Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 134: Yui and the confession of Asuna and the goddess Yui

   (This is... the declaration of war and the recruitment order, right? x2)

Seeing the letter full of Kirito's anger and fighting spirit in front of them, Asuna and the goddess Yui felt a little bit "thump" in their hearts, because the seriousness of this longer is. There was a problem with the Cloud Three Hundreds and the territory of Kuro, but it was a call to war against a country in the true sense.

   "Thank you! Let's go kids! We have something urgent to do! Come and hold me!"

   "Oh~oh! x2"

   Seeing Asuna's very serious expression, this is also the situation that Xiao Shenyue and the others occasionally see and are most afraid of, and this is the only time when they hear Asuna the most, because... Asuna is terrible! Once there was a bit of noisy hunting eyes that looked like carnivores, the two little guys couldn't help but tremble with their small bodies.

   "Let's go! Yui Yui! We are going to talk to Lena and others with Aisha and others!"

   "Yes~Yes! Mom!"

   After holding two little guys, one black and one white, with one arm on the left and right, Asuna asked the goddess Yui to follow her, and ran towards the special office on the side...

   "Aisa! You should know why we came?"

And at this time inside the office, except for the frowning Aisha sitting at the desk, it should be Lena and Fokker who should have heard the news, especially on the desktop that was exactly the same as what they had just seen with Asuna. The sheepskin scroll was spread out in front of Aisha.

   The content above is naturally Kirito's declaration of war on the country's "Barrio" and the content of recruiting soldiers. For a while, the atmosphere of this office is immersed and embarrassed to the extreme...

   "Ahhhhhhhh! I also received a report from Argo and Akiel not long ago, and they also have a copy of this stuff that was intercepted and handed over to them!"

   After seeing this scroll, Asia did not hurriedly visualize the exact same thing from her inventory and threw it in front of the two of them.

   "Then what are you going to do? Is it possible to respond to Kirito's call?"

   "Yeah? What does Aisha-sama think?"

Knowing that Aisha also knew it well, Lena and Fokker opened the skylight and asked them seriously. After all, after seeing such a thing in the town, both adventurers and locals were aggrieved. And in the adventure guild not long after its establishment, this urgent task has been released! Naturally it has evolved into a big event about the influence of the starting town!

"Actually, people don’t know... but the other party’s behavior is indeed a bit impeccable! At this point, I can understand the anger and painstaking effort of Tongrenjiang, but this kind of radical words that incites the two parties really does not belong to the words Tongrenjiang will say. People suspect that someone should be using the name of Tongrenjiang to drive the personnel of the two sides to actively participate in this war!"

   But Aisha, who knows that Kirito's nature is not like this, shook her head. She also didn't believe that Kirito would make such a situation where she would pull a group of people to fight like a provocation!

   "If the current Kirito-chan is not the Kirito-chan you know, would you still say that? Aisha-chan!”

And just when Aisha was still not convinced that this was what Kirito did, Asuna hugged two meaty little guys and asked Yui Goddess to help her open the door and walk in, then frowned slightly. She questioned Aisha with a serious expression.

   (Asuna Asuna-sama? x3)

   "Why are you here? Asuna? Is your health better?"

   After seeing Asuna coming uninvited, the three people inside couldn't help being surprised. After all, Asuna hadn't appeared in front of everyone for a long time since the time before giving birth!

   "It's better to tell you all about some things than my body! Yui Yui! It's time for you to appear!"

   "Yes mom! I will show you some materials, videos and pictures now, so that everyone will understand a little bit!"

Hearing Asuna’s serious tone, there were two ignorant little guys with big eyes blinking beside him. The goddess Yui, who was sitting on the sofa so cleverly, raised his hand and put the picture on a wall, and then clapped the whole room. All fell into a certain degree of darkness.

   "The first thing I will explain to you is that what Asuna's mother said is Kirito's mother, but it is not Kirito's problem!"

   Seeing everyone paying attention to themselves with light effects and the only bright screen, the goddess Yui began to talk and explain with the screen...

"Xiao Shenyue...what more can Yui-san say? Although I don't understand it very well... but that black-haired sister is so beautiful! She feels so familiar and looks like Xiao Shenyue! But I always feel that everyone is unhappy... …"

For a period of time, a beautiful girl with long straight black hair appeared on the screen. Although Shirayuki didn’t know that she was the Kirito whom she and her mother and sister had been looking forward to, but that pair was with her. The appearance was almost the same, which made her feel very close. She squinted her eyes a little and then asked Xiao Shenxue, who was looking at her intently.

"I don't know very much... But it seems that I just like The black-haired beauty who looks exactly like me is the Kirito mother we've been waiting for... So she is our Kirito Mom?"

Seeing this situation, Xiao Shenxue shook her head as if she didn't understand, and then looked at this "women" who kept making her sister and mother think about it, and sometimes even the "women" who didn't want to eat and didn't want to be full of love, more On the contrary, it is a kind of anger and discomfort!

It may also be her irresponsibility. These circumstances after the birth of the two little guys, and the inability to understand the abnormal dissatisfaction of their behavior, made it obvious that Xiao Shenxue, who had gradually matured slightly earlier, had the initial little care. Knot!

   "All I know is the above. Now I can conclude that Miss Kirito has changed a little bit! I hope you all remember this!"

   After comparing a pair of evidence images, photos, and analysis data, the goddess Yui summed up the most likely situation now, and then sounded the alarm to Aisha and the others.

   (Magic!!! Unexpectedly, it is harder to accept and recognize than imagined! x3)

   After hearing about Kirito's situation, everyone present couldn't help but feel a headache and pessimistic, which means that from the time they lent Kirito's strength, it was no longer him!

"It's no wonder that Kirito-chan was particularly warlike at the time, even slightly showing the appearance of a war madman! It turned out that there was a change at that time! People were really overwhelmed by the sudden situation at the time, and they didn't find her with Argo. The problem..."

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