Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 3: Real world-class sao's other world

It didn’t take long for the people of Yun to cross the street longer than the beta period, and came to the familiar but unfamiliar grassland outside the city. Here, some players are already practicing sword skills with some low-level wild boars. It's pretty serious, and of course there are players who are purely entertaining themselves.

Yun took a few people to a slow-refreshing wild boar site and began to prepare for teaching. Seeing that the frequency of spawning monsters in this place is obviously much slower, otherwise there won't be only 2~3 lv2 wild boars here. It.

   "Then we have our great swordsman teacher Kirito! Come and demonstrate and teach yourself! Come and applaud!"

Yun suddenly smiled and threw the task of teaching to Kirito, causing Kirito to be surrounded by applause with a dazed expression, and was pushed by the wild boar by Aisha, and Yun, who was just talking to herself Came quietly to Sister Casey and watched the show next to them!

   (Yun, remember it to me! Don’t want to kiss and do other things with me in the future! Huh~huh!)

   Kirito glared fiercely at the cloud that could hear the conversation in his heart. He smiled bitterly and patted his forehead. It seemed that he was a lot farther away from the days when he had intimate with Kirito-chan, and he couldn't help but regret it. Seeing such a cloud, the corners of Kirito's mouth rose slightly.


Kirito whispered slightly, and then began to continue the teaching demonstration of sword skills. It took a few minutes. Agil and Casey themselves are very good in motor nerves. After demonstration and practice, they have quickly learned to use sword skills. It was with the switching technique, on the contrary Klein was a little awkwardly chased by a wild boar and ran around.

   "Help! Kirito-chan! I am so hurt by the wild boar! Ouch! My ass! It's going to bloom! It's going to bloom!"

   Klein ran around with a short knife embarrassedly by the wild boar, and many small scars on his buttocks had been cut out by the fangs and began to bleed. After seeing this appearance by the three Yun, he felt a little strange.

   (Klein really bleeds! Kirito, let's intercept the wild boar! Aisha went to watch Casey and the others! Something is always wrong!)

After Kirito and Yun nodded each other, they quickly picked up the one-handed sword and the familiar long stick, and used the "charge" to come to the wild boar and hit the wild boar in both directions at the same time, making it forced to stop. , And looked at Yun and Kirito angrily.

   "Klein! Sword skills rely on imagining how handsome you are swinging your sword, and then other actions will be automatically triggered by the assistance of the system!"

In this state, Kirito still did not stop teaching, so he showed in front of Klein a "horizontal cut" with a halo of sword skills and slashed heavily on the back of the wild boar, forming a huge blood stain, splashing. Shot on both of them.

   (It’s weird? How could there be such a real injury! And the blood is still warm! Aisha, you have to pay attention to Sister Casey! It always feels something is wrong!)

   Yun and Kirito stepped back to each other and shook their arms tightly. Looking at this wild boar that had been shown to be bleeding and red blood, its painful and struggling look looked so real! Yun and Kirito couldn't help but start to breathe and sweat, it felt like they were really hunting wild boars with their bodies.

The wild boar roared and supported Xiang Yun and Kirito slowly and tremblingly, while Klein, who seemed to have mastered the sense of sword skills, suddenly assumed a stubborn posture, facing the scarred wild boar. It is a 1hit assault sword skill of the one-handed sword system'Charge Slash' accompanied by a blue halo.

   directly pierced the wild boar's body severely and divided it into two vertical corpses, and fell on the ground, still rushing blood around. It looks particularly miserable and real. Although Klein was very excited that he had learned sword skills, he couldn't help but vomit when he looked back at the **** boar corpse.

  Kathy and the others on the side also have this phenomenon. Not only did the corpse not disappear, but they lay quietly in front of them like a real corpse! Some of them had already started vomiting like Klein.

   "This is too real and excessive!"

Yun and Kirito couldn't help but braved cold sweats with their mouths wide open and watched the scene of the murder scene that ordinary people simply couldn't accept. The blood-filled weapon in their hands metaphors that they are like murderers, making them feel terrified, all of a sudden. Lost the weapon in his hand.

   "Calm down everyone! Don't panic!"

   Yun and Kirito have some headaches, and they can no longer be called a game! And while they were still comforting Sister Casey and the terrified Aisha, various unexpected situations began to happen one after another.

