Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 130: Yui goddess investigation report

(These two little villains... still don't have any resistance to shiny things, and every time Yui appears like this, Xiao Shenxue and Xiao Baixue stop crying in an instant...)

(And my mother was so troubled by these two little guys... I feel so failed as a mother... I have to rely on my eldest daughter to make these two little girls happy or something...)

"Thank you, Yui! Mom is still not good at dealing with Xiao Shenxue's mischievous behavior. She always cries or makes a fool of Xiao Baixue, so she doesn't know what to do..."

Although some are embarrassing as a mother, it was the eldest daughter of Yui goddess who helped her coax the two little bear children during her retreat. Otherwise, she was weak and could not be anxious. The bad guy was sent to the operating room again!

"It's okay! After all, my mother's health matters, just leave these two naughty little ones to me!"

Seeing that these two little guys had been deeply attracted by the blue magic halo in their hands, the goddess Yui smiled and shook her head to Asuna, and then hugged these two little chubby little ones. The guy started to interact.

"Why... Xiao Yui and her mother will take two younger sisters around together? After all, I am still a little afraid that Xiao Shenxue will become very troublesome..."

I saw my eldest daughter Yui, the goddess running around with these two little guys, and sometimes even Yui goddess used magic to make them fly up and throw themselves high, when they were innocent and cute laughter. , It can be seen that the goddess Yui is easier to make children happy than Asuna.

"Yes! It's Yui's greatest happiness to be able to walk with her mother, but it's the absence of Kirito's mother!"

Although the goddess Yui was very happy to go for a walk with Asuna and the two little guys, but also thought that there is still no way to contact Kirito, and unable to mobilize and query his database, the goddess Yui is obviously a little bit lost. He lowered his head and raised it.

(Supplementary Yui...Sure enough, there is still no way to think of Kirito-chan? It seems that I am not the only one who is suffering and terrifying in my heart... The same is true for Xiaoyui!)

"I'm sorry! Let Yui be the same as Xiao Shenxue and Xiao Baixue, thinking of the irresponsible person who only knew that he was fighting in the South and the North! When my mother is better, we will go to the second floor to find this grief. !"

Seeing the suddenly lost Yui goddess, Asuna lowered her body and hugged the small Yui goddess in her arms, stroking her small head, and suddenly made her feel a trace of inner warmth.


After feeling the warm current that Asuna was worried about herself, the goddess Yui called her respect!

"It's the mother of Kirito again! She even made Yui sister and her mother upset. After seeing her, Xiao Shenxue must kick her buttocks well to let her know that irritating us is also very serious. Consequences, and leaving us without authorization is also a wrong decision!"

"Uh~h! Shirayuki will kick Kirito's mother's **** to let her know our grievances with Yui sister and mother! Da~ah! Da~ah!

On the side these two little guys, one black and one white, were filled with righteous indignation, holding their fleshy little jade legs, kicking them against the sky a few times, and then expressing that they would not make peace with Kirito leaving their mother and daughter. Looking at their affairs, I vented my little temper like quite dissatisfied!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! x2"

Even after kicking a kick for each cause, the two little guys were still shaking their two little jade hands as if they lost their balance. They fell to the ground with a "huh~ chi" and rolled a few times, looking clumsy. Some are cute and cute!

(These two little villains, I didn’t expect to be so considerate of us! They are so cute! x2)

"Come on! Come on! Little guys! We don't talk about uninteresting things, just go outside and wander around!"

"Yeah! Sister Yui is here! Let's go outside and play!"

"Hmm~hmm! x2"

Seeing the small appearances of these two little guys embracing them, in a sense brought a trace of inner comfort to Asuna and Yui goddess. After all, they have been a little depressed for a long time to investigate Kirito's affairs. If it weren't for this If the two little jokes are around, it is possible that both of them will be a little manic or have depression!

(But there is still no way to find any clues? Yui?)

(Yes! But now it can be determined that Kirito's mother's situation is similar to demonization, but some of them are different from that time...)

Although it means that the two Hina led the two little guys in the middle position and walked out of the room, but they also exchanged information in private through private chat.

(Not the same? Is there any variation?)

Hearing what Yui goddess said, it made Asuna slightly enlarge her eyes. After all, her demonization was caused by the influence of the evil **** Dakos before, but she thought that she was the same as that in Kirito. It's the same!

(This kind of demonization seems to have catalyzed the development of Kirito’s mother’s body, and also produced a great magical power that does not belong to him, but I can still see his appearance and the magical power emanating from his body on and off, although only So once, it was obvious that Kirito's mother was not deprived of her self-awareness like Asuna's mother!)

(This shows that although Kirito’s mother was demonized through external forces, UU reading has accepted the change based on her own consciousness! And after this change, it seems to be an irreversible change, although It won’t make Kirito’s mother lose the function of a boy, but it is possible that the abilities of the girl will be much better than that of the boy!)

After the goddess Yui recalled that by chance, she had obtained a second-level scene of Kirito camping and destroying the village with the army brainwashed by potions, the goddess Yui came to the conclusion The conclusion of this paragraph just now came out.

"Mom! Sister Yui? What are you two doing looking at each other all the time? Little Baixue and I didn't know that your eyes would blink like talking to each other~ blink! Teach us!"


I don’t know if this little Shenyue has inherited Asuna’s observation ability. Although Asuna’s sensitivity to Kirito was previously, he did not expect that this little guy was used in this place, and he can see that he has a kind of self. The intuition formed, that kind of intuition is still quite strong, as if seeing through the degree of intuition that two people can talk in private.

(This Xiao Shenxue's insight is too good? I was just chatting with Xiao Yui about Kirito-chan in private, how could she see through it at a glance?)

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