Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 127: Negotiations and negotiations

"Thank you for forgiving us White Wolf!"

"The insider will understand the unnecessary misunderstanding between us! Of course, let us after this battle, we will mobilize all available personnel to help you find your people again, and then live in harmony and co-prosperity together! It's our fault. After all, at that time, we had not accepted the guidance of the future goddess. In the end, our own evil results caused us and you to be unhappy!"

Seeing how empathetic and considerate the white wolves understood their ignorant thoughts at the time, the ‘Pighead General’ and the promised ‘Pighead Overlord’ bowed deeply to the white wolf’s magnanimous mind.

(It seems that the white wolves have been deceived by these words and some empty checks! They can no longer be allowed to do so recklessly!)

"Huh~huh! Foolish words, lip-synching! Just relying on your unprovoked methods, I don't know how many other races that you exterminated! White wolves! Don't be fooled by this deceitful situation! They don't deserve to be caught. trust!"

Seeing the situation, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" yelled at the pig heads and the two leaders were nothing but despicable, despicable men who turned their faces and denied them!

(This prejudice is still very big! After all, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" didn't sit down and talk with us seriously, so naturally he still stayed in their cognition at the time when we were unreasonable! Hey, hey! Sure enough, let us together with each other The opportunity to get to know each other well, it is through the intermediary of the three hundred generals of Yun to achieve mutual understanding! x3)

Seeing that the leader of the "Ghost Bear" was still stubborn, the three of White Wolf could only shook their heads slightly and sighed...

(Damn it! It looks like this white wolf has been confused!)

"You actually have such a joint attitude! Then I'm not welcome! After all, it's useless to say so much, so why go on talking like this! Let's do it!"

Upon seeing this, it has been discovered that there is no need for any negotiation, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" is like spreading his teeth and claws, and he is ready to attack the three small guys.

"It's okay! Sometimes it may be easier to understand than negotiate once! Didn't I tell you before? White wolf? This is one of the causes of that contradiction! Isn't it? Bear's leader?"

And just as the swords were drawn, Yun's body appeared on a cliff here, making the two leaders of the pig head, the white wolf and the leader of the'ghost bear' unconsciously surprised.

(Yun San Hundred Generals? Didn’t we say that you will be sniping in the back, and then we will attack it? So suddenly this minute has changed! x3)

(Is this guy the archer? It's strange, he uses that kind of small bow and arrows to attack like firebirds or raindrops? And it's really small, far beyond my imagination. ...)

And at this moment, the four Biyuns are simply the demihumans and behemoths of skyscrapers. They all looked up at this moment and looked at this person who was a little bigger than a bean, but the people who should not be ignored rose up, especially knowing. He attacked the powerful'Ghost Bear' leader, and did not despise the small human race that ruined its 300 elite because of his physical condition.

"You can fight, but we can ask for three chapters! After all, you just said nothing! If you lose and then regret it, wouldn’t it be our loss! You see it takes such a comparison to convince you Let's sit down and talk about it? The'Ghost Bear' leader?"

Although Yun closed his eyes, after he said so, all the shadow warriors of the clouds on the surrounding mountains suddenly walked out, and he could see that there was a small black figure on the surrounding mountains, plus himself. The leadership temperament he possesses is comparable to the threat level of a few sharp armies!

(This feeling...everyone has the aura and coercion of this archer. If everyone has that kind of bow and arrow strength, it seems that I have not made a big fuss on the other side, and I can shoot me like a thousand arrows. The sanctions were imposed on this place. Didn’t I sacrifice the lives of 300 elites and myself in vain... but nothing was resolved? What a terrible little human...)

"I see! Although I'm going to be weird, what is your name, can you maintain absolute justice as a referee to resolve grievances this time? I want to fight the leader of the pig head human race, and I will win if I win. The pig-headed human race drove out. On the contrary, if I lose, I have to kill you. It's up to them to trust and plan to kill me 300 elite you! How did you answer?"

Seeing the respect and trust of the two leaders of the pig heads and the white wolf for this little human race, and then looked at the huge sense of sight created by the shadow warrior and his own courage used by the cloud, making it a compromise request to Yun Weiwei!

(It's really a leader of a clan who knows the current affairs and is a wise man. Although it can force a breakthrough, but I am afraid that I let it memorize the ability to kill the same clan from a long distance, so I make a reasonable concession to this? Interesting! Just watch' What attitude do Pigheads Overlord and Pighead Generals have!)

"My name is Yuezaki Yun, and I am a three-hundred general defending the starting town. I have no problem with being a referee! After all, there are actually several purposes for my coming here..."

"The first is to resolve your racial disputes; the second is the question of who your goddess is; and the third is that allows you to live in harmony and then get along together! I can guarantee the absolute fairness of the notary! But please see what the attitude of the pig heads is!"

After seeing the leader of the'Ghost Bear' say this, Yun smiled and clapped his hands, causing his shadow warriors to retreat, and then sat on the edge of the cliff and explained to the representatives of the three tribes. At last, he looked at the deciding person's pig head overlord who stood aside.

(That's it! The final decision is in our hands. This is indeed an interesting problem!)

"For the sake of safety, can I ask Yunsanbairenhui a question? In case! I mean just in case! After all, I have no plan to lose, just want to know a retreat... If I lose! The clansmen are exiled by this big forest together, so will the three hundred Yunyun have a place for me and my clansmen to take root there?"

After hearing this conclusion, the thoughtful ‘Pighead Overlord’ helped his goatee and confirmed to Yun, so that he can confidently and boldly meet this challenge.

(Big Overlord...x2) Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

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