   "Ahhhhhhhhh! My stomach was punctured by fangs, my intestines, ahhhhhhhhhh, please help me!"

   "My hand! My hand!"

   "Go away! Go away! You beasts! Ahhhhhh!"

   The surrounding area has been quite chaotic for a while, and many players have experienced the same problem one after another! Even after being beaten into empty slots, some players fell to the ground alive and lost their lives. For this reason, the players have caused panic and riots! Started to flee.

   "It's a lie! This is not a game at all! It is really going to die! No! I don't want to die yet!"

   "Dad! Mom! I was wrong! I shouldn't just be addicted to games every day! You should study hard! Yes! I want to log out! I want to go home!"

   "What's the matter? There is no option to log out!"

   "It's a lie? How could it? It really didn't!"

   With the appearance of this news, the Yun three people quickly began to confirm the problem, and when they actually saw it, they added the current situation! They are aware of the problem! That perfect equivalent exchange quantum conversion system is real! And based on the description of that system at the time, their current situation is.

   "Sao who really came to another world with his body! Damn! We should have thought of it long ago! I didn't expect that the system actually succeeded!"

Yun knelt down on the ground abruptly, raised his right hand and hit the rock with a fierce fist. In an instant, a large amount of blood had started to stain the stone that was in contact with the wound from the hit, but it was painful. It's nothing, the real trouble is that the sense of reality that they have come to another world is the worst.

   "Let's go! Let's go back to the city first! Now it's dangerous outside!"

   Kirito came to Yun's side with a serious face, holding on to his shoulder and said.

   "People think so too! After all, this place can't stay for long!"

Aisha looked at the chaotic surroundings. Some players even pushed the players in front of them to the ground in order to escape, let the monsters encircle them and strangle them. She also shouted that she was right to escape, and some players accidentally fell down. Later he was trampled to death by other players.

  Everything was too cruel and couldn't help causing Asia to close her eyes, she didn't dare to look at the embarrassing look of each other now that the disaster is approaching!

   "Kirito! Cloud! The enemy is coming! It's a large herd of wild boars!"

   Agil braved a cold sweat, holding a short knife to protect Casey behind him, and shouted a reminder to Kirito and Yun on the side.

   "I'm a man too! I can shrink back like this at this time!"

   Klein also cheered up, holding a short knife in both hands, and came to Elji's side.

   "I didn't expect you to be a tough guy! Looks like you can be a brother with me! Of course you dare to do something to my wife next time, do you know what will happen?

   Agil smiled and said to Klein beside him.

   "Don't worry! I am a man with his own principles, and friends and wives should not be deceived. This is an old saying I have learned!"

   Although Klein was in a cold sweat and his hands were shaking, but his eyes were firm, he was a good person.

   "Aisha! The restorative items are handed over to you! Kirito attack formation!"

   Yun stood up and threw his only props to Aisha, Kirito was the same, the two of them returned to the previous beta, no! It should be said that a more serious model, because they have realized it! Dying here is death in the true sense, and players who have fallen to the ground and lost their vitality are good examples!

   "Let's go! I am left, Kirito is right! Klein, Akiel! The two behind are pleased to you!"

   "Okay! (Leave it to us!

   Klein and the two maintained a fighting posture to guard Aisha and Casey, who were still a little frightened.

   "Ha ah ah!"


Yun held the long stick in both hands of the wild boar group and launched the range charge technique of the spear system, the "charge stab" directly hit the wild boar on their left, either directly divided into two, or knocked out, and Kirito From the right, the one-handed sword's range charge technique, "One Point Penetration", had the same effect as the cloud.

   However, the wild boar, who has always slipped through the net, raised his fangs and attacked Agil and Klein with a ferocious face.

   "Klein! Brother Aigil! Range sword skill "Level Slash"! Wait until the opponent reaches the attack range and start!"

   Yun and Kirito pointed out to them while using flat a.

   "Oh! (Understood!) Haha!"

Seeing that the straight wild boar did enter the range, first Klein's "horizontal cut" cut two wild boars horizontally, and then Agil's second "horizontal cut", which was switched back to the front and rear position, cut the last few points. Only after the wild boar was killed, the wild boar raid ended again.

   And Kirito and Yun went back to back to meet the remaining wild boars.

   "Ha ah ah! The proficiency is just right! Too timely! Dalan attacked!"

