Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 125: Yun has another plan to lie in an ambush with the front and chase

"But they felt that this pighead human race was not dangerous and was just a weak race, so they ignored it, but because of this, they intensified, reproducing faster and faster, and even wiped out our'ghost bear' and'Nattata. "Almost all ethnic groups except the two races..."

Speaking of this, the leader of the ‘Ghost Bear’ explained to Yun in tears, and he could hear that there was no need for him to lie.

(Did the aliens and the other forest races be eliminated? This is slightly difficult! After all, the weak and the strong are the natural rules left over from the beginning of the world. Although the aliens do have something wrong, they also abide by nature. One of the best races that the rules are slowly left behind...)

Yun passed the shadow warrior who came into contact with the leader of the "Ghost Bear", and has gradually understood why the other party came here, and couldn't help but think deeply...

(There seems to be a play! I don’t know if I can persuade the opponent, the archer commander, to help us in turn!)

"There is still one'White Wolf' tribe from all the tribes, and it's just being driven to a hill not far from here and unable to travel for food like before! Is it possible that this wicked pighead human tribe shouldn't be killed? Do you still help these servants like a torture? If this is the case...Even I feel a lot of shame for you!"

Listening to the cloud seems to be listening to its voice, and the leader of the highest "Ghost Bear" took the opportunity to curse Yun with **** heads. Obviously, he also wanted to see if the cloud would be like its viewpoint and then change to the side. Although it does not hold too much expectations.

(Isn’t the “White Wolf” family? No one is wrong in it... But sometimes the excessive elimination can make people unable to surrender, especially this kind of relationship between local and foreign races is the most difficult to deal with, just like I am now Like the original towns guarded by the locals, they have their own reservations and stances. It took me a long time to get the approval of the two parties, and then I arrived at the temporary unity!)

Hearing the clue given to him by the leader of the other party's "Ghost Bear", Yun used a private chat to question the white wolf who was ready to attack this behemoth.

(White Wolf! What would happen to you if I said that your people still have survivors?)

(What? Are there any survivors?)

Obviously, the White Wolf, who was already desperate when he heard the news, was a little startled. After all, he still had his clan to survive, and the expectation that he had brought to him became great for a time, so that he could accompany him in the Yunnan Expedition. Outside of the Northern War, another goal of his own rises.

(Hmm~Hmm! Judging from the words of the leader of the "Ghost Bear" we are about to deal with! I am afraid that it will never leave ten! Your tribe still has a living member on a nearby mountain!)

After obtaining the first-hand information with high credibility, Yun immediately reported to the white wolf who had always been concerned about this matter.

(Really? It’s great to have members alive! If I’m still alive, I’ll find a chance to reunite with them, and then come allegiance to the three-hundred generals of Yunyun! So how do we deal with this big guy? I have seen it enter from the entrance Our encirclement is now!)

But one thing belongs to the same thing. After all, whether to surprise the leader of the ‘Ghost Bear’ is the most urgent task now. It shook its big head, and then gritted its teeth and appealed to the cloud.

"That's it? Then it's possible that I will meet this distressed big guy in person!"

Knowing this level of relationship, Yun was very pleased that the white wolf would be so attached to him, but also to solve the problem of the'Ghost Bear' tribe, the'White Wolf' tribe, and the'Pighead' tribe. It is not necessary to be in these three tribes. There are more disputes to consider...


Then he stomped on and added the effect of "Shadowless Step", and he rushed to the front battlefield like flying over the wall...

(No response...Is it a failure? Then it must be an attack like a storm, right?)

Hearing that there was no echo from the cloud for a long time, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" had assumed that the opponent continued to maintain a hostile state by default, and then proceeded cautiously.

(Damn it! This guy is coming in! Are we doing anything?)

Seeing that the Shadow Warrior and Yun on the side didn't reply, the White Wolf walked back and forth in situ like anxiously turning in circles.

"Big guy! Where are you going?"

"Don't want to hurt Yun's three hundred people a vellus hair!"

And at this moment, at the position of Taniguchi, there were two huge figures arranged in steps the same size as it, and they shouted at him with full of blood.

(Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhh? It seems that my people are all destroyed? Otherwise, the two little guys who are still in the forest for a long time will not stop me!)

"It looks like there are ambushes before and after chasing soldiers! Let's talk about whether you plan to go together or something! The big deal I will explain here, but it won't let you have good fruit!"

Upon seeing this, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" looked around a bit, and took out a huge mace, leaning against a wall very vigilantly, waiting for the arrival of the two highest leaders of the pig head human race.

(Can't help it! Those two guys have appeared! Then the next thing is the same as Yunsanbai will say, it belongs to our home court!)

"Woo~oooo! You can't escape! Big guy!"

And the white wolf, who couldn't bear his fighting spirit, stood on the edge of a cliff and warned him like a roar.

(Hmm~hmm? The ‘White Wolf’ clan? What’s the matter? Why does it help these culprits?)

"Wait a minute! The ‘White Wolf’ clan! Your clansmen have been persecuted by these despicable and shameless guys! Why do you want to help them continue to harm us? What do you mean?"

Hearing the white wolf's roar and warning the leader of the "Ghost Bear" who is not clear about it, he reminded him of something wrong. After all, its appearance is the thing that makes him the most unclear about the situation. Up.

"Me? It's just that the three hundred generals, who came to peace talks with my lifesaver, were involved in the war between you and the pig head! But it is useless to say more! After all, I also understand their situation now, although it is not a relief. Smell, but I can understand it effectively and decently! What else do you have to say! Big guy!"

Seeing that the leader of the'Ghost Bear' condemned him in turn, the white wolf blew his beard dismissively and stared at him, then used his front paws to plan the nearby sand and gravel, showing that he was just a neutral but somewhat partial pighead Stand up.

(White Wolf! x2) The Gray Wheel Dancer of the Sword

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