened? xN)

"What did you do to him...ahhh..."

Before the person closest to Klaus raised the knife, Klaus turned around and pierced his throat and spine with a stab, then retracted and pointed his own clothes with another finger.

"Hey~hey! I still like this clothes! It was dirty and I had to change it! I don't know if I can wash it!"

I saw that Klaus took the blood-stained clothing off his body Unexpectedly, underneath the clothing was the muscles of a strong but beautiful man. He held it in his hand. The rapier without any blood stains was like a group mockery of these refugees, making them a little angry and frightened.

(So ​​fast...we died without seeing the action! This person is not the usual soft-footed crab aristocrat! He is a master of royal sword skills!)

"All into a defensive formation! Otherwise we will be killed!"

"Understood! xN"

Suddenly, a plurality of refugees with some knowledge began to command, and then all the refugees were united and changed into a square formation. The front row used the standard combination of long spear and shield, facing the gram of only one army member. Routh got serious.

(It seems that most of them are stragglers who have fled in? But it is really a mixture of fish and dragons? I didn’t expect that there are still stragglers who know the basic formations are living in the slums, it is really lax management! If not today we encountered , I don’t know if I will mess up in the future, or attack Your Highness Kirito like a robbery, this fortress that has just settled down!)

(After all, we have to use this place to become a supply point for the army from both directions to invade the land of ‘Barrio’! It’s just a shame to kill... but it can only be cruel!)

"Why don't I give you another chance! As long as you drink this potion obediently, I will spare your lives! On the contrary, on behalf of His Highness Kirito, I will kill you gang of thugs!"

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