Suddenly discovered the cloud that unlocked the new sword skill just after a battle, smiled and lifted the stick in his hand, and launched a large-scale triple-range combo with a suppression effect, controlling all the last wild boar in one breath and hitting it. In the red blood tank, a lot of blood has been splashed around, but if you stop, you will bleed or lose your life directly! They have to cruelly annihilate these lives!


   Yun just yelled with his back to Kirito as soon as he lifted the "Dalan Strike".

   "Ah! My proficiency is just right! It's just the first sword skill unlocked! "Watermark""

Kirito had already switched back and forth with Yun in a sprint, and raised the one-handed sword with a blue halo to the remaining blood boar. It was a slightly softer left and right 2hit range sword skill, mercilessly cutting off the remaining boar. The first level.

The battle quietly ended with the seemingly magnificent sword skills this time, but a large amount of blood will protect everyone in the wild boar group. Yun and Kirito are dyed red blood people. They are confirming that there are no wild monsters and dangers around. After sitting directly on the grass, he began to greedily breathe the surrounding air, and then fell to the ground.

   "Cloud! Kirito!"

Aisha rushed to the side of them. Aisha hugged the two blood men tightly, with clear tears in her eyes, while Casey and Klein stood silently with their complex expressions. Next to him, I don't know what to say, but I can't help but feel a little sad when seeing the bodies of players and wild monsters on the grassland.

About 10 minutes later, but there was no monster spawning around. It seems that there is no longer a problem of spawning monsters because it has become a real different world. Yun and Kirito have also recovered their consciousness from physical and mental exhaustion, slowly. Stand up.

   "Come here, everyone! I have something to say!"

   Yun looked at Aisha, Kirito, Lucy and Klein, and beckoned to several people seriously. They also slowly sat beside Yun and looked at Yun seriously.

   "First of all! Kirito and Aisha and I are beta players!"

  Yun's words came out, Klein and Casey and his wife were surprised. They reflexively looked at Yun and the three people knew that they were not joking, so they nodded slightly.

"This time we can be sure that this sao is a far cry from our beta period sao! What is certain is that this is a real different world sao! We are now physically fighting and fighting these wild monsters! "

  Yun's next paragraph made the three people feel incredible, but they knew that this was the reality when they thought of the situation just now and the current scene, but they couldn't believe it.

   "What caused this imagination should be the PerfectEquivalentExchangeQuantumSystem that was launched when we entered the game, which translates to the perfect equivalent exchange quantum conversion system! I think everyone should see this program loaded when they come in!"

  Yun once again looked at the appearance of a few people and it became clear that all players should see this component loaded! They nodded slightly but still didn't understand.

   "Kirito! Can you still connect to your previous database here?"

   Yun turned his head and looked at Kirito on the side.

   "Yes! I just tried it!"

   Kirito nodded at the cloud.

   "Let's show Sister Lucy the files and photos we left at that time!"

Yun pointed to Kirito at Lucy, and Kirito put out a window about the article about this system and pushed it in front of Casey with his hand. They carefully looked at the content on it, although I can't believe it, but the situation they are in now has proved that the system is can't believe it! Unexpectedly, the current human technology has developed to this level! But how did they pass Congress and the World Organization? "

Casey’s question is a mystery that can’t be found on the Internet, but I can only know that this game development company has already extended a black hand to the world. This has been confirmed. Otherwise, this time the original plan is to push To this Yamato Sao, but now it is also being promoted to the whole world at the same time.

   "Ah! I found out the news! It's a lie? Then how do we get back?"

   Aisha saw the live news of her own world through sao's built-in function of linking the world to the Internet.

"About two-thirds of the world’s people in the world suddenly disappeared, and the World Organization’s investigation team has determined the reason. According to the confession of the family members, the family who disappeared was when they put on NERvGear to run the sao game. Make a beautiful light and disappear out of thin air! And this testimony has been gradually learned from the missing family members! Therefore, it can be determined that this time the world-class missing persons are all related to the most popular today’s public beta game sao, and the R&D company and the propaganda operation company disappeared into the world together when they started the public beta..."

   Just seeing these news and continuous world headlines, Yun and they already know one of the most shocking facts, maybe all their sao players really can't go back! This news has caused them to go down directly.

   And now the time is close to the evening, and their surroundings suddenly prompt a large number of system warning icons beside every player who lives in this other world...